Real Science Radio

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Welcome to Real Science Radio: Co-hosts Fred Williams and Doug McBurney talk about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, genetics, geology, history, paleontology, archaeology, astronomy, philosophy, cosmology, math, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) We get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott. We easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne. The RSR Archive contains our popular List Shows! And we interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything.

RSR airs every Friday at 3pm MST on AM 670 KLTT in Denver, Colorado. For rebroadcast times and podcast platforms, see our Affiliates page.

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RSR: Spiders & Termites & Magnets

Evolve a spider, then a web, then the sticky stuff...* Spider Webs, Termite Mounds, Earth's Magnetic Force: Co-hosts Fred Williams with Creation Research Society, and Bob Enyart, on this episode of Real Science Radio draw from the latest issue of Creation magazine, April - June 2011 and the Winter 2011 CRSQ Creation Research Society Quarterly. The guys start the show asking how, theoretically, vital organs could evolve, since by definition, they are vital.

- Spider Glue: Not only is the spider's web stronger than any man-made material including Kevlar and steel, but the spider applies twenty drops of glue per millimeter so that insects will get stuck. So, first you have to evolve a spider, then a web, and then the sticky stuff. But this sticky stuff is a "smart material" that holds tighter when an insect is moving quickly trying to get away, but the glue loosens up when the spider slowly moves the dead bug into the kitchen. Oh yeah, and by the way, the glue polymers are cross-linked so that when a bug pulls to get away the force of the adhesion will spread throughout the entire drop of glue. Too cool. And speaking of cool...

RSR: Now Biological Material from Archaeopteryx

* Archaeopteryx, Bison, Pelican, Chimp, & Cancer: Fred Williams engineer and webmaster for the Creation Research Society, and Bob Enyart, on this episode of Real Science Radio draw from the latest peer-reviewed science journal article on original biological material and from Creation magazine,  April - June 2011.

* July 2011 Update from Nature: Not Transitional: It's official. Archaeopteryx is no longer considered a transitional creature from dinosaurs to modern birds. Nature News & Views admits that this "icon" of evolution has been "knocked from its perch" after leading palaeontologists reassessed "the creature that has been considered the evolutionary link between the two." Also, Nature News reported that Archaeopteryx had been "the ideal 'missing link' with which to demonstrate evolution from non-avian dinosaurs to [modern] birds." Why the reassessment? A paper in the journal Nature reports a result that "challenges the centrality of Archaeopteryx in the transition to birds" and that "shifts Archaeopteryx" out of the modern bird lineage. In the popuar press, Wired admits, "Archaeopteryx‘s status as the forerunner of modern birds is crumbling" and in the science press, Discover News laments that, "Archaeopteryx [is] likely removed from the bird family tree". Demonstrating the adage that evidence for evolution devolves over time, along with "vestigial" organs, Nebraska Man, and our "backwardly" wired retina, after 150 years of being the transitional trump card, Archaeopteryx is out (except for the typical 100-year lag in the published scientific discoveries and the outdated claims published in evolutionary textbooks). And as for the Chinese fossils that knocked Archaeopteryx off its perch, remember the late Larry Martin, University of Kansas paleontologist, whom CNN reported as cautioning, "You have to put this into perspective. To the people who wrote the paper, the chicken would be a feathered dinosaur."

Archaeopteryx fossil contains original biological material!* More Dinosaur-Layer Biological Material Discovered: After previous discoveries of actual dinosaur soft tissue (T. rex, hadrosaur, triceratops, etc.), now The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reports that various types of original biological material in Archaeopteryx feathers and bones has allegedly survived for 150 million years. The New Scientist report, Soft tissue remnants discovered in Archaeopteryx, put it:

"It boasts more than just... impressions of long-gone feathers. One of the world's most famous fossils... Archaeopteryx – also contains remnants of the feathers' soft tissue. ... "It's amazing that that chemistry is preserved after 150 million years." ... palaeontologists had long thought that only impressions remained. [But] 'There is soft-tissue chemistry preserved in places that people didn't expect it,' says [geochemist Roy] Wogelius."

That link in this New Scientist article goes to a similar article with this title: Tyrannosaurus rex fossil gives up precious protein.

RSR: Human & Dino Footprints are Real

Dino tracks trail 1* Lengthy Dinosaur and Human Footprint Trails: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart concludes that the leading biblical creation ministries should once again acknowledge the validity of the contemporaneous human and dinosaur footprint fossils. The scientist who debunked the claimed 2010 sighting of Noah's Ark, Dr. Don Patton, talks to Bob about his work excavating the longest dinosaur footprint tracks in North America, and about the human foot prints in and around those dinosaur prints! See the footprints at

RSR Week: Exposing a False Claim of Finding Noah's Ark

NAMI fake ark find, 2010
2nd beam: machining 'chatter'

* 2015 Update on Philip Williams & From our RSR producer Larry Wolfe, "Bob, yes, the site is where Philip Williams is still hyping the same NAMI/Parasut hoax. As you may recall, I had email correspondence with Williams back in 2015 in which he attempted to debunk Don Patton's claims as well as those of local tour guide Amy Beam, who both were exposing Parasut as a hoaxer. I asked for William's help to obtain his presentation at Giesler's SES Oct 16/17 2015 event (see below) where he apparently spoke of his personal Ararat travels. I offered to pay for a recording of his talk. I also offered him an RSR interview to discuss his findings. Nothing more came of this. Here are CMI's findings in English and in Simplified and Traditional Chinese."

