Real Science Radio

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Welcome to Real Science Radio: Co-hosts Fred Williams and Doug McBurney talk about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, genetics, geology, history, paleontology, archaeology, astronomy, philosophy, cosmology, math, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) We get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott. We easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne. The RSR Archive contains our popular List Shows! And we interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything.

RSR airs every Friday at 3pm MST on AM 670 KLTT in Denver, Colorado. For rebroadcast times and podcast platforms, see our Affiliates page.

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RSR: Fruit flies have gyroscope function

Fruit fly* Junk like Enzymes and Gyros: Co-hosts Fred Williams with Creation Research Society, and Bob Enyart, on this episode of Real Science Friday draw from listener email, Creation Matters, and the latest issue of Creation magazine to discuss:
- Genetic studies that find 23,000 regulatory regions within "junk DNA" Ha!
- Discover magazine astronomer blogger Phil Plait was unfair to Bob and Fred :(
- Dogs sniffing through each nostril independently, and that's one reason why they're such good trackers
- Biblical creationist enzyme expert Dr. Matti Leisola who is cited 1,300 times in the scientific literature
- Fruit flies recover from wind disturbances by returning to their original heading in a tenth of a second

Spike Psarris on Astronomer Phil Plait & Evolution

* Discover Magazine's Astronomer Now Takes A Shot at Real Science Radio...

* Evolutionary Astronomers & the Funny Phil Plait Spat: We've already reported that Discover magazine's astronomer, evolutionist Phil Plait, accused Spike Psarris of being deceptive because he uses the term "evolution" to describe naturalistic astronomy for, as Plait wrote, "evolution has nothing to do with astronomy." (Of course stellar nucleosynthesis is also called chemical evolution, but even that theory is in crisis. See below.) Now Plait has also criticized Real Science Radio for our report on the spat, which included this comment: "Spike knocks it out of the park by showing the covers of nine astronomy texts, each one with the word evolution in their titles, such as Solar System Evolution." Psarris and Enyart also discuss the circular reasoning of atheists trying to account for the origin of the universe and life on earth.

* Check Out RSR's Big Bang Video

* Father of the Big Bang Theory Talked "Evolution": The terminology which Plait himself uses, but objects to from creationists, goes back to the birth of the big bang theory. In his brief paper that announced his big bang theory in the May 1931 issue of Nature paper, he wrote, "Clearly the initial quantum could not conceal in itself the whole course of evolution..." And in September of 1931, because of challenges with "stellar evolution" Lemaître said to the British Association, "We want a 'fireworks' theory of evolution." But, "The last two thousands million years are slow evolution..." [Lemaître scored public relations points by applying the slow and gradual geological uniformitarian mindset to cosmology.] "The evolution of the world can be compared to a display of fireworks that has just ended... we try to recall the vanishing brilliance of the origin of the worlds." And in Georges Lemaître's 1951 book, The Primeval Atom, "Evolution: The Evolution of Stars. The idea of evolution has played an important role..."

* Father of Star Formation Theory Talked "Evolution": 1931 Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, The Evolution of the Universe, "We are, of course, discussing only the physical universe. ... The physical universe never has any choice--it must inevitably move along a single road to a predestined end. What we are calling evolution is like the rolling of a train along a single-track line, with no junctions of any kind." -James Jeans, and present were de Sitter, Eddington, Lemaître, et al.

* Then There's the Black Hole "Missing Links": Thousands of scholarly papers use the evolutionary "missing link" terminology to describe the tendency for black holes to be either up to about 100 solar masses, or over 100,000 solar masses. (In 2018, a particular black hole was proposed as a candidate for spanning this gap, then this one was proposed in 2019.) This problem is not unlike the evolutionary problem of missing links of organisms with more than a single cell and fewer than any of the known smallest multicellular organisms, and it's also like the inability of secular physicists to explain the origin of the majority of the elements of the periodic table, those above iron, as explained at

* RSR with Spike Psarris: Bob Enyart interviews the host of the stunning video, What You Aren't Being Told About Astronomy, Spike Psarris of Creation Astronomy. Spike is an engineer formerly with the U.S. military space program.

Get the Spike Psarris video What You Aren't Being Told About Astronomy and his great Vol. II, on Our Created Stars and Galaxies!

