Real Science Radio

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Welcome to Real Science Radio: Co-hosts Fred Williams and Doug McBurney talk about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, genetics, geology, history, paleontology, archaeology, astronomy, philosophy, cosmology, math, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) We get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott. We easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne. The RSR Archive contains our popular List Shows! And we interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything.

RSR airs every Friday at 3pm MST on AM 670 KLTT in Denver, Colorado. For rebroadcast times and podcast platforms, see our Affiliates page.

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2013 List of Dinosaur Soft Tissue Finds

* Real Science Radio: Hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams name the many scientific journals publishing the finds, the many kinds of biological material found so far, and the many dinosaurs yielding up these wonderful discoveries! Bob and Fred also discuss the related intertwined evidence of short-lived left-handed amino acids, DNA, and radiocarbon!

Scientific Journals: Nature, Science, PNAS, PLoS One, Proceedings of the Royal Society, the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, and others below in our chronological catalog of dinosaur soft tissue discoveries published in many leading journals.

Biological Material Found: As of May 2013, in fossils from dinosaur-layer and deeper strata, researchers have discovered flexible and transparent blood vessels, red blood cells, many various proteins including collagen and hemoglobin, and powerful evidence for DNA.

Dinosaur and Dinosaur-Layer Creatures: The dinosaurs and other Mesozoic creatures that have yielded their biological material are hadrosaur, titanosaur, ornithomimosaur [ostrich-like dinosaurs], mosasaur, triceratops, Lufengosaurs, T. rex, and Archaeopteryx.

RSR Debates: See our science debates with atheists Lawrence Krauss, Michael Shermer, and Eugenie Scott,  and our sparring with evolutionists PZ Myers, Jerry Coyne, and Jack Horner, all at

* Listen As You Look: As you view the exciting dinosaur tissue discoveries below, please feel free to click above to listen as Real Science Radio hosts Bob and Fred observe their annual tradition of presenting dinosaur soft tissue and other amazing discoveries including short-lived left-handed amino acids, DNA, and Carbon 14, all in bones and other specimens from dinosaur-layer Mesozoic and even deeper strata.

zoom in to T. rex soft-tissue in MS-NBC report...

 T. rex blood vessels and cells



* "65-million" Year Old T. rex Soft Tissue
: The T. rex photos above are actually old news, whereas all the latest published journal papers, through 2013, are listed chronologically, below. As for these photos though, North Carolina State University discovered this original biological tissue from a supposedly 65-million year old Tyrannosaurus Rex thighbone, with transparent and pliable blood vessels containing red blood cells. See these and other T. rex photos at Smithsonian Magazine and MS-NBC, and see an early Nat'l Geographic report. Famed paleontologist Jack Horner of Montana State University worked the excavation site. In a 2011 development, ten leading universities and institutes including Harvard, the University of Manchester, and the University of Pennsylvania published in PLoS One, a peer-reviewed journal, that they had verified that presumed dinosaur material is indeed original biological tissue from a dinosaur! Creationists refer to dinosaurs as missionary lizards for many reasons including:
- the short-lived Carbon 14 everywhere including in dinosaur bones
- the mostly left-handed amino acids that should be equally right and left handed if they were "Jurassic", and
- the research on Egyptian mummies that established 10,000 years as an upper limit for how long original biological molecules could survive. Interestingly, the renowned evolutionist PZ Myers ridiculed our Real Science Radio program by repeating what had been a widely-discredited secular hope that the "soft-tissue" dinosaur finds were "biofilm" contamination from bacteria. But as 60 Minutes shows and Bob Enyart sums it up, "This is dinosaur."

RSR Update: The Search for Noah's Ark

[For the most comprehensive collection of ark research and, in Bob Enyart's opinion, the best and most informed update on the search for the ark, see his associate Rex Geissler's site, For the easiest to use list of creation arguments see To search the major creation websites simultaneously, try out RSR's Multiple Creation Site Search.

RSR: Another Not So Old Thing... Reefs!