* BE Note: Click on that CMI's findings links for irrefutable photogrpahic evidence from NAMI's own images showing the marks of modern woodworking power tools on what is misidentified as ancient wood.

* Dr. Don Patton in the RSR Studio: The scientist who debunked the claimed 2010 sighting of Noah's Ark, Dr. Don Patton, talks to Bob Enyart about his ascent up Mt. Ararat to investigate that claim. See Dr. Patton, and two scientists including one of Turkey's leading seismologists in this conclusive 14-minute video exposing the fraud, the exposé web page, and this conclusive photographic evidence debunking the scam.

* For Historical Purposes: NAMI stands for Noah’s Ark Ministries International. RSR is making available here NAMI's rarely seen false video...

* UPDATE: Norm Geisler and Michael Brown Taken In: In 2008 - 2010 Ahmet Ertugrul (aka Paraşüt) attempted to deceive his NAMI (Noah's Ark Ministries International) financial backers by fabricating a wooden structure on Ararat. As per the first video above and today's radio broadcast, the friend of Real Science Radio, Dr. Don Patton, exposed this fraud. After the highly respected Christians Norm Geisler (Oct. 2015) and Michael Brown (Nov. 2015) were taken in sufficiently to lend credence to this obvious fraud, our RSR producer, Larry Wolfe, has thoroughly investigated the matter.

* Statement of Kurdish Workers on Building of Ararat Ark Movie Set: See both the letter below and the lengthy page linked to by Rex Geissler in his 2010 Updates. At that link (which you can click right here: you can quickly find the information by searching that page (ctrl-f) for: transcript. And see the following...

* Letter Publicized by Archaeologist and RSR Friend Rex Geissler: See Rex's article on the history of this letter...

Apology letter from those who unwittingly build the fraudulent NAMI ark site

RSR: Planet Formation Theory Decimated

* Conventional Theory of Planet Formation Decimated: In addition to all the above evidence disproving claims of confirmed big bang predictions, consider also the topic covered on today's Real Science Radio program, the failed prediction of what kinds of planets could not exist based on the big bang's nebular hypothesis for solar system formation.

RSR Week: The Pre-Flood World

* Conditions on the Pre-Flood Earth: A member of Fred William's forum at wrote and asked Bob and Fred to discuss on air what the world would have been like before the global flood. So the guys talk about the:
- massive remnants of arctic circle forests
- remains of millions of mammoths in the arctic circle
- the earth's rapidly declining magnetic field
- the rich oxygen content in air bubbles trapped in ancient amber
- the canopy theory
- no thorns and thistles prior to Adam's fall
- the Earth later rolling on its axis.

* Earth's Roll on its Axis: This last item explains a lot. All that arctic circle life, in its forests, and its plant and animal life grew on a more temperate part of the Earth that later rolled northward to the arctic circle. This explains how there was enough light, liquid water, and warmth for that all that biomass to accumulate. And on this Real Science Friday show co-hosts Fred Williams and Bob Enyart make the second RSR prediction.

Newly excavated baby frozen mammoth (not wooly)

* RSR Prediction #2 on Fossil Mutations: When a systematic assessment of mutations in the fossil record is made (such as with teeth, skeletons, dinosaur soft tissue, etc.), it will show far fewer mutations in the fossil record as compared to modern mutations. This will demonstrate the lower mutation load that flows naturally as predicted by creationists.

* Today's Continents vs. Yesterday: Nearly a mile of sedimentary depostis cover continents today, and they contain billions of dead things laid down by water all over the earth. How were things different before the global flood? Here are some examples.

* Mummified Arctic Forest and Frozen Mammoths: Scientists report the existence of an enormous forest of mummified trees in the arctic circle. Dozens of frozen mammoth discoveries along with massive tusk deposits indicate that millions of mammoths lived in what today is the arctic circle. They couldn't survive there today. Why not? They didn't have wool; they didn't have oil glands under their skin; they would loose too much warmth from their trunks; they require a hundred pounds of vegetation per day; and yet the arctic doesn't get enough sunlight for all that vegetation to grow; and in the winter time, surface water is frozen typically to three feet deep.