* Analyzing the Great Works of Literature -- Via Spelling: Consider Phil Plait's summary explanation for biological evolution, which allegedly generated all of life's diversity. Plait claimed that the origin and diversification of species (genus, family, order, phylum, etc.) that is, neo-Darwinian evolution, is all about a "change in frequency of alleles", or, variations in genes. (This same claim arose when RSR debated atheist AronRa.) This "change in the frequency of alleles" explanation of life's diversity is as insufficient an approach to understanding life as it would be to attempt to comprehend the evolution in the great works of literature by focusing on spelling variations.

*  One Dead Protein: Bob Enyart points out that even if a trillion universes all pulled together to overcome the odds of a protein forming and folding by chance, and natural processes produced the first protein... so what? All you'd have is a single, non-living protein.

An extinct Spikepsarris

* Stephen Hawking's Circular Reasoning Exposed: (not as though that was difficult however) Hawking claims that in the Big Bang the laws of physics produced the universe, even though the Big Bang claims those laws did not exist prior to the Big Bang. And Hawking says, for example, that the matter of the universe came from energy borrowed from the gravitational energy of the universe, to which Enyart asks, "What universe?" If you're explaining the origin of the universe, you cannot appeal to the universe itself. Note also our page,, where we record his phobias, with his pretty wild suggestions which include:
- that people should avoid talking to aliens who are likely to be mean
- that we should beware of danger from "highly intelligent machines", forgetting perhaps that we call it "artificial" because machines have no intelligence and even no awareness
- that if he has any credibility, then we too would fear the Higgs Boson (really), and
- that mankind should go to the Moon (daytime temperature over 200 degrees, 107 C) to escape global warming.

RSR: Honey Baby and Discover Mag's Phil Plait

Disc. Mag astronomer against Psarris using term evolution, even though...* Real Science Radio on Honey, Babies, and Phil Plait: RSR co-hosts Fred Williams, with Creation Research Society, and Bob Enyart, have fun on this episode of Real Science Radio talking about the topics below from the latest issue of Creation magazine from Fall 2010. Also, they chuckle over the accusation leveled by Discover magazine blogger evolutionist Phil Plait who accused Creation Astronomy's Spike Psarris of being deceptive because he uses the term "evolution" to describe naturalistic astronomy for, as Plait wrote, "evolution has nothing to do with astronomy." So, Spike knocks it out of the park by showing the covers of nine astronomy texts, each one with the word evolution in their titles, such as Solar System Evolution. :)

* Update: Phil Plait has responded. Stay tuned... On his arbitrary objection (which he does not apply to believers in the Big Bang) that the word "evolution" can only be used for a "change in frequency of alleles", of course that would invalidate the use of the term by physicists, cosmologists, etc., who have faith in abiogenesis, which they refer to as chemical evolution, and also invalidate the use among astronomers of the term "chemical evolution" to refer to the claim that the elements in the periodic table were produced in the Big Bang (and in susequent populations of stars). Nonetheless, regarding the absurd moon landing myth, of course we're grateful to Phil for his Apollo Moon Hoax page which helped us produce our own program.

* Analyzing the Great Works of Literature -- Via Spelling: Consider Phil Plait's summary explanation for biological evolution, which allegedly generated all of life's diversity. Plait claimed that the origin and diversification of species (genus, family, order, phylum, etc.) that is, neo-Darwinian evolution, is all about a "change in frequency of alleles", or, variations in genes. (This same claim arose when RSR debated atheist AronRa.) This "change in the frequency of alleles" explanation of life's diversity is as insufficient an approach to understanding life as it would be to attempt to comprehend the evolution in the great works of literature by focusing on spelling variations.

*  One Dead Protein: Bob Enyart points out that even if a trillion universes all pulled together to overcome the odds of a protein forming and folding by chance, and natural processes produced the first protein... so what? All you'd have is a single, non-living protein.

