BEL Interviewees: Bob has interviewed hundreds of prominent advocates of many controversial issues including atheists, physicists, homosexuals, biologists, abortionists, geologists, astronomers, libertarians, journalists, and Christian leaders such as:
- Theoretical physicist and atheist Lawrence Krauss
- NCSE’s anti-creationist Eugenie Scott on evolution
- Scientific American’s atheist Michael Shermer on God
- Intelligent design proponent Michael Behe on Darwin Devolves
- Discovery Institute founder Stephen Meyer (and many other IDers)
- Outstanding creation scientist Jonathan Sarfati
- Ann Coulter, who has yet to apologize
- Apologist Frank Turek
- Homosexual activist Wayne Besen
- British theistic evolutionist James Hannam
- 'Jurassic Park' paleontologist and soft-tissue discoverer Jack Horner
- World exclusive interview with Clinton victim Juanita Broaddrick
- Fraudulent LifeNews' moral relativist Steve Ertelt
- Avi Lipkin/Victor Mordecai on Israel's wall
- WND founder and editor Joseph Farah
- Anti-creationist Aron Ra
- Congressman Bob Barr of Clinton Impeachment fame
- Juanita Broaddrick friend nurse Norma Rogers
- Former Clinton advisor Dick Morris
- Evangelist Ray Comfort
- Brannon Howse on David Barton and Glenn Beck
- Apologist but moral relativist Greg Koukl
- Philosopher of Science Paul Nelson on bird flight
- William Dembski co-author Jonathan Witt on ID Uncensored
- Fired Jet Propulsion Lab Administrator David Coppedge
- Fired Smithsonian Scientist Richard Sternberg on junk DNA
- University of California Prof. of Ophthalmology Gary Aguilar on eye evolution
- Republican Prof. Paul Kengor on the political Christian conversion of George W. Bush
- Terri Schiavo's brother Brian Schindler (and the case against Dennis Prager)
- Reformed theologian Gary DeMar on dispensationalism
- CNBC's Mad Money Jim Cramer and mad politician Tom Tancredo
- Inventor of the MRI Raymond Damadian
- Astronaut Alan Bean who walked on the Moon
- Reagan Ambassador and stellar orator Alan Keyes
- Columbine parents and students (Rohrbough, Brown, Petrone, Todd)
- Infamous late-term abortionist Warren Hern
- Neal Boortz doing a poor job arguing for a national sales tax
- Eric Metaxas on Bonhoeffer and Wilberforce
- Liberal Ohio U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich on pornography
- Newsweek's alleged journalist Lisa Miller caught red-handed
- Theologian and former Calvinist Leighton Flowers
- Truth Truck Driver Ron Brock and Christian teacher Michael Pearl
- Ken Timmerman, agreeing with Bob, mostly, on Israel
- World's most prolific origins author (with 6 PhDs) Dr. Jerry Bergman
- Americans United for the Separation of Church and State Barry Lynn
- Ten Commandments Judge Roy Moore who apologized for his comments regarding the PBA fiasco
- Bain of Wikipedia founder and pornographers everywhere, Dr. Judith Reisman
- End Times author Jonathan Cahn
- Theologian Thomas Jay Oord on open theism
- Notre Dame law professor Charles Rice on "pro-life" laws keeping abortion legal
- Bob's favorite scientist Dr. Walt Brown (MIT PhD) and scores of other creation scientists
- And many others including Juan Williams and Hal Lindsey. Bob also enjoys occasional spats like with evolutionists PZ Myers and Jerry Coyne, and astronomer Phil Plait. For many more, check out!
Bob Enyart Interviews: Bob has been interviewed hundreds of times by U.S. TV and radio hosts, and by the BBC and Al Jazeera. Bob’s work has been reported on by leading outlets including USA Today and People magazine. Many stories about the program and its host from the Associated Press and Reuters have been put out by the wire services. Atheist and women-abuser Bill Maher has repeatedly featured Bob Enyart on ABC's Politically Correct sparring with stars like Martin Short, crotch-humorist Jimmy Kimmel, and admitted farm animal rapist Larry Flynt. The Times-Warner nationally-syndicated TV program XTRA has profiled Enyart, and he appears in E!'s biography of O.J. Simpson regarding Bob's burning of O.J. Simpson's memorabilia on the steps of the L.A. courthouse (to propose fundamental reforms to America's criminal justice system, which is one of the BEL themes). Tramp Nina Burleigh interviewed Bob for a 2015 Newsweek cover story and Enyart has appeared on Court TV discussing the death penalty for Scott Peterson, and on Fox News Channel’s The O’Reilly Factor defending spanking, and has been interviewed by Sean Hannity, and has appeared for hour-after-hour on air over at MSNBC (although there is no hard evidence that anyone ever saw any of it :).
