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Welcome to Real Science Radio: Co-hosts Fred Williams and Doug McBurney talk about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, genetics, geology, history, paleontology, archaeology, astronomy, philosophy, cosmology, math, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) We get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott. We easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne. The RSR Archive contains our popular List Shows! And we interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything.

RSR airs every Friday at 3pm MST on AM 670 KLTT in Denver, Colorado. For rebroadcast times and podcast platforms, see our Affiliates page.

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RSR: List of the Living Fossils with Dr. Carl Werner

Get Dr. Carl Werner's FABULOUS video exposing the illusions of evolution!* Dr. Carl Werner's Museum Exposé: On Real Science Radio, Dr. Carl Werner exposes widespread museum bias. Bob Enyart talks to Dr. Werner about how museums ignore the 432 mammal species (now 433) excavated by paleontologists from dinosaur layers. Carl also explains how evolutionists systematically give different species names, and even different genus names, to the fossil and living animals that appear identical. (Note: For each of Dr. Werner's DVDs, he also has written a book of the same title.)

For today's show Real Science Radio recommends
Dr. Carl Werner's DVDs, Living Fossils
its prequel Evolution, the Grand Experiment!

* By the Book -- Living Fossils: Of about 100 side-by-side comparisons of often identical-looking fossil organisms and their living counterparts in Dr. Werner's Living Fossils book, about 85 percent of the time evolutionists have assigned the organisms completely different scientific species and genus names. In the cases where the living and fossil organisms share the same genus name but have different species names, oftentimes they appear to be virtually identical, as with magnolia trees, redwoods, etc. And with the approximately 15% of creatures that have the same species names in his book, both of Dr. Werner's observations above hold, and especially, that countless modern organisms lived, and were buried, with dinosaurs! Of course, such Darwinist bias provides the illusion of evolution, since then the reader/student assumes there must have been such great change over the alleged millions of years, that it was necessary to classify the creature under two completely different genera.

* Regarding Living and Fossil Plants: Dr. Werner quotes Dr. Peter Crane of the Royal Botanic Gardens in London about plant fossils excavated from dinosaur-layer strata: "I always think about the late Cretaceous, that if you were there... the vegetation would have looked really very much like today: Dogwoods, tulip trees, magnolias, and so on..."

* See Online Carl Werner's List of Living Fossils: Dr. Werner's List of Living Fossils was put online by RSR with the help of ICR's Brian Thomas.  While Wikipedia's list of these "Lazarus" fossils is helpful, Carl's list is even more valuable because it records which layer or layers (i.e., "periods" or systems), the Triassic, Jurassic, or Cretaceous, that a fossil was excavated from. Our online list is nothing but text, whereas Dr. Werner's DVD has the highest production value and his hardcovered Living Fossils work is as beautiful as any coffee table book. Both the DVD and the book are filled with stunning photographs documenting the fossils and the living organisms. RSR highly recommends both of these valuable resources! You can purchase the beautiful Living Fossils book and DVD by clicking those links!

* Post-show Update on the Pygmy Whale Living Fossil: A few months after we aired this program, yet another living fossil was discovered, the Pygmy Whale, a member of "a group thought to have gone extinct 2 million years ago." This LiveScience article is also interesting for its acknowledgement of the extremely flexible methodology evolutionists use to try to show common descent. For example, note how Darwinists could select from DNA, or the shape of the snout, or to general similarities in the fossil record, or specifically to the skull, to make a claim of what evolved from what:

[1] DNA analysis suggested pygmy right whales diverged from modern baleen whales... between 17 million and 25 million years ago. However, the pygmy [2] whales' snouts suggested they were more closely related to the family of whales that includes the bowhead whale. Yet there were [3] no studies of fossils showing how the pygmy whale had evolved, Marx said. To understand how the pygmy whale fit into the lineage of whales, Marx and his colleagues carefully [4] analyzed the skull bones and other fossil fragments from pygmy right whales and several other ancient cetaceans.

This illustrates the widely quoted observation made by Walter ReMine, which we asked him about on RSR: that evolution theory is more like a fog. A fog settles on the landscape. Neo-Darwinism is not a theory that can be tested. Rather, you throw data at it, and the theory simply morphs around the data. As ReMine put it, "Evolutionary theory adapts to data like fog adapts to landscape."