* Reefer Madness: Old Earthers Gettin' Stoned. Real Science Radio co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams discuss two great articles in the current issue of Answers Magazine, Andrew Snelling's Ancient "Fossil Reefs" and John Whitmore's Massive Fossil Reefs.

* Climbing the Charts: Casey Kasem would be proud! In August 2012 the RSR guys launched For the first few weeks a Google search for: young earth, did not list our site even within its first 100 results. Then the site started climbing the page rankings, appearing on page three by the end of the first month, and at the bottom of page one by the end of the second month! Now, as of today's program, for a search of: young earth, Google ranks our site in the top three, usually at #2. With only the Smithosonian left to beat, we try harder because we're number two, and we hope to become the #1 highest-ranked young earth page on the entire Internet! You can help! Just link to us. Thanks!

Ant Bee May Bury Darwin in Mold

Ant mounds in Germany* Mold Finds Most Efficient Route: On the slimiest Real Science Radio program in years, hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams celebrate the Creator's brilliant design of slime mold, which grows by forming amazingly efficient pathways to nutrients. Peer-reviewed papers suggest that engineers use such mold in their initial designs communication and transportation networks. Don DeYoung wrote a great article, Slime Mold -- Mindless Map- makers in the Spring 2013 Answers magazine from AiG! (Along with the mold, today somehow ants and bees made their way into the studio :)

* Ants Find Quickest Route: It turns out that Ants use math to find the fastest route. To save a distressed swimmer, from his chair a lifeguard does not want the least distance route but the fastest route, for running around a swimming pool or down the beach aways typically results in a faster time to the target than would swimming the whole way. This is Fermat's princple. LiveScience reports on a paper in the journal PLoS One which reveals that ants efficiently meet the goals of Fermat's principle.

Bees fly least distance between flowers...* Bees Find Least Distance Route: Remember that bees can think faster than a super computer! The guys recall that, as they reminisce about their RSR fast-thinkin' bee program. Honey bees solve the Least-Distance "traveling salesman problem" far faster than supercomputers can, by effortlessly determining the least distance to travel while stopping at hundreds of flowers. From Don Johnson's Programming of Life, "If the solution for 10 cities takes 10 seconds, a solution for 11 cities would take 110 seconds... 15 cities would take over 1000 hours, and a 20-city solution would take 2,124 centuries..." Interestingly, bees would not have had to evolve this amazing ability to survive.

* Stunned by Dung Beetle: God endowed the lowly dung beetle with an astounding ability. Like ship captains on the high seas, this insect navigates using the stars! Hear what happens when curious researchers put dung beetles in a planetarium and speed up the rotation of the night sky!

* Ant, Bee May Bury Darwin: In theory, Darwinism accounts for the origin of traits that meet survival needs which present themselves frequently enough and long enough to give the species time for the slow process of evolution to operate. Everywhere in the kingdoms of life then, abilities to survive rare and extreme conditions should not exist. Yet they do. In theory, Darwinism accounts for the origin of traits that meet the demands of survival. Yet everywhere in the kingdoms of life we find abilities in organisms that vastly exceed their survival needs. Dung beetles find their treasure by following the odor; so using that relatively low-tech method which they already possessed, smell, they could thereby navigate in reverse away from the dung pile; God, on the other hand, for His own enjoyment and to make known His glory, endows the lowly beetle with the ability to navigate by the stars. People, likewise, seem to have enormous unused potential and capacity in the human brain. Darwin is buried by countless failures, including by life's abilities that vastly exceed typical survival needs. Darwinism is forever squeezed, operating too slowly to observe, but too quickly to see in the fossils (e.g., the Cambrian explosion, hominids, whales). The squeeze here is that Darwinism, which all admit is not goal driven, cannot rush adaptations to meet the demands of environments that by definition are deadly to organisms not prepared for their extremes.