RSR Week: Don't Blink

Kearns' Intermittent Wiper* Biomimetics and the Kearns' Blinking-Eye Wiper: God's design of mankind's blinking eyelids inspired American inventor Robert Kearns to patent an intermittent windshield wiper. The average human being blinks 500 million times providing crucial maintenance for our eyes. And on this Real Science Radio show co-hosts Fred Williams and Bob Enyart make the first-ever official RSR prediction.!

Real Science Radio Week: Old Shrimp

Shrimp fossil...* Very Old Shrimp Look Ready To Eat: Real Science Radio co-hosts Fred Williams and Bob Enyart discuss articles from a recent issue of Creation Matters, regarding:
- a supposedly 360-million year old fossil shrimp that looks exactly like modern shrimp. (Darwinist paleontologists systematically rename all species that are found as fossils, typically using completely different names and even indicating that they are morphologically very different, even when they appear to be exactly the same, thus giving the impression of evolution over time when in reality, the fossil record exhibits stasis. See this documented in Dr. Carl Werner's tremendous DVD, Living Fossils!)
- a Canadian lab turning human skin cells into blood cells (and Fred's work at an adult stem cell technology firm)- why the Venus Fly trap and (and caterpillars) could not evolve
- the biomimetic work on water striders, bombardier beetles, and ostriches (which run unexpectedly quickly and efficiently)

ShrimpToday’s Resource: Get a science DVD, book, or written, audio or video debate from us and this will help BEL continue to reach people with our Real Science Radio broadcasts! Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out especially Walt Brown’s In the Beginning! You’ll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez’ Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media’s Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)! You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart’s Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's debate about Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott; and the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins! And Bob strongly recommends that you subscribe to CMI’s tremendous Creation magazine and Ken Ham's Answers magazine!  Or to order call BEL at 1-800-8Enyart.

RSR: Origin of Limestone with Walt Brown

Limestone Islands, Ha Long Bay, Vietnam* Limestone Explained by Global Catastrophe: On today's episode of Real Science Radio Bob Enyart and Walt Brown discuss the difference between organic and inorganic limestone. Confirming that many massive deposits are not made up of organic limestone rebuts the typical shallow sea formation theory.

* Organic Limestone: forms from the remains of coral, oysters, crabs, etc., and from certain algae in both shallow and deep seas like like at Normandy, France and the White Cliffs of Dover in England. Enormous inorganic limestone deposits exist around the world including at the Grand Canyon and help to discredit claimed old ages.


* Why Most Limestone Deposits Are Not Organic:
Redwall Limestone word cloud- living processes organize crystals uniformly
- force needed to break shells increases exponentially
- visually see that most grains are not from sea life
- would have poisoned the biosphere by releasing 60,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 grams of carbon
- massive limestone deposits don't only exist where corals, etc., mostly live, within 30 degrees of the equator
- about 21 million cubic miles of limestone exist (based on 10% and 208M cubic mile estimates)
- couldn't rapidly bury of millions of nautiloids in the Grand Canyon's Redwall Limestone
- countless polystrate fossils of many kinds of organisms exist in limestone.

* Redwall Limestone Parallel Strata: Naturally gray but stained red by erosion from overlying clays, the Redwall is characteristic of the strata below an area greater in extent than ten-thousand square miles. At note the overwhelming prevalence of "flat gap" parallel boundaries between the layers in and far beyond the Grand Canyon (and around the world as seen in the supplementary images at the bottom of RSR's Parallel Strata page). Such "paraconformities", as they are called, generally lack evidence of erosion. And to the extent that the boundaries are parallel, they not only lack evidence of erosion, but they also lack uneven deposition of sediments, even over thousands of square miles! In this way, these flat gaps call into question the claim that these sediments were deposited over tens of millions of years.

Redwall limestone parallel strata as shown in the supp data at

* Post-show Updates: To correct a creationist rumor about Walt's teaching on limestone deposits, please see our

"Stump the Professor" Fred Ebert Rejects Debate Offer

stumpthegeezer.png* See Below for KOA's Fred Ebert Excerpts; His Callers Asking Him 5-to-2 to Debate Bob; Original and BEL Follow-up Letters to Fred: About 15 minutes into today's show (an special edition of Real Science Radio), David from Denver calls in and turns Bob Enyart's attention to Professor Ebert turning down our offer of a debate.

classicsprofstumped.jpg* On Jan. 16, 2011 Fred Ebert
: spent the first hour of his Stump the Professor show on Denver's KOA radio asking callers if he should accept the BEL debate offer on evolution/age of the earth that our BEL producer Jeff George had sent to him. Results:
   2 Callers: Don't do the debate
   5 Callers: Yes, do the debate.
[names and comments below]

* Dr. Ebert Talking to Bryce form Loveland:

39:55 "I think I'm going to do the debate. … I believe the people who have invited me have every intention of having a polite discussion, with no intention of attacking me, but attacking my beliefs. I'm sure there'd be no yelling… I find it distasteful to hear someone try to make an argument of why the Earth is 6,000 years old."