* Additional Interviews Of and By Bob:
- Ken Hamblin in 1990 interviews Bob Enyart on KBX radio about our anti-abortion Operation Rescue arrests
- Sean Hannity in 2001 (before 9/11) on spanking
- Donna Ballentine, the cousin of a boy, Stuart Saucke, molested by Denver archdiocese priest Neil Hewitt
- Michael Smilanic, another boy, now grown, also molested by Fr. Neil Hewitt
- Dr. Michael Brown confronting anti-Semitism, sex change, World Vision, & Campolo
- Sherri Williams on the so-called hard cases
- Time magazine in 2007 "Embryos are living human beings with eternal souls and spirits. You just have to refrain from killing one to see what a precious child it is." Etc.
- Christopher Schlect, the author of Critique of Modern Youth Ministry
- Scott Lively, The Pink Swastika, on the leading NAZI homosexuals
- Texas radio host in 2001 interviews Bob about spanking just a few weeks after a similar WABC interview
- National Public Radio in 2008 about Mitt Romney lying about being opposed to abortion (If you can find a working link or the audio itself, please email that to Thanks!)
- C-SPAN on Colorado's personhood Amendment 48
- Benham Brothers in 2015 banned from HGTV
- L. Brent Bozell, founder of the Media Research Center, in 2004
- TOL's Jefferson George interviews Bob Enyart in 2004 about the development of his views over 15 years of broadcasting.
- Cara DeGette, sister of U.S. Congresswoman Diana, interviews or... is interviewed by, Bob
- Noble Alexander's co-author Kay Rizzo 10/21/92 on Noble's 22 years imprisoned in Cuba for preserving the Gospel (If you have a copy of this program, please get it BEL!)
- Richard Wurmbrand, author of Tortured for Christ and founder of Voice of the Martyrs was interviewed by Bob in 1991. (If you have a copy of this, please get it to BEL!)
- Infamous Boulder abortionist Warren Hern appeared on BEL
- If you recall an interview that you think we should add to this list, or if you have a recording of one that you could send to us, please email Thanks!
* Spats: Outside of debates and interviews, here are a few of Bob's interactions and challenges that were interesting as far as they went...
- Jurassic Park's real-world paleontologist Jack Horner
- NASA astrobiologist Dr. Mary Voytek at
- KOA radio's Stump the Professor Fred Ebert who at first said he'd debate Bob...
- Colorado's former governor Dick Lamm on his support for killing the innocent
- KHOW's Ross Kaminski about the evidence for God in an eclipse
- YouTube's Professor Stick
- Newsweek's 99.86%, Lisa Miller, and Nina Burleigh
- Filthy evolutionist PZ Myers
- Fruit fly expert Jerry Coyne
- And by honorable mention Stephen Hawking
- See dissed below and find more lists at and /threads
- Recommend a spat! Just email the link to Thanks!
* Discovery Institute Scientists: From, here's a handy list of Intelligent Design scientists and DI associates interviewed here on Real Science Radio:
- Michael Behe on Darwin Devolves
- Philosopher of Science Paul Nelson on Bird Flight
- Dr. Stephen Meyer on Darwin's Doubt and Rebutting Critics of Darwin's Doubt
- Intelligent Design Uncensored Co-Author Jonathan Witt
- Illustra Media Producer Lad Allen on Living Waters: Intelligent Design in the Oceans
- Walter ReMine on the Biotic Message
- Fired Jet Propulsion Lab Administrator David Coppedge on RSR
- John West on Darwin Day in America
- Renowned Scientist Richard Sternberg on Junk DNA
- Illustra's Lad Allen on ORIGIN (and honoring James F. Coppedge)
- Scientist Who Helped Explain Protein on RSR: Doug Axe
* Resources: Use the feature (always in the site's upper right) to find vital information on hundreds of topics. If you're feeling lucky, just add a /"topic" to our domain name to get all kinds of info from a biblical worldview. For example, /predestination /time /debates /miracles /hermeneutics /open-theism /deity-of-christ /curse-of-cannan /homosexuals /pba /hpt /soft) /atheism and scores mores as listed at
* List of When We've Been Dissed: "Bob Enyart Live was deplorable before deplorable was cool!" Here at is a partial list of when we've been dissed including by the IRS, Amazon, Alexa, Google, Facebook, Airbnb,, Wikipedia, YouTube, Ann Coulter and, of all people, Dr. James Dobson!
- In 1999, long before the Lois Lerner scandal broke, the IRS harassed and finally refused to designate BEL as a non-profit broadcaster (even though Bob had been broadcasting on exempt stations for almost a decade. So, we realized the blessing in disguise, praised God, and were as freely political as we wanted to be. (As a result though, while donations to DBC are deductible, donations to BEL are not.)- In 2000, while Amazon was selling (and still is selling) homosexual materials including even the Alyson Publications book, Pedophilia: The Radical Case, advocating that it should be legal to have sex with young children, they canceled the Bob Enyart Live account for selling The Plot along with all of our traditional Bible studies which highlight the Scripture's warning against homosexuality and all sexual immorality.
- In January 2008 Fox News Channel promoted a segment with Ann Coulter coming on air to answer criticisms from Bob Enyart, but she canceled with FNC and never rescheduled. And worse, a late-night weekend FNC program setup Bob to be sexually harassed, literally, and on air, for which their executive vice president Kevin Lord later personally apologized (when Bob, perhaps foolishly, agreed to accept an apology in exchange for not suing).