* Ants vs. Bees: Ants don't solve the least distance problem, because for them, the least distance would often mean a longer trip timewise. Bees on the other hand normally don't have to apply Fermat's principle, because they fly through the air, so for them the least distance is typically the the quickest route. RSR would not be surprised, however, to find out that God enabled bees to apply Fermat's princple where micro-weather patterns call for that ability! In passing, we remember fondly the RSR show during which the monarch butterflies killed atheism, at least the atheism for those who want to know the truth, as these tiny creatures survive liquifying themselves, and demonstrate their navigational prowess, flying from as far away as the state of Maine to arrive at a particular neighborhood in a forest in Mexico!

* Ants & Ionosphere Able to Predict Earthquakes: Nobody wants to be buried alive, not even ants! Three years of videotaping ant colonies in Germany led to the conclusion that ants can help predict earthquakes! A day before an earthquake, ants evacuate their colony, and they don't reoccupy it until 24 hours after the quake ends! While scientists currently are unsure of how the ants can detect the impending earthquake, one of their ideas fits like a glove with Dr. Walt Brown's Origin of Earth's Radioactivity theory! Researchers suggest that perhaps the ants living near an epicenter sense a pre-quake fluctuation in the earth's electricmagnetic field, which as it turns out is another, and possibly related, ionophere fluctuation earthquake predictor being actively researched.

* Another RSR Prediction: Governments will significantly reduce the budgets for fundamental scientific research over the next twenty years, primarily for political and not economic considerations. As an expression of their desire to take the place of God, democratic and socialistic governments have heaped lavish grants on scientists hoping to reinforce their materialistic worldview. Now, with the growth and momentum of the creation science movement, as it becomes increasingly obvious that the major discoveries baffled the naturalists and are cheered by creationists, government bureaucracies will lose their motivation for scientific exploration. For while it backfired, much of the discovery of the last century resulting from funding designed to promote an effectively godless understanding of the creation. What men meant for evil, God used for good! See also the many other Real Science Radio Predictions!

RSR Reviews the History Channel's The Bible

Baracktut Obamankhamun* Respectful Programming Leads to Ratings Blockbuster: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams favorably review the History Channel's ratings blockbuster miniseries, The Bible. The producers were mostly faithful to the Scriptures. Examples include their depiction of the supernatural creation of the Earth, the global flood, a real Cain and Abel, and Adam and Eve. This is unlike Christianity Today, with, we presume, their plummeting magazine circulation, and their denial of the existence of Adam (tell that to him), and also, their denial of a dozen major Bible teachings including that God made man from the dust of the ground.

* Contrasting the Blockbuster with NBC's Epic Disaster: Bob and Fred contrast The Bible miniseries with NBC's terrible 1999 program Noah's Ark, with Noah's "cousin" Lot as the pirate who attacked the Ark! Really! You can't make this stuff up. But it does help segue into today's Ice Age story. For Fred takes off on this by mispronouncing a Bible character's name as Peg Leg! :) as in the days of Peleg when the Earth was divided (i.e., when sea level rose after the flood, yes rose, and so the land bridges connecting many of the planet's land masses were submerged).

* On How to Start an Ice Age: Forget a cold Earth! That won't start an ice age because global cooling would virtually shut down evaporation from the oceans, which would then leave the continents cold but without their massive ice covers. And forget a warm Earth, which would provide plenty of evaporation but while the precipitation might flood the continents, it wouldn't cover them in an Ice Age. Rather, you need warm oceans and cold continents to start an Ice Age. And for centuries after the Flood, those conditions are exactly predicted by Walt Brown's Hydroplate Theory.

* Plants, Apes, and Trees have Rights, Babies Don't: From the Spring 2013 issue of Answers magazine, the guys also discuss the article reporting that Ecuador has joined the special insanity of nations which in rejecting the Creator begin to worship the creation. Whereas some countries have begun giving human rights to apes (rights that they deny to unborn children), this South American country is giving rights to plants. Yes. Plants. With the evolutionary movements to give rights to animals, trees, insects, computers, robots, and rocks, the call for "legalizing" infanticide is a predictable, though overtly wicked, development. The killing of newborn children for any reason and anytime in the first weeks of their lives has been either romanticized or outright advocated in the New York Times, and from professors at Colorado State and Princeton universities, and from Discover magazine, and in the Journal of Professional Ethics.