Crinoids, fossil and living* CrinoidsNational Geographic writes, "Except to the expert, stalked crinoids... look little different whether 200 million years old (left), or 500 million, or a month old and alive in today's seas."

* Graptolites? Dr. Henry Morris wrote in 2000, "Graptolites have been considered in the past to be index fossils for the Ordovician period, 300 million years old. Yet they recently were found still living in the south Pacific." So today scientists can study their life cycles!

Lingula anatina (brachiopod): Accessed Nov. 28, 2020 on Wikipedia, "Lingula is often called a "living fossil", as very similar genera have been found all the way back to the Ordovician."

Lingula anatina (brachiopod)
Lingula anatina (living fossil)

Apparently identical living and amber-fossilized unique ant species zacryptocerus aztecus
Click for aztecus ant details

* Evolutionists Hate Function, Fine Tuning, and Living Fossils: 2016 Update. Mark Carnall of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History writes in The Guardian that "it’s unsurprising that creationists often use the example of living fossils in their arguments against evolution." Carnall concludes with, "a call to scientists, educators, documentary makers and journalists to retire the term." Likewise regarding fine-tuning, an agnostic over at Reddit writes, "To even use the term 'fine tuning' when discussing the universe itself... is an example of frequently used creationist dishonesty." This parallels the 2011 article in the journal Bioessays, We need a new language for evolution... everywhere, which suggests that biologists should stop using terms like "design" and "function". So these evolutionists certainly would agree that the laws of physics and chemistry have no symbolic logic functions. Yet the genetic language of life is filled with symbols like the 3-to-1 representation of one amino acid by three genetic letters. Regardless, there is no way for materialists to even think about the question of how a genetic "code" might arise naturally. And finally, just fyi, RSR has added a prediction on all this to our page.

Cardiologist in Studio about Hearts and a Home Test Kit

* A Doctor Talks to Bob about the #1 Killer of Adults: Heart attacks are the main cause of death of American adults. So Enyart is interested in Novamed, an Israeli life sciences company, which manufactures SensAheart, a heart attack home detection kit.

Walter ReMine on Haldane's Dilemma

* Haldane's Dilemma Unanswered for 50 Years Falsifies Darwinism: Real Science Radio's Bob Enyart and Fred Williams conclude their four-part interview with engineer and information expert Walter ReMine presenting Haldane's Dilemma. (In fact an alias for this page is As addressed in ReMine's classic book, The Biotic Message, Bob, Fred and Walter ReMine describe this "speed limit of evolution" as discovered by a founder of population genetics, J.B.S. Haldane, one of the top evolutionists of the 20th century. While Haldane himself remained an evolutionist till the end, ReMine is credited with doing perhaps more than anyone else to remind the world that in more than half a century of trying, evolutionists have been unable to answer Haldane's unintended falsification of Darwinian evolution.

It is much easier for a mouse to get a set of genes
which enable it to resist Bacillus typhimurium
than a set which enable it to resist cats.
-- J.B.S. Haldane :)

* Haldane Hires Mendel's Accountant: Along with famous Cornell geneticist John Sanford, Walter ReMine was a contributor to an evolution simulator, Mendel's Accountant ( You can use this software simulator to see for yourself some of the severe problems with evolution theory including a mutational lode problem called error catastrophe, i.e., extinction. From the program's website, "Each mutation that enters the simulated population is tracked from generation to generation to the end of the experiment - or until that mutation is lost either as a result of selection or random drift. Using a standard personal computer, the MENDEL program can be used to generate and track millions of mutations within a single population."

* Darwinian Systematics Given Up On In the 1970s: It took over a century for Darwinists to acknowledge that the fossil record does not provide proof of common descent of organisms. Called "the trade secret of paleontology" by renowned evolutionist and Harvard professor of paleontology Stephen Jay Gould, this problem has been extensively and specifically admitted by leading evolutionary scientists (the vast majority of whom, regardless, remained evolutionists). Regarding the Darwinist hope of building a hierarchical evolutionary lineage based on excavated fossils, "Those illusions went down the drain in the mid-1970s," says Walter ReMine, when cladistics and phenetics rose up and took their place.