* Bob and Fred Recommend Subscribing to Creation Magazine: Consider:
- Yale shows that babies are born with a rudimentary understanding of physics, math, and morality. (2012 Update: 60 Minutes segment on babies.)
- Archaeologists uncover the world's oldest honey bee farm in the land "flowing with milk and honey"
- Youth abandon Christ due to a lack of teaching on creation (and godless schools exacerbate the problem)
- Bone microstructure hasn't changed through tens of millions of years of alleged evolutionary history
- Walt Brown recognized as first scientist to publish a tectonic model of the global flood

RSR: Science Fun Facts Just Too Much Fun

wiring of the human eye* Dates, Eyes, Hunting, Nice Hair, and Brains: Real Science Radio co-hosts Fred Williams, with Creation Research Society, and Bob Enyart, have a bit too much fun on this episode of Real Science Friday presenting the latest issue of Creation magazine from Fall 2010, including about:
- Fossil wood from England dated at 25,000 years by carbon-14 embedded in 183-million year old limestone
- Diamonds from Botswana carbon-14 dated at 55,000 years old mined from rock dated 2 billion years old
- Mount St. Helens rock that should date as solidifying 30 years ago but dating 350,000 to 2.8 million years old
- Geologists say Uganda lava is just thousands of years ago but it's radioactively dated at 773 million years old
- The natural selection of hunters and fisherman taking large cod and bighorn sheep are not helping but culling DNA
- Moth eyes don't reflect light, and so once that was recognized, engineers can now make better solar cells
- Geneticists are still blown away by how the genetic code is increasingly far more sophisticated than expected
- Mammal hair found in supposedly 100 million year old amber looks surprisingly "similar" to... modern hair :)
- Richard Dawkins' eyes might be wired backward, but does he sees well enough to now understand why they are?
- Swedish computer scientists want a computer to mimic the human brain, but it would be the size of the pentagon (and would fail anyway).

Oops: Cell Shows Up a Billion Years Early

vertebrate* Real Science Radio Sorts Out the Fossils: RSR co-hosts Fred Williams, with Creation Research Society, and Bob Enyart, have a fun time on this episode of Real Science Radio presenting more articles from the Summer 2010 issue of Creation magazine including about:
- Fossils squeezing evolutionary history with vertebrates now showing up in the Cambrian explosion!
- Sharks and land plants are pushed back 25 million years; arthropods 40 million, and winged insects 80 million years back!
- Cells with a nucleus now show up a billion years early than previously believed.

RSR: Bird Brains and Trains

Japan new train design* Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams: have a fun time on this episode of Real Science Radio talking about more articles in the Summer 2010 issue of Creation magazine including on:
- Japan's chief bullet train engineer copied God's bird design for more energy efficient, quieter, and faster trains
- Evolutionists finally admitting that some global distribution of animals occurred via floating vegetation mats
- Small dogs originated... guess where? Where all other land animals and men disseminated from: the Middle East
- Supposed ancestor Little Lucy left footprints but experiments show modern humans make identical prints
- Evolutionists surprised that "stone age" men performed successful surgery with anesthesia
- Evolutionists surprised that "stone age" men worked textiles, wove and dyed fabrics pink, gray, and turquoise

Two Reasons for Early Puberty

* Special Edition: of Real Science Radio!

* Studies Show Girls Entering Puberty Terribly Early: Among other factors, Bob Enyart and Jo Scott describe two possible reasons for this alarming development. First as often discussed, growth hormones given to animals then flow into the food supply. But secondly, kids grow up in an intensely sexualized culture, and our mind has a significant effect of course on our bodies. In the case of these young children, this psychosomatic effect results from their minds being bombarded ten thousand times with images of adults being sexual and their young minds and bodies attempting to emulate what they see. We don't expect our godless society to readily understand this however. Probably no group of young girls are as sexualized as young black children with the utter filth on music videos and throughout the black youth culture, and studies show that the highest rate of early puberty hits 7-year-old African American girls. And while the media and our secular researchers don't see these harmful effects as coming from all the sexual immorality thrown at our children, they do think it might come from plastic. As Dr. Joyce Lee from the University of Michigan said, "Kids today are exposed to plastic much more than they were 10 or 20 years ago." Yeah, it's not MTV modeling intense sexual behavior to children. It's that black kids rub more plastic into their skin than do Latinos or whites. Right.