RSR: What's a Gland?

Pituitary gland* It's a Glandular Thing: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams discuss a great article by Dr. Tommy Mitchell titled, Your Pituitary—A Miniscule Master, from the Winter 2013 issue of Answers magazine. The guys also discuss the difference between most organs and glands, and the difference between organelles, organs, and organisms.

* Today's RSR Tutorial: Topics discussed include endocrine vs. exocrine, hormone vs. pheromone, bone and blood tissue, and the discredited homosexual claim about the hypothalmus.

For today's show we recommend:
The Real Science Radio Collection: 2006 - 2011

The Journal Nature and the Bible: 200 Generations

* 200 Generations from Adam until RSR: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams discuss the April 2013 issue of Creation magazine that points out that when evolutionary geneticists find evidence that the diversity in mankind's DNA can be accounted for with measured rates of mutation in merely 200 generations, that this is the same number of generations that have lived on Earth since Adam (as creationists have previously published, based on a straightforward reading of biblical chronology, years before the publication of the current scientific estimates).

* From the Bible to the Journal Nature: A paper published on Bob's birthday :) by the journal Nature, the January 10, 2013 article on ... The Recent Origin of Most Human Protein-coding Variants, presents, as summarized by geneticist co-author Joshua Akey, "Most of the mutations that we found arose in the last 200 generations or so. There hasn’t been much time for random change or deterministic change through natural selection.” In a related study, a 2012 paper in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology (Eugenie Scott's own field) on High mitochondrial mutation rates shows that one mitochondrial DNA mutation occurs every other generation, which, as creationists point out, indicates that mtEve would have lived about 200 generations ago!

* Leading Evolutionist Flew the Atheist Coop: Anthony Flew, one of the world's leading atheists, shocked the world's Darwinian Marketing Reps when he rejected atheism and conceded that the evidence of molecular biology establishes the logical requirement that a transcendent creator must have designed life on earth.

For today's show Bob & Fred recommend Walt Brown's life's work:
In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood!

* Dumber and Dumber: Humans are not getting smarter, but dumber. A Stanford researcher has estimated that as a result of mutations during the last 120 generations or so, we have all sustained two or more degradations that actually lower each person's intelligence (IQ).

RSR: Evidence Against the Big Bang Pt. 2

Sloan Sky Map of the universe* Real Science Radio's Big Bang Program: See below for Bob Enyart and Fred Williams' 2013 List of Evidence Against the Big Bang! Make sure to see Part 1 also. Today's program is part of our annual series:

* RSR's "List" Shows 2013 Schedule: we hope you enjoy our tradition of updating the great information in these lists...
January: List of Not So Old Things
March: List of Evidence Against the Big Bang
May: List of Peer-reviewed Dino Soft Tissue Papers
July: List of Answers to Hydroplate Objections
Aug: List of Scholars Doubting Darwin and the Big Bang
Sept: List of the Fine Tuning of Creation
Oct: List of Carbon 14 Where it Shouldn't Be
Nov: List of Genomes that Just Don't Fit.

RSR's 2013 List of Evidence Against the Big Bang

* Real Science Radio's Big "List" Shows Bang On: See below for examples from Bob Enyart and Fred Williams' 2013 List of Evidence Against the Big Bang, and hear Bob debate some of this with theoretical physicist (emphasis on the theoretical) Lawrence Krauss at

RSR's List of Evidence Against the Big Bang
(We maintain our updated list of evidence against the Big Bang at The following is that list in a snapshot in time.)

Spiral Galaxy NGC 3190* Galaxy clusters missing millions of years of collisions: Major big bang predictions were falsified so strongly that Princeton University cosmologist Jim Peebles stated, "It's really an embarrassment." While scientists were looking for the expected evidence of hundreds of millions of years of collisions that big bang theory predicted caused the spiral galaxy bulges, University of Texas astronomy department chairman John Kormendy admitted that the pristine bulges, "were something of a shock" for they "look rather too perfect."