* Phenetics and Cladistics: Phenograms classify biological entities based on overall organism similarity whereas cladistics looks more at specific anatomical or genetic features and builds charts based on nested features. Bob Enyart's current atheist sparring partner, AronRa, claims that clades show evolution. Here's Bob Enyart's description of the illusion of evolutionary cladistics: 

The clade diagram, drawn like a tree, has hard data at the tips of the tree (i.e., the buds, or leaves). The branches of the diagram that connect those tips are themselves inferred. Thus the branches are not proof of that evolution, but they are merely drawn due to the result of the circular assumption of evolution, masquerading as evidence. Sp the cladogram is an illusion of proof. Again, clade diagrams document a nested hierarchy of features such that the hard science is at the tips of the branches with the branches themselves, right down to the trunk, forming an illusion conjured up by assumptions which are presented as though they were actual data. -Bob Enyart, Real Science Radio

Walter ReMine on the Origin of Sexual Reproduction

* RSR Interviews Walter ReMine Pt. 3: The origin of sexual reproduction is inexplicable to Darwinists. Real Science Radio's Bob Enyart and Fred Williams interview electrical engineer and information expert Walter ReMine to show the failures in evolution theory. ReMine's classic book, The Biotic Message, includes a discussion of the "crisis" admitted by leading Darwinists who lament that after 150 years of trying, evolutionists have been unable to even theoretically explain the origin of sexual reproduction.

Photo: Trudy Wilkerson

* ReMine Quotes Dawkins: "Sexual reproduction is analogous to a roulette game in which the player throws away half his chips at each spin. ...the existence of sexual reproduction really is a huge paradox."

* ReMine Quotes Kitcher: "One problem is the existence of sex. ... Despite some ingenious suggestions by orthodox Darwinians there is no convincing Darwinian history for the emergence of sexual reproduction."

America's Murder Epidemic: Causes and Solutions

This is a Special (and Sad) Edition of Real Science Radio

* Lessons from Today's Tragic Mass Murder: Bob Enyart and Will discuss the unfortunate and distracting cliches, then the actual causes, and the solutions to America's murder epidemic. The horrendous mass murder at a theater in Aurora, Colorado was not far from the Real Science Radio studio. Bob and Will ask God for help so that they can bring RSF-clarity to this effort to think through public policy regarding criminal justice.

* Flashback: See for never before heard recordings about the Columbine massacre and other authoritative insights into the Whys and the Whats, as in What should be done to avoid many such future massacres.

* Fast-forward: See also for our continued assessment of the Whys and the Whats.

You Can't Stop Every Crime, But You CAN End an Epidemic

* First Dismiss the Distracting Cliches
- Gun Distraction: Guns were more accessible to Colorado young people 100 years ago, and they weren't killing each other
- Bias Distraction: If the murderer can be connected to conservatives (or even if not) that's the media spin (like the Norway killer, Gabriel Gifford's shooter, etc.)
- Deterrence Doesn't Work Distraction: Even this particular murderer did not want to die and may have been deterred if he expected return fire from law-abiding concealed-carry moviegoers
- Mental Illness Distraction: Schools and other special interests will call for more focus on mental health, yet many of the school shooters have been on psychiatric drugs. Regarding this particular murderer, he knew the consequences of his actions, for he shot unarmed kids and families, but not the police who would have shot back and killed him. And defense attorneys claim temporary insanity, 99.9% of the time, for murder, but not for lesser crimes like shoplifting or failure to come to a complete stop. What? When people go temporarily insane they only commit felonies and not misdemeanors?

* Identify the Causes of America's Crime Epidemic
- Education, entertainment, government, all deny the existence of absolute right and wrong and that absolutes flow from God
- University of Cambridge researchers discovered something all RSR listeners already knew, that, as regards the 2011 riots in Britain, young people who did not commit crimes did not do so because they feared the consequences, nor because they lacked the opportunity, but primarily because they believed that it was "wrong." A professor at the University of California described this study as "among the most significant works in criminology in decades." Oh brother.
- Moral relativism is promoted; what's right for you isn't necessarily right for me
- It's no longer a justice system, now it's just a system
- If it feels good, do it
- Rejection of God's criminal justice system
- Christian leaders don't even give God the courtesy of knowing what He says on criminal matters (like, for example, perjury)
- Public schools teach kids that they're animals, so no one should be shocked when they act like animals
- Incarceration is time-out for adults where all the worst elements gather to drag each other downward
- Criminals and many young people have no fear, even in court before a judge
- Excessive violence from Hollywood and video games, including for young people, destroys innocence, as does hard and "soft" porn
- Society is drugged and drunk, like this murderer, on pot and other drugs
- Killing the innocent today is promoted as a valid solution to problems, as with euthanasia (like Children's Hospital euthanizing a 4-year-old handicapped boy), suicide, and abortion

RSR Interviews Walter ReMine Pt. 2

 * Illusions of Evolution Exposed by Information Engineer: Real Science Radio's Bob Enyart and Fred Williams continue their fascinating interview of electrical engineer and information expert Walter ReMine who made a significant contribution to the anti-evolution literature with his book, The Biotic Message.

