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Welcome to Real Science Radio: Co-hosts Fred Williams and Doug McBurney talk about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, genetics, geology, history, paleontology, archaeology, astronomy, philosophy, cosmology, math, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) We get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott. We easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne. The RSR Archive contains our popular List Shows! And we interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything.

RSR airs every Friday at 3pm MST on AM 670 KLTT in Denver, Colorado. For rebroadcast times and podcast platforms, see our Affiliates page.

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The Mystery of the Pyramids

With Doug on assignment, Ryan Williams joins Fred in studio to consider the mysteries of the Pyramids.

*News Alert - Walt Brown beats NASA again: Kevin’s Lea’s HPT prediction of a boulder storm proves true. As reported in DailyMail, “Boulder storm 'as deadly as Hiroshima' accidentally unleashed by NASA during test to change the trajectory of an asteroid”.

*Man’s Past Ingenuity: Fred & Ryan review the genius of ancient man

*The Pyramids and the Tower of Babel: Anne Habermehl’s ICC presentation linking the world's pyramids and ziggurats to the Tower of Babel is further boosted by a listener's compelling email connecting the Pyramids to revelation. 

Young Universe Cosmology with Dr. Phillip Dennis

*Welcome Dr. Dennis: This week Fred Williams and Doug McBurney interview physicist Phillip Dennis, who does research in General Relativity and Gravitation, Cosmology, and Quantum Field Theory, among others. His projects include providing algorithms for the Hubble Space Telescope, tracking algorithms, and other mathematical algorithms, he has three patents and has been recognized with awards from NASA, TRW, and Litton.

RSR Refutes NPR

*Humiliation 101: Listen as Fred Williams and Doug McBurney discuss Real Science, on Friday! This week they analyze and refute the nonsense passed off as science by Ira Flatow over at NPR, (starting with analysis of Ira's Marxist oratory formulae, and the professor he humiliates).

*Test for Echo: The NPR host says that of course evolution is just "how scientists understand biology"! But there are plenty of doubting scientists who believe evolution is at best unworkable, at middling ridiculous, and at worst evil!

*March Madness: Hear the evolutionists lament the fact that some of the early imagery designed by evolutionists to fool children about origins "did more harm than good" for their cause (because many early proponents of Darwinism did not understand it would eventually involve the overthrow of all reason). We remind them that images like the "March of Progress" were also fake, phony and full of lies!

The Man in the Moon Part IV

*Correction: Doug mistakenly spoke for "all HPT advocates I've spoken with..." regarding his alleged "ticking time bomb" problem. Bryan Nickel is an HPT advocate who has spent countless hours discussing HPT with Walt since 2009.  Bryan is the author of the amazing HPT Video Series on YouTube. He had spoken with Doug, presented Dr. Brown's "steady state" argument, and provided Doug a detailed presentation on why he  and Walt Brown believe it effectively answers the alleged problem of the ticking time bomb. (Doug mistakenly attributed another person's subsequent statement on the matter to Bryan in his mind, leading to Doug's erroneous statement, for which he offers this correction).
*Fudge Factor: What if your cosmology model had to suddenly compensate for bodies that appear way older than you predicted? Simple! Just fudge it by almost 100%, and the problem appears to.... disappear!
*Big Bang & Universal Expansion: Hear Sal Cordova explain the JWST's falsification of the Big Bang predictions regarding red shift and the expanding universe in under 4 minutes!

RSR at the International Conference on Creation

*Creation and Civilization: At the 2023 ICC John Sanford announced his last talk on Genetics as he focuses on pulling civilization back from the wages of the "Sexual Revolution", namely the "Sexual Holocaust". Stay tuned to hear more on that!

*Glory! Kevin Anderson & David Menton: We Thank God for the earthly lives and ministries of these men, and look forward to seeing them again in Glory, (along with the late great Bob Enyart!).

*AND FYI - The Creation Research Society is looking for a Director to carry on the work of Kevin Anderson! If you have an advanced degree and have a passion for creation research contact the CRS to arrange a meeting!!

*The First Creationist Hydroplate Conference: September 21-23, 2023. Join Fred, Doug and an “A-List” of RSR favorites for the first conference on Creation and Hydroplate Theory Science! Attend virtually by registering today at:

*In the Dark: Get the lowdown on Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and how Plasma Cosmology might provide better answers to the problems the allegedly solve.

The Man in the Moon Part III

**CORRECTION: Doug mistakenly spoke for "all HPT advocates I've spoken with..." regarding his alleged "ticking time bomb" problem. Bryan Nickel is an HPT advocate who has spent countless hours discussing HPT with Walt since 2009.  Bryan is the author of the amazing HPT Video Series on YouTube. He had spoken with Doug, presented Dr. Brown's "steady state" argument, and provided Doug a detailed presentation on why he  and Walt Brown believe it effectively answers the alleged problem of the ticking time bomb. (Doug mistakenly attributed another person's subsequent statement on the matter to Bryan in his mind, leading to Doug's erroneous statement, for which he offers this correction).

*Creationists on the Moon: Pick one: Spencer, Brown, Oard or Faulkner; each of these giants of Creation Science have offered theories and models that include thoughts on why the moon looks the way it does. All are valuable. We discuss their strengths and weaknesses.

*1st Hydroplate Conference: The First Creationist Hydroplate Conference: September 21-23, 2023. Join Fred, Doug and an “A-List” of RSR favorites for the first conference on Creation and Hydroplate Theory Science! Attend virtually by registering today at:

Squid Creates its Own Moon!

With Doug on assignment, Ryan is back in studio and joins Fred to go through the latest Creation Magazine. Fred was quick to congratulate Ryan on his recent engagement to Hailey Guyette!

The highlight of the magazine were two articles on the squid, yet another uniquely fascinating creature in God's creation. Tune in to find out how the squid can change its underbelly appearance to appear as the moon shining through the water, effectively hiding the squid for prey and predators lurking beneath them. You will also discover that squid and human brain development use the same blueprint, which is yet another fatal blow to evolution. 

Psychoanalysis, ADHD, Drugs and Damnation

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*Medicine is Good: Listen in as Fred Williams and Doug McBurney introduce the subject of  prescribing psychoactive medications for the treatment of behavioral disorders in children, by stating first that medications are mostly good!

*The Fraud of Freud: find out why the Darwinian foundations of modern psychology as promulgated by Darwin, Marx, Sigmund Freud and others stands in opposition to the biblically revealed, spiritual component of human behavior.

*The Bible on Drugs: Galatians 5, Rev 9 & 18, all help us understand God's opinion about mind altering drugs, intoxication in general, and the drug dealer's deceitful craft.

RSR's List of the Negative Effects of Marijuana 2023 Update

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*Saving AI: Listen in as Fred Williams and Doug McBurney ponder the possibility that a truly sentient, unbiased AI chatbot would surely end up getting saved based on the quantity of good evidence for the truth of the gospel available online!

*ET Meets Omuamua: Speaking of being stoned... Abraham Loeb, Harvard professor of somethingorother, and Sean Kirkpatrick atop the bureaucratic pile at Obama III's All-domain Aerial Anomaly Resolution Office are convinced that alien crafts and perhaps even their mother ship are among us!

*Aliens and the Moon Landing: We're going to make a pre-emptive call of "fake" on the intelligent aliens from another planet, (especially if they insist everyone line up outside the grocery store in masks), and insist that the 1969 American moon landing was real.