* Nine billion years of missing metal in a trillion stars: Indiana University led a study of fifteen galaxies that undermined rather than fulfilled a major and fundamental big bang prediction. Krauss and other theorists do not *know* but they "believe" that, as billions of years pass during star evolution, these trillion stars were supposed to be creating vast quantities of heavy metals, but instead, these stars lack nine billion years worth of metal (i.e., in astronomy speak, that means elements heavier than hydrogen and helium).

For today's show Bob & Fred recommend
the best astronomy science DVD ever made!
What You Aren't Being Told About Astronomy:
Our Created Solar System

* Galaxy superclusters: Enormous clusters like bubbles, the Great Wall, filaments, the Sloan Great Wall, which is more than a billion light years across, all lack the time for gravity to pull them together in a mere 14 billion years.

* Mission Population III stars: Theory predicts that many first generation stars, which would contain only the lightest elements hydrogen and helium (claimed to have formed in the big bang), should be plentiful, yet not even one has been found. "Astronomers have never seen a pure Population III star, despite years of combing our Milky Way galaxy." -Science, Jan. 4, 2002 (see also many more references)

The End Times, The Harbinger, and Jonathan Cahn on BEL

* About this Interview and on this Page: We a'e eagerly looking forward to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but that should not make us vulnerable to fake news, even Christian fake news, and confused Bible teaching...
Rejecting The Harbinger's Claim of Divine Signs (far below)
Leading End Times Preachers All Dyin' of Old Age (just below)
- List of the Erroneous Calculated Dates
- Last Days vs. Last Minutes
- The Timing of Christ's Return has Changed
And related BEL Resources:
- Debunking the Blood Moon Claims with a Creationist Astronomer
- Bob Schedules Meet with End Times Preacher 9/24/17 (after predicted rapture)
- BEL Y2K Survival Kit Cuts Power to House (so our wives don't think that were nuts)
- Two Decades After 9/11 End Times Predictions Still Pending
- Bob Enyart's End Times Seminar filmed four days after 9/11 to a live and "still here" audience!

Read this KGOV page BEFORE reading Cahn's book!* 2016 Update: If Christian brother Jonathan Cahn would have paid closer attention to Bob's comments in this interview, and had taken this written show summary to heart, he could have averted the embarrassment of his failed prophecy of economic collapse for 2015. Further, at we make our argument that while the predictions of the End Times gurus are systematically wrong, here at Bob Enyart Live and RSR our biblically-based general and science predictions have an uncanny way of being confirmed! 

This is a Special Edition of Real Science Radio.


* Leading End Times Preachers All Dyin' of Old Age:  The modern end-times movement really took off way back in the 1970s and 1980s. Did all the big-name end times teachers think that they would still be preaching in their 70s, 80s, and 90s, and as a group dying of old age? No, of course not. We discuss this in a series on BEL beginning on May 14th, 2018 for the 70th anniversary of the modern State of Israel. See specifically the program, How to turn perfectly good Scripture into bad predictions. We love these guys, and Bob personally (and literally) sat at the feet of Chuck Smith and Chuch Missler for scores of Bible studies. But clearly, their dying of old age indicates that they got something very wrong in their interpretation of the headlines and the Scriptures...  
- Tim LaHaye (90, 1926 - 2016, Left Behind Series)
- Chuck Smith (86, 1927 - 2013, founder, Calvary Chapel)
- Chuck Missler (83, 1934-2018, end times teacher)
- Harold Camping (92, 1921-2013, founder, Family Radio)
- Hal Lindsey (91, b. 1929, Late Great Planet Earth)
- Noah Hutchings (92, 1922-2015, six decades on Southwest Radio Church)
- Irvin Baxter (75, 1945-2020, Endtime Ministries) as described by B.E.
- John Hagee (81, b. 1940; recent error: Blood Moons)
- Jack Van Impe (88, 1931-2020; had celebrated his 60-year anniversary with Rexella; began in ministry in 1948 and as a preacher in 1952).