- In 2010 Colorado's Fox 31 News gives Bob five seconds, "You don't stamp out birth defects by killing the kids who have them", in an entire segment about screening embryos to find which ones to abort.- In March 2016, Facebook took down Bob's page claiming that he was impersonating Bob Enyart. Sheesh! Undoubtedly, a biased Facebook worker looking for an excuse to delete the page went there looking for hate speech. Finding no hate speech, he/she concluded that I must be impersonating myself.
- In October 2019, Facebook refused to allow one of their users, who also happens to be one of our listeners, to post a link to Thanks for the heads up Dan! (See also our related

- In September 2016, Denver's Troubleshooter Tom Martino was going to help Bob get an arrest warrant executed against someone publishing death threats until a listener called in and told Tom that Bob taught against homosexuality. Martino then told the audience he wouldn't help, apparently being less concerned about death threats against traditional Christians.
- In October 2019, from Amazon Alexa "Your skill, ‘Bob Enyart Live’, [i.e., "Alexa, open Bob Enyart Live"] was tested as part of this monitoring process, and we found the following issue with it: A previous episode of a podcast made available through your skill was found to be in violation of our content policies." Not surprising. Here at Bob Enyart Live we condemn the Amazon pedophiles and other sexual perversions promoted by Jeff Bezos.
- In 2017, Airbnb canceled the account of Bob Enyart, and the editor of World Magazine Marvin Olasky, and thousands of other conservative Christians, because we would not affirm homosexuality.- In September 2019, Google misrepresents BEL in its search results for: Enyart youtube channel. (See the purple lettering in the screenshot. We don't want to even spell it out here in text which could further cement their bizarre characterization of our nearly 30-year running daily talk radio program on America's most powerful Christian radio station.) Further, a search for: Enyart youtube, doesn't return a link to our channel even though we have more than million views and approaching 5,000 subscribers. Instead Google returns hundreds of results to channels with virtually no views, to unrelated pages, etc. Google Podcast 2021: During the first week of 2021 Google without explanation de-listed and days later re-listed Real Science Radio albeit stripped of scores of our archived episodes (which are still avaialble at and via many podcast apps.)
- On August 14, 2020 canceled our petition that we put up after president Trump said, "Frankly, you ought to start a petition to return the Pulitzer prize because they were all wrong." So we did. But then... unceremoniously took down our petition from their site. Without any explanation other than, "it violated our Community Guidelines" they took down our page. Apparently, by "violating" their standards, they meant that our petition told the truth. Earlier in the week on Hannity on the Fox News Channel president Trump said, "And frankly, you ought to start a petition to return the Pulitzer prize because they were all wrong." So we did.
- On March 11, 2021 Wikipedia blocked Enyart's IP address. And yes, Bob's made about 1,000 successful edits to the online encyclopedia (such as writing the first half of the second paragraph of their entry on the nuclear strong force), so he knows that if you're logged in, they don't track your IP address. But his IP address was blocked nonetheless. Along with the millions including WP's own co-founder who have exposed the site's intolerance, Bob exposed its leftist bias when Wikipedians refused to allow Margaret Sanger's own words to appear in her article such as when she wrote that the handicapped, including the "blind, deaf, dumb, mute and epileptics," were the "dead weight of human waste." And similarly, he exposed Wikipedia's Christian haters who are preventing their readers from learning of the existence of the largest biblical-literalist archaeology group run by scholars (a PhD in archaeology from Andrews; masters in anthropology and archaeology from Harvard; masters from Baltimore Hebrew University with a thesis in Domestic Architecture in Iron Age I Palestine; an M.A. in biblical history from the University of Michigan; a PhD in Syro-Palestinian archaeology from University of Toronto). Etc., etc., etc. Further, from the first few years of Wikipedia's existence, the entry on Bob himself has been controlled by bigots who hate and libel Bible-believing Christians.
- In June 2018, YouTube began telling their users that " may include disturbing content. BACK TO SAFETY." Also, in March they removed our new science video, overruling our fair use of the kind of footage that atheist and evolutionary content creators constantly use on YouTube without harassment.
- In September 2008 Focus on the Family's James Dobson, after publicly inviting "anyone who has questions" to come and visit us in Colorado Springs, had Bob Enyart arrested, along with seven other members of American Right To Life. We were there to calmly and peacefully express concern about Dr. Dobson openly breaking his pledge to God. For many years Focus had been fundraising off of Dobsons' famous but broken pledge that he had made to God, publicly promising that he would never again support a politician willing to kill a single innocent child. He wrote to us on Focus letterhead explaining that he no longer abided by that pledge. Yet he continued to use as a fundraising tool the video of him in Washington D.C. giving that pledge. The official tour was designed so that each of their thousands of visitors would see that video just before entering the Focus bookstore.
- In 2021, we're still seeing death threats on Facebook and YouTube. Over the years including recently we've repeatedly reported examples to both companies. Neither have done anything. YouTube has done nothing even though three channels have videos containing graphics saying, "Bob Enyart Wanted Dead or Alive", and that threat is even on one of their YouTube channel icons..
* See more listing of the topics and information available on our site at