Thank you so much for considering ways to promote the work of BEL. Every person is of enormous value to God, and together we can reach more people with the gospel of Jesus Christ! You can help promote BEL, as described below, by:
- Just Inviting Folks to Listen
- Carbon Copy to Bob your Emails to Leaders
- Link to or to or
- Embed this RSR custom Google search:
on your own blog or webpage with this code.
- Hosting a BEL Seminar in Your Town!
Invite Folks to Listen: Please consider inviting friends to listen or even to call in to Bob Enyart Live. And you can suggest programs of special interest to your various friends. For example, whether the topic is the death penalty, or evolution, or forgiveness, or pro-life work, just use the KGOV Search feature to find a related program, click on that program, and then share that show by way of email.
Carbon Copy Your Emails: When you send an email to another talk show host, author, or leader in conservative and Christian circles, please include a visible CC (carbon copy) to That not only keeps us apprised as to your efforts, but it puts our name in front of influential folks whom we might be able to nudge to the right. Also, you might want to include a brief comment in your email that mentions Bob Enyart Live at!
Link to KGOV: If you have a website, please put a link on your site to! We would be honored to have you help promote our outreach in this way, and if you do, please let us know by sending an email about your link to! And if you don't have your own website to link from, you can consider putting a link to KGOV in your automatic signature that you can include in the emails you write or on posts in your favorite forum (like at our!
Hold a Bob Enyart Seminar in Your Town! Bob Enyart has conducted scores of seminars in cities across America, and would love to present one in your town. To make that happen, we need an organizer who helps to plan, promote, and underwrite the seminar. Would you like to bring Bob to your town? You could make a seminar happen for as little as $2,000. Here are the five steps to bring a seminar to your town.
1. Select a Topic. Choose one of Bob's successful seminar topics:
a. Does God Exist?
b. The Plot of the Bible
c. The Tree (of the knowledge of good and evil)
d. The Bible and the End Times
e. God's Criminal Justice System
f. Christianity and Government
g. Predestination and Free Will
h. Open Theism
i. _________________ (request a new topic!)
2. Find a Location. Estimate the number of attendees, and available funds. Successful locations have included:
a. Hotel meeting room
b. Restaurant
c. Outdoor park (we've done this in Hawaii)
d. Private home (for groups up to 20 people)
e. Church sanctuary
f. Church meeting room
3. Raise Underwriting Funds. To underwrite a seminar, please send $2,000 to Bob Enyart Live. This is the total payment to Bob Enyart, and gets BEL involved in planning the seminar. more...
4. Pick a Date. Bob Enyart typically presents seminars on Saturdays, from 9am to 4pm. Bob ends the seminars with a Q&A session, and makes himself available for informal discussion with the attendees throughout the day and during the lunch break. Please suggest two possible dates to BEL, at least two months in advance.
5. Promote the Event. Bob Enyart Live will help promote the event by announcing it on the air, and listing it on our homepage for one month. As the organizer, Bob asks you to spread the word locally. more...
So, bringing Bob to your town is uncomplicated, and the rewards can be great. With each seminar, Bob Enyart Live reaches more people with the wonderful life-changing message of Jesus Christ. If you want to underwrite a Bob Enyart Seminar in your town, please use the Printer Friendly Version link below to print out this page, and begin now following the steps!
Sincerely, the BEL Staff
More on Raising Funds: In past seminars, this amount has been raised by an individual or a small group of underwriters (2 to 5). As the organizer of the event, you can decide whether or not attendees pay a registration fee, and if so, how much. Past seminars have charged anywhere from $0 to $50 per couple; and we've also allowed churches to sell tickets and keep 100% of ticket sales in thanks and to support their own ministry! (The Does God Exist seminar is a great way to get a church involved with BEL!) You can use ticket sales revenue to reimburse the underwriters and toward any other seminar expenses, like room rental or promotions. In lieu of a registration fee, a collection can be taken, the proceeds to reimburse the underwriters. So to get BEL involved, you can mail a check for $2,000 to:
Bob Enyart Live
PO Box 583
Arvada CO 80001
Or, you can pay by credit card online (select the $1,000 option, twice, and include the comment: "For seminar" as you checkout of the BEL store). Or, you could just call us at 1-800-8Enyart (836-9278). [back]

More on Promoting: Past organizers have been creative, and thrifty in their efforts to get the word out, and organizers in some smaller towns have done a great job of attracting a good group of people. To promote the seminar, consider word-of-mouth, flyers, informing churches, and a mailing to BEL listeners in the state. Also, once a date is selected, you will be able to speak with two of Bob's most valuable colleagues: BEL's public relations manager, Ray Greybar, and our most successful seminar organizer, Mel Luecke. Ray lives on Ross Mountain, his family's private resort in the Colorado Rockies, and will make himself available by phone to help you think through ideas for promoting the seminar, especially regarding ways to get some media attention, and some extra promotion through Bob's show itself. Mel has organized Bob's most successful seminars, even though they are held in an out-of-the-way location in beautiful Winona Lake, Indiana. Mel will share her experience with you on how to promote a seminar economically and effectively. (And Tommy, in photo, has videotaped and produced some of our best resources including our global flood and big bang videos!)[back]
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