* Creation-Evolution Replay: Bob plays a call from 1997 when an evolutionist, Tim Delaney, almost knocked Bob off his chair. After Bob repeatedly asked Tim to give one piece of evidence why he believes that evolution is true, the caller finally came up with an extraordinarily embarrassing offer... embarrassing, that is, to our public school system. He said, "human embryos have gill slits." Bob almost split his seams. Here's a summary of the gill slit thing from a Real Science Radio show from a year ago:

Atheist and Fraud Perpetrator Ernst Haeckel: created the scam drawings of a fetus to look like a fish and a reptile to support his utterly discredited "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" and according to the New York Times, March 9, 1907, ironically, he was also honored as the founder of the "Association for the Propagation of Ethical Atheism." Even Richard Dawkins admits in this video that Haeckel's drawings were faked and that today's textbooks should not be propagating his error. Yet, because the "gill slits" argument is "too big to fail", evolutionists have taken to arguing that the pharyngeal arches in both fish and human embryos make the same evolutionary point as if the embryo did have gills. However, if those arches are remnants of respiratory function from 400 million years ago, there would have been no evolutionary need to conserve them through the alleged evolutionary eons.  For example, from a leading evolutionist (as quoted by ReMine, 1993, p. 387), "There are no design constraints that require sharks and humans to have similar embryos and yet develop into completely different organisms" (Futuyma, 1983, p. 225). Yet countless times evolution allegedly exergeted such unneeded effort over hundres of millions of years.

* Too Big To Fail: Like National Geographic two years earlier, for the the PBS television series Nova still in 2009, Ernst Haeckel's fraudulent embryo drawings and related theory is too big to fail. The Darwinian media cannot be trusted on news about evolution. Without providing any illustration whatsoever, Nova implies that human and fly embryos look similar. Google Images quickly shows the enormous differences between fly embryos and human embryos. Here are the scientifically accurate illustrations the Darwin marketing reps at Nova failed to display:

Fly embryos

Human embryos









RSR: How Earthquakes Gave Us a 365-Day Year illustration from Walt Brown's Hydroplate Theory* This Show Summary includes the RSR Earthquake Warning Policy: Today's special edition of Real Science Radio on earthquakes features Kevin Lea who's interest in geology has led him to monitor earthquakes worldwide for ten years and to keep his own daily database for five years of earthquake activity as reported by the USGS. Kevin Lea, a graduate of the Naval Nuclear Power program who later worked in the nuclear engineering department of the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, now pastors Calvary Church in Port Orchard, Washington. Bob asks Kevin:

- Why did ancient cultures use a 360-day calendar? (see RSR's
- Why did early mathematicians divide a circle into 360 degrees?
- Why does the Earth's core rotate faster than the Earth?
- Why are there so many earthquakes away from plate boundaries?
- Why are there 40,000 volcanoes in the Pacific rather than in the Atlantic?
- Why are so many ocean trenches in the Pacific and not in the Atlantic?
- Why does the center of the Pacific trenches lie opposite of the Mid-Atlantic ridge?
Why are there super deep earthquakes with epicenters so low they stun geologists?
- Why is there so much liquid rock in the earth?

Real Science Radio Quake Dry Run

360 degrees* Bob Preps the Audience: for next week's program with Kevin Lea on:
- Why ancient cultures used a 360-day calendar?
- Why early mathematicians divided a circle into 360 degrees?
- Why the Earth's rotation sped up from 360 to 365 days per year?
- Why is there so much liquid rock in the earth?
- Why are there 40,000 volcanoes in the Pacific rather than in the Atlantic?
- Why are so many ocean trenches in the Pacific and not in the Atlantic?
- Why does the center of the Pacific trenches lie opposite of the Mid-Atlantic ridge?
- Why GPS shows that the crust does not move as predicted by plate tectonics?
- Why are there so many earthquakes away from plate boundaries?

Author Sharon Sebastian of Darwin's Racists on RSR

Darwin's Racists* Sharon Sebastian on Racism and Evolution: This co-author of the book Darwin's Racists pulls no punches discussing Charles Darwin's overt racism. This special edition of Real Science Radio looks also at the evolutionary racism turned into genocidal public policy by social Darwinist governments. And you can purchase online Sebastian's great book right now!

* See Also:

* Co-Author to Speak in Denver: Dr. Raymond Bohlin, co-author of Darwin's Racists, will speak in Denver on Friday, Sept. 10 at the monthly meeting of the Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship!

At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break [between humans and non-humans] will then be rendered wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the negro or Australian [aboriginal] and the gorilla. -Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, p. 156.

* Today’s Resource: Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out especially Walt Brown’s In the Beginning and Bob’s interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! You’ll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez’ Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media’s Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)! You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart’s Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's debate about Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott; and the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins! And Bob strongly recommends that you subscribe to CMI’s tremendous Creation magazine!