Real Science Radio

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Welcome to Real Science Radio: Co-hosts Fred Williams and Doug McBurney talk about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, genetics, geology, history, paleontology, archaeology, astronomy, philosophy, cosmology, math, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) We get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott. We easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne. The RSR Archive contains our popular List Shows! And we interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything.

RSR airs every Friday at 3pm MST on AM 670 KLTT in Denver, Colorado. For rebroadcast times and podcast platforms, see our Affiliates page.

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The Astronomical Star of Bethlehem

* Boulder, Colorado's Planetarium Show on Christ's Birth: For Christmas, we're enjoying this classic Real Science Radio broadcast about the University of Colorado's Fiske Planetarium presentation of a live program, The Astronomical Star of Bethlehem, by amateur astronomer Gil Buller. From the planetarium's website, "This exciting program examines the sky at the time of the birth of Christ to see which astronomical phenomenon may have been the Star of Bethlehem."

Real Climate Change with Dr. Paul Homan Part III

*Join Dr. Homan for some R&R this Summer:  Paul Homan, PhD will be a featured speaker throughout the Officer's Christian Fellowship Summer R&R events running June 8-25th 2024. Spend your summer vacation at the Beautiful White Sulphur Springs Resort in rural Pennsylvania with Dr. Homan and his family.

*Not Just Your Average Weatherman: Dr. Homan received his PhD from the Naval Postgraduate School, he’s married to Janeé, and a father of 4. (And he spoke at the Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship just this past Friday)! He recently retired as a Lt Colonel & Director of Meteorology at the Air Force Academy, and divides his time these days between playing in the snow and serving with his wife as field staff for the Officer’s Christian Fellowship at the Academy.

Real Climate Change with Dr. Paul Homan Part II

*See Dr. Homan LIVE: See Paul Homan, PhD present a Christian Worldview on Climate Change at the Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship tonight! This Friday, Dec 8, 2023! Dr. Homan received his PhD from the Naval Postgraduate School, he’s married to Janee, a father of 4, an avid outdoorsman, a runner, hiker, and a skier. Dr. Homan recently retired as the Director of Meteorology at the United States Air Force Academy. He is a regular speaker on the topic of Climate Change in both secular and church forums. Dr. Homan has served as a Squadron Commander, an advisor to the Iraqi Air Force, and worked on several international research initiatives during his career in the Air Force.
*The Presentation: Follow along with Dr. Homan's slides (PPTXPDF) for an enlightening, fact based, and easy to understand explanation of what warms the planet, why, and how much.
*Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai: Hear about the #1 greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, and See how one volcano's eruption gave us our warmest summer on record, (and seriously affects the climate).

Real Climate Change with Dr. Paul Homan Part I

*Door County Coffee: get yourself some Door County Coffee, tee-up the show and let us know what you think after you listen!
*See Dr. Homan LIVE: See Paul Homan, PhD present a Christian Worldview on Climate Change at the Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship meeting next Friday, Dec 8, 2023! Dr. Homan received his PhD from the Naval Postgraduate School, he’ married to Janee, a father of 4, an avid outdoorsman, a runner, hiker, and a skier. Dr. Homan recently retired as the Director of Meteorology at the United States Air Force Academy. He is a regular speaker on the topic of Climate Change in both secular and church forums. Dr. Homan has served as a Squadron Commander, an advisor to the Iraqi Air Force, and worked on several international research initiatives during his career in the Air Force.

"Let the Dry Land Appear" with Harold Gilbert

*Ever Wonder: how this might have gone? "And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas..."
*Harold Gilbert: is a long time proponent of young-earth creation. He received his Masters of Science in aerospace engineering from Auburn University in Alabama, and has worked for the Department of Defense for over 30 years at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama.

The Nonsense of Abiogenesis with Royal Truman, PhD Part II

*The Chemicals Between Us: Hear Royal Truman PhD describe Origin of Life Research in light of chemistry. Royal is fluent in five languages and received bachelor’s degrees in chemistry and computer science from SUNY Buffalo, an M.B.A from the University of Michigan, his PhD in organic chemistry from Michigan State, with post-graduate studies in bioinformatics at the universities of Mannheim and Heidelberg in Germany. Royal believes the God of Abraham created the universe recently, and that His Son Jesus Christ is the savior of the world.

*Let it Slide: Follow the discussion with slides provided by Dr. Truman.

The Nonsense of Abiogenesis with Royal Truman, PhD Part I

*Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship: Come out tonight and here Mr. Joel Tay of Creation Ministries International CMI. His talk is on "The Truth About Dinosaurs". People of all ages are captivated by dinosaurs. Unfortunately, evolutionists use dinosaurs to indoctrinate the young and the old with an earth history that includes millions of years but has no room for the Bible. But the Bible is the key to understanding these enigmatic ‘lizards’.
*Royal Truman PhD: Listen in to hear a highly trained chemist's explanation of abiogenesis theories and experiments in light of chemistry. Royal is fluent in five languages and received bachelor’s degrees in chemistry and computer science from SUNY Buffalo, an M.B.A from the University of Michigan, his PhD in organic chemistry from Michigan State, with post-graduate studies in bioinformatics at the universities of Mannheim and Heidelberg in Germany. Royal believes the God of Abraham created the universe recently, and that His Son Jesus Christ is the savior of the world.

Doppler Effect & the Int'l Space Station

Fred and Doug Interview Dr. Phil Dennis about the doppler effect, the one way speed of light, and the problems with Lisle's Anisotropic Synchrony Convention
Dr. Dennis's Slides: If you want to follow along with our interview with Dr. Dennis, you might want to check out his previous appearance here, watch on the RSR YouTube Channel, or you'll definitely want to open up his slides!

Sal Cordova and the End of Evolution Part 2

This week Fred and Doug welcome scientist and creation researcher Sal Cordova, a bio-molecular physics researcher. He has published with the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Springer/Nature, Oxford University Press, and Creation Research Society Quarterly. His Christian testimony, life story, and advocacy of Intelligent Design (ID) appeared in the journal Nature. He was featured on national TV, radio, magazines and in the 2008 motion picture "Expelled". He presently holds five degrees: an MS in Applied Physics from Johns Hopkins, a BS in Computer Science, BS Electrical Engineering with a minor in Music, BS in Mathematics with a minor in Physics, an unaccredited MS equivalent in Biology. Sal is presently preparing to enter a doctoral program in Engineering, and graduated Dulles Aviation flight school.  He was a senior engineer and scientist in the aerospace and defense industry at MITRE (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research and Engineering) and Army Night Vision Labs. He worked for Cornell genetic engineer John C. Sanford in areas of population genetics and protein biology.