Real Science Radio

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Welcome to Real Science Radio: Co-hosts Fred Williams and Doug McBurney talk about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, genetics, geology, history, paleontology, archaeology, astronomy, philosophy, cosmology, math, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) We get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott. We easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne. The RSR Archive contains our popular List Shows! And we interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything.

RSR airs every Friday at 3pm MST on AM 670 KLTT in Denver, Colorado. For rebroadcast times and podcast platforms, see our Affiliates page.

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Sal Cordova and the End of Evolution Part I

This week Fred and Doug welcome scientist and creation researcher Sal Cordova, a bio-molecular physics researcher. He has published with the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Springer/Nature, Oxford University Press, and Creation Research Society Quarterly. His Christian testimony, life story, and advocacy of Intelligent Design (ID) appeared in the journal Nature. He was featured on national TV, radio, magazines and in the 2008 motion picture "Expelled".

Agog at the Gaps - The Gap Theory Circa 2023

*Glen Gone Wrong: Glen Morton Former Young Earther went over to Old Earth in the 1980's over "seismic data interpretation". Someone needs to look him up, and see if he's seen the latest evidence that all models are wrong, and some are useful.

*HPT Conference Talks: are now up at and ready for you to view! Including the BLOCKBUSTER Report from Kevin Lea: NASA Asteroid Deflection Test (DART) Accidentally Creates A BOULDER SWARM That Could Impact the Earth.
*Geologic "Field Research" at the Dinner Table: Hear how a Dutch Geologist who never saw a plate bigger than a dinner plate used "seismic data interpretation" to construct a giant cartoon resembling an alleged lost tectonic plate as big as America!

Creationist Professor C. Gerald Van Dyke, PhD

*Old School: Dr. Van Dyke was a founder of America's modern homeschool movement with North Carolinians for Home Education.

*The Sweet Smell of Success: Hear how a fungi may be able to protect berries from bugs!

*C. Gerald Van Dyke, PhD: Hear from a creationist, professor of botany & plant pathology, botany emeritus, and home-school pioneer about his testimony, and the life of a creationist in the state university.

Gopherwood, Dino Soft Tissue, & Paluxy with Dr. Carl Baugh Part I

*Welcome Carl Baugh. Ph. D.: One in a long list of men who bought the truth and wouldn't sell it, and by well-doing put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.

He's the Founder and Director of the Creation Evidence Museum of Texas in Glen Rose. He is the discoverer and excavation director of sixteen dinosaurs, including Acrocanthosaurus in Texas and Diplodocus in Colorado.

After more than forty years of work and research in creation science and ministry, he directed the construction of a 1/20th scale replica of the Ark now in the museum and holds a U.S. Patent on the gopherwood process.

Dr. Baugh lectures internationally on evidence for scientific creation on television and radio, and in schools, and in churches. He stands firmly AGAINST the theory of evolution and FOR the Biblical account of creation.

*Go Figure Gopherwood: Ever wonder about the "gopherwood" God commanded Noah to use in building the Ark? Hear from Dr. Baugh what structural interlamination & gopherwood are, what may have been the adhesive Noah, (and later Neaderthals) used to make it, and how he got the patent for the gopherwood process!

CENSORED BY YOUTUBE: Should I Vaccinate my Baby? with Brian Lauer

NOTE: Our video for this show was CENSORED by YouTube! Video now on Rumble here!

*The First Creationist Hydroplate Conference: September 21-23, 2023. Join Fred, Doug and an “A-List” of RSR favorites including Kevin Lea, Bryan Nickel, Rob Yardley, Joshua Spencer, Jane Albright, Rob Brown, Ellen McHenry, Harold Gilbert, Matthew Welborn, and Brian Lauer for the first conference on Creation and Hydroplate Theory Science! Attend virtually by registering today at:

*Welcome Brian Lauer: This week Fred Williams and Doug McBurney interview Christian and creation speaker Brian Lauer on the question of whether or not parents should follow America's "mandatory" (only if you send your kids to the government schools), or "recommended" vaccine schedules.

Why So Many Scientists Say They Believe Evolution

*Our Special Guest: Royal Truman got his bachelor’s degrees in chemistry and in computer science from S.U.N.Y. Buffalo, an M.B.A from the University of Michigan, a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from Michigan State and has done post-graduate studies in bioinformatics at the universities of Heidelberg and Mannheim in Germany. And Dr.

The Mystery of the Pyramids

With Doug on assignment, Ryan Williams joins Fred in studio to consider the mysteries of the Pyramids.

*News Alert - Walt Brown beats NASA again: Kevin’s Lea’s HPT prediction of a boulder storm proves true. As reported in DailyMail, “Boulder storm 'as deadly as Hiroshima' accidentally unleashed by NASA during test to change the trajectory of an asteroid”.

*Man’s Past Ingenuity: Fred & Ryan review the genius of ancient man

*The Pyramids and the Tower of Babel: Anne Habermehl’s ICC presentation linking the world's pyramids and ziggurats to the Tower of Babel is further boosted by a listener's compelling email connecting the Pyramids to revelation. 

Young Universe Cosmology with Dr. Phillip Dennis

*Welcome Dr. Dennis: This week Fred Williams and Doug McBurney interview physicist Phillip Dennis, who does research in General Relativity and Gravitation, Cosmology, and Quantum Field Theory, among others. His projects include providing algorithms for the Hubble Space Telescope, tracking algorithms, and other mathematical algorithms, he has three patents and has been recognized with awards from NASA, TRW, and Litton.

RSR Refutes NPR

*Humiliation 101: Listen as Fred Williams and Doug McBurney discuss Real Science, on Friday! This week they analyze and refute the nonsense passed off as science by Ira Flatow over at NPR, (starting with analysis of Ira's Marxist oratory formulae, and the professor he humiliates).

*Test for Echo: The NPR host says that of course evolution is just "how scientists understand biology"! But there are plenty of doubting scientists who believe evolution is at best unworkable, at middling ridiculous, and at worst evil!

*March Madness: Hear the evolutionists lament the fact that some of the early imagery designed by evolutionists to fool children about origins "did more harm than good" for their cause (because many early proponents of Darwinism did not understand it would eventually involve the overthrow of all reason). We remind them that images like the "March of Progress" were also fake, phony and full of lies!