See Enyart discuss all this with WND readers. 

* 2020 Update:

* List of the Erroneous Calculated Dates: Here's an example of the never-ending, and so far, universally incorrect, calculating of end times dates by a Christian author, and then another example by the leader of the Jehovah's Witnesses...


* Remember When -- The Dates & The Headlines: Countless Christians were told that the following dates were significant because they represented end-times markers. Thousands of news headlines were misinterpreted prophetically to arrive at these erroneous dates. Of course the Lord will return one day, and hopefully, soon. But confused teachers used events and dates like these to confuse others.

- 1850 for the ascent of the Anti-Christ (calculated by London's protestant scholar Robert Fleming, V.D.M in 1701 by adding to 608 A.D. the "1260 days" of Revelation, converting each day to a year
- 1948 the nation of Israel is reconstituted in the Middle East
- 1957 European Common Market (ECM) established with six nations
- 1973 The ECM added three more nations, prophecy teachers added this up to Daniel's "ten toes"
- 1980 In the decade of the 80s, three more nations joined the ECM, still adding up to Daniel's ten toes
- 1993 The European Union (EU) was formed with 12 nations
- 1995 Ten Nation European Alliance (WEU) formed, claimed to be Daniel's 10-toed prophecy
- 2001 Islamic terrorist attack on America, claimed to represent the end times
- 2010 Ten Nation European WEU decides to disband claimed as major fulfillment of prophecy
- 2011 Ten Nation WEU officially disbands and absorbed into the EU
- 2016 The now 28-nation EU begins to unravel with the UK's Brexit and Italy's no-confidence vote
Another embarrasing End Times headline by WND: Dead Sea flora sign of the last days?- 2020 With the U.K. officially out, the EU is down to 27 nations.

* Counting Backwards From 2020: It's been...
1,520 years since A.D. 500, the year when Irenaeus, et al, predicted that Jesus would return
1,220 years since A.D. 800, the year when Sextus Julius Africanus predicted Armageddon
1,020 years since A.D. 1000, the year when Pope Sylvester II, et al, predicted the beginning of the end
176 years since 1844 when the early 7th Day Adventists believed Christ would have returned
170 years since 1850 when Robert Fleming, writing in 1700 A.D., calculated the anti-Christ's reign
142 years since 1878 when Jehovah's Witnesses said would be the last year for the church on earth
116 years since 1914 when the Jehovah's Witnesses said it would be the end
99 years since 1921 when the JW's said millions now living will never die
84 years since 1936, the year when Herbert W. Armstrong predicted the end (updated to 1943, '72, '75)
72 years since 1948 when Israel became a nation again after World War II
63 years since 1957 when the European Common Market was Daniel's ten-nation alliance
39 years since 1981 when Chuck Smith, et al, taught the seven-year tribulation would begin
35 years since 1985, the year Lester Sumrall wrote about in his book, I Predict 1985
38 years since 1982, the year Pat Robertson predicted would be the end of the world 
32 years since 1988 a generate after Israel became a nation with 88 reasons for the Rapture in '88
26 years since 1994, the year that Harold Camping predicted would start the great tribulation
23 years since 1997, the year that Bishop James Ussher predicted would be the end of the world
Title page of the Jehovah's Witness 1921 book: The Harp of God: Millions now living will never die.20 years since 2000, when the Y2K bug was predicted to herald the end times, and when and Lester Sumrall predicted would be the end, and when Jerry Falwell predicted would see God's judgment.
19 years since 2001 when America was attacked on 9/11
13 years since 2007, the year Pat Robertson wrote in 1990 would be the end
6 years since 2014 when the blood moons were supposed to indicate the end times.