* Naive Natural Selection and Uphill Evolution: Today's program explains the difference between naive natural selection, that is, the way the evolutionists sell Darwinism to the public, vs. the convoluted reality of how the theory has itself evolved to attempt to, even theoretically, account for the origin of organs, functions, and species. Fred mentions that Walter ReMine was a contributor to an online evolution simulator, Mendel's Accountant, which anyone can use to see for themselves some of the severe problems with evolution theory including a mutational lode problem called error catastrophe. And speaking of naivety, consider the faith that the Darwin lobby has in mutations, as compared to the hard reality being admitted by leading scientists. From a professor of medical genetics at the University of South Carolina (formerly, ass't professor, biochemistry, at Harvard Medical School), Christian Schwabe: "However, to invoke strings of beneficial mutations that suffice to reshape one animal into the shape of another is not merely unreasonable, it is not science." Schwab, 2001

* 2015 Update Upon Evolutionist Will Provine's Passing: World renowned committed evolutionist Will Provine has passed away. We would want to pray for his soul, if God hadn't made clear that it is appointed unto man once to die, and then the judgment (Heb. 9:27) and that upon death, the great gulf between the redeemed and the lost is impassable (Luke 16:26; in fact just as impassible as Einstein's Gulf). Regarding Walter Remine's observation of natural selection as the evolutionist's magic wand, consider this Cornell Universities comment in the 2001 update to his acclaimed text, Origins of Theoretical Population Genetics:

Having natural selection select is nifty... Such talk was excusable for Charles Darwin, but inexcusable for evolutionists now. Creationists have discovered our empty "natural selection" language, and the "actions" of natural selection make huge, vulnerable targets. The second major problem concerns natural selection at different levels of the evolutionary process. ... The chances are small that a particular DNA sequence in mammals is 'adapted through natural selection.'

* Fitness Terrain as an Example of Natural Selection: Like Richard Dawkins' Climbing Mt. Improbable, Darwinists sell to the public the simple and naive idea that evolution is uphill, ever upward. While that was how the theory began, it's intellectuals soon realized that such a mechanism could not account for Earth's varied species. It turns out that by their own theory what is called "the fitness terrain" presents severeA Darwinian fitness terrain obstacles to evolution, and populations get stuck and further theoretical evolution ceases. Consider Walter ReMine's quote of the Darwinist text, Principles of Population Genetics:

Any population on a... fitness peak is destined to stay there because natural selection will not carry the population down into any of the surrounding valleys and thus, perhaps, into the domain of attraction of a higher fitness peak. The population is simply "stuck". -Harvard Professor Daniel L. Hartl, 1980

* You'd Get Bad Legs Long Before You Got Good Wings: By Darwin's theory, consider a species that had partial legs and was evolving legs. Conceptually speaking, they are marching up the hill, up the fitness terrain. By the theory, eventually, they may end up with great legs! But how are they going to get wings? Wings allegedly evolved from legs in dinosaurs, insects, and bats. A species of dinosaurs, for example, would have to start evolving down the fitness hill, and across a fitness valley, and over some berms, cross a ditch, and up some other fitness hill that would create wings. So, to theorize how a whole species would, over countless generations, evolve back down a fitness hill (essentially de-evolving some functionality), and go across a fitness valley, over to another hill, and start again another improbable climbing, is quite the bizarre intellectual exercise. And this is the soft underbelly of actual Darwinian theory that the evolution evangelists, the high school biology books, and the popular science media, keep far from the public. The masses are simply dumbed down to believe in naive natural selection: upward, ever upward! But in reality, you'd get bad legs long before you got good wings, and since it's survival of the fittest, the whole alleged evolutionary process ends in catastrophe.

RSR's List of Evidence Against the Theory of Evolution

Updated 2/2/2021 * RSR interviews Walter ReMine on the Theory of Evolution: Real Science Radio's Bob Enyart and Fred Williams interview electrical engineer and information expert Walter ReMine to identify the specific misdirections and illusions offered by evolutionists when they claim to have established ancestors and evolutionary lineage. ReMine's classic book, The Biotic Message, makes a significant contribution to the anti-evolution literature. See more about this interview below.

* RSR's List of Evidence Against Darwinian Evolution:
- List of genomes that just don't fit at
- List of evidence against whale evolution and our guest's lecture at NIH
- Journal Nature confirms creationist rejection of
- NewScientist says
- RSR spars with evolutionists Coyne, PZ MyersEugenie Scott, Krauss & Horner
- List of many thousands of scientists doubting Darwin
- List of our interviews with ID scientists Behe, Meyer, etc.
- Evolution's big squeeze and the discoveries crushing the theory 
- List of multiple things that evolved multiple times
- List of missing transitional fossils
- List of fresh fossils
- List of living fossils (spreadsheet)
- NASA admits to RSR that water is a problem for abiogenesis
- PZ Myers admits he can't answer RSR's simple Trochlea Challenge
- RSR debates opthamology professor from the University of California 
- Lad Allen on RSR on the insurmountable origin of life problems
- List of biomaterial fossil papers re dinosaur bones, etc.
- Lamarckism disproved by the Bible
- Our own evolution simulator at which is nothing compared to the fabulous!

A brain doesn't "see" an image but a symbolic code of that image

* RSR's Dawkins 3-to-1 Evolution Challenge: Research for an upcoming debate led Bob Enyart to Oxford University in the United Kingdom. So Bob decided to hand deliver a copy of this Dawkins 3-to-1 Challenge to the office of professor emeritus Richard Dawkins, who lectures there for a course titled, Science Literacy: Evolution for Non-Scientists

















* Trochlea Challenge: PZ blogged about the RSR's debate with evolutionist AronRa so we offered to him this challenge... 

Trochlea challenge to evolutionsits...

* ReMineism  noun  \ri-mahyn-iz uh m\
1 : presenting an observation that undermines Darwinism as though it affirmed it
2 :  the evolutionist practice of distracting the audience so they don't notice reality
3 : saying of something completely unknown that "we don't yet completely understand it" to imply that evolution can mostly, but just not completely, explain it
4 : switching back and forth between different origins topics in a pretense of answering an original question.
5 : implying that body parts evolved into some species when theoretically only a species could evolve into a species

"[T]hese religion-science skirmishes
have somewhat enigmatically become
a worldwide phenomenon."
-Thomas Aechtner, Univ. of Queensland

* Do Body Parts Evolve Into Other Body Parts? After a century of looking for the ancestors and lineage that Darwinists expected to find among a billion recovered fossils, frustrated evolutionists have invented various illusions to make it seem as though they have identified the origin of countless species. Consider a first example. Organs don't reproduce. That is, eyes don't give birth to baby eyes, and kidneys don't give birth to baby kidneys. Rather, organisms reproduce, and taking them as a group, a species can reproduce. However, increasingly avoiding the problematic attempt to identify the particular species that allegedly evolved into another species, instead Darwinists now present various alternative arguments, and provide the illusion that they have identified a ancestry. For this particular illusion, they select body parts from diverse organisms (even from creatures that they will admit did not evolve from one or the other) and then provide a chart implying that the one body parts demonstrate an evolutionary history. ReMine documents an example of this in the 1985 debate between atheist Philip Kitcher and creationist Duane Gish in which Kitcher presented a chart of body parts from unrelated animals, including two forms that were later, admittedly, fabricated.

* Humans Close to Koalas, Octopus, and Sponge: When building a claimed evolutionary tree, evolutionists compare arbitrarily selected features of anatomy. For humans, if considering fingerprints, then we're close to koalas. Considering the human eye, then we're close to the octopus. But 70% of the genes in the lowly sponge are just like our human genes. So depending upon an arbitrary selection of hundreds of bodily organs or millions of various segments of DNA, any number of conflicting evolutionary trees can be drawn.

Volumes of a catalogue of the great works of literature Analyzing the Great Works of Literature -- Via Spelling: Consider Phil Plait's summary explanation for biological evolution, which allegedly generated all of life's diversity. Plait claimed that the origin and diversification of species (genus, family, order, phylum, etc.) that is, neo-Darwinian evolution, is all about a "change in frequency of alleles", or, variations in genes. (This same claim arose when RSR debated atheist AronRa.) This "change in the frequency of alleles" explanation of life's diversity is as insufficient an approach to understanding life as it would be to attempt to comprehend the evolution in the great works of literature by focusing on spelling variations.

Geneticist re: Christianity Today Denying Adam

Christianity Today's Fall* AiG Molecular Geneticist on RSR for the Anniversary of CT's Fiasco: Real Science Friday's Bob Enyart interviews Georgia Purdom, Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics from Ohio State University on Christianity Today's denial that God made Adam from the dust of the earth. One year ago CT published their cover story, The Search for the Historical Adam which rejected the truth of Scripture for the bizarre old-earth idea that God put human souls into perhaps a couple hundred, or a couple thousand, animals which had evolved from ape-like creatures. CT's story claimed that genetic science requires this reinterpretation of God's Word. Enter Dr. Purdom.

* Molecular Genetics Expert Rejects the Christianity Today Compromise: Dr. Georgia Purdom, Answers in Genesis molecular geneticist who has published papers in peer-reviewed journals including in the Journal of Neuroscience is qualified to speak to the issue. Dr. Purdom also invites folks to see AiG's Ark Encounter project a 500-foot long life-sized Ark out of wood just as Noah would have!

Bob Debates Eugenie Scott, Ph.D.

* Dr. Purdom says that the Junk DNA Isn't Junk: Even Scientific American reports that, "The term 'junk DNA' repelled mainstream researchers from studying noncoding genetic material for many years." This reminds the RSR crew of the DVD, Bob Debates an Evolutionist, about our debate in 1998 with one of the world's leading anti-creationist scientists, Dr. Eugenie Scott. In her losing maneuver, the evolutionist scientist flubbed her prediction about genetics, whereas the creationist talk show host hit the bull's-eye. Refusing throughout to provide positive scientific evidence for evolution, Eugenie instead offered theological, negative evidence against creation: "Junk DNA." That's a philosophical argument about what a Creator might or might not do; namely, that He wouldn't fill our genome with a large percentage of non-protein-coding DNA. While some simple worms have 20,000 genes, it is typically a small portion of DNA that actually codes for proteins. A human has only 20,500 genes, which fills only 2% of our genome. Yet the widespread evolutionary claim for decades (including through the last two decades, and for many, still clung to today) was that the rest of the genome was mostly left-over evolutionary garbage. Bob argued that our knowledge of genetics was in its infancy, and that it was too early to make the determination that all those non-coding segments of DNA had no function. Eugenie stated that we did not need to learn anything more about DNA in order to conclude that the noncoding DNA had no function. Bob offered her the opportunity to retract that statement. She turned down that offer. (You can hear all this online, or get the DVD!) The decade following that debate was one of explosive discoveries in genetics which overwhelmingly falsified Eugenie's claims and validated Bob's creationist perspective! For aside from coding for 20,500 proteins, geneticists estimate that the remainder of the genome has approximately one million other functional regulatory segments of DNA. So much for junk

University of South Carolina Astronomer on RSR

* CRS Ph.D. in Astronomy Danny Faulkner in Studio: Real Science Radio's Bob Enyart interviews Creation Research Society board member Dr. Danny Faulkner who has a B.S. in Math from Bob Jones University and a Ph.D. in astronomy from Indiana University. Danny Faulkner comments hard-science evidence against an old solar system, old galaxies, and the natural formation of the moon and stars.

For this program RSR recommends The Young Sun
DVD with Danny Faulkner and other great astronomers!

* RSR and Danny Faulkner: We invite you to enjoy these related RSR shows...
- RSR Report on the Int'l Creation Conference: Bob and Fred Williams commend Danny for rebuking other creationists
- University of South Carolina Astronomer Faulkner on RSR: this show
- RSR: Where's that Blue Star Assembly Line?: The guys discuss Danny's writing about these short-lived stars
- Danny Faulkner on (against) the 360-day Year: Bob informally debates Danny on his paper against a 360-day year
- RSR Rebuts Extreme Geocentrism: Where Bob references and builds on Faulkner's great article

* Great Google Ranking for Our Dinosaur Soft Tissue Page: Google continues ranking Real Science Radio higher than even most secular science sites (including PZ Myers' Science Blogs :) in searches for: dinosaur soft tissue. Microscopy expert Mark Armitage (Dr. Faulkner's associate at CRS) complimented our listing as the web's most complete catalog of peer-reviewed journal papers confirming the existence of original biological tissue from allegedly 65+ million-year-old year old dinosaur fossils!