* Last Days vs. Last Minutes: Many years ago my call screener put through to me someone who told him that the diseases in the world were evidence of the Last Days. The guy, Jim from Columbus, Ohio asked me, "Bob, where do you stand on the Ebola virus?" I answered, "I'm against it." Looking at the news events listed above, when they occurred popular prophecy teachers claimed they represented end times prophecies. Well, it's been a long time since. The "end times" is a lot longer than any of them would have predicted. As we say at Denver Bible Church to those misinterpreting last-days prophecies, "From now only, will you only tell us about the Last Minutes?" Afterall, the most famous end-times teachers are all dying of old age and these last-days interpretations have been around for more than half a century.

* The Bible shows the Timing of Christ's Return has Changed: You can link directly to this section as or For most folks, before reading this list we recommend praying, "Lord, if Your Word clearly teaches something that I will tend to reject because it conflicts with some of my biases, please help me to be humble before You and willing to challenge my preexisting beliefs."
- God Views the End Times Calendar as Changeable: "I, the LORD, will hasten it in its time" Isa. 60:22
Believers Can Change the Time of Christ's Return: Peter wrote that believers too should set about, "hastening the coming of the day of God" 2 Pet. 3:12
Even the Length of the Tribulation will Change: Jesus said that, "those days will be shortened" Mat. 24:22
- Like God Shortening His Punishment of Israel: the Old Testament precedents for God shortening the coming Tribulation, include, "choose... seven years... Or... three months... Or... three days' plague..." And David said... "His mercies are great..." So the Lord heeded the prayers for the land, and the plague was withdrawn from Israel. 2 Sam. 24:12-17, 25
For God Promised Mercy Regardless of Prophecy If...: "The instant I speak concerning a nation [Israel], to destroy it, if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will repent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it." Jer. 18:7-8 (see also a dozen more Category 1 verses like that one, including the next, about Nineveh)
- Again, Get This Down, God Promises Mercy Regardless of Prophecy If: "...forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown! [But then] they turned from their evil way; and God repented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it." Jonah 3:10
- Before You Get Through Israel's Villages: "...I say to you, you will not have gone through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes." Mat. 10:23 (yet this did not happen, because as warned, God changed His plan for Israel; Jer. 18:9-10; Rom. 11)
- Some of You Won't Die Until: "there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom." Mat. 16:28 (this didn't refer to the Transfiguration which occurred about a day later; see too Mark 9 and Luke 9; yet they all did die, because God changed His plan for Israel, and grafted in the Gentiles; Jer. 18:9-10; Rom. 11)
- John Might Not Die Before: "Then this saying went out among the brethren that this disciple would not die. Yet Jesus did not say to him that he would not die, but, 'If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you?'" John 21:23
- This Generation Won't Pass Until: "Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place." Mat. 24:34  (yet that generation did pass away, because God changed His plan for Israel and instead grafted in the Gentiles; Jer. 18:9-10; Rom. 11)
- Before Paul, Believers Sold their Homes: "all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, and laid them at the apostles' feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need." Acts 4:34-355:1-2 (this behavior, appropriate at the time, changed after Paul's Acts 9 conversion when God grafted in the Gentiles)
- Christ's Soon Return Permeated His Teachings: "Sell what you have and give alms" Luke 12:33; "And everyone who has left houses... or lands, for My name's sake..." Mat. 19:29. " not worry about your life, what you will eat; nor about the body, what you will put on" Luke 12:22. The "ravens... neither sow nor reap" yet "God feeds them" Luke 12:24. "He commanded them to take nothing for the journey except a staff——no bag..." Mark 6:8. "Provide neither gold nor silver nor copper in your moneybelts..." Mat. 10:9. "Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and... come, follow Me" Luke 18:22. (yet He did not return soon, as He had warned that He may change His mind). And even that Jesus went about all Galilee preaching "the gospel of the kingdom" Mat. 4:23; 9:35; 24:14; Mark 1:14-15 and Jesus said, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe in the gospel [of the kingdom]" Mark 1:15; Mat. 3:2; 4:17
With Homes Sold, They Became Poor: Remember that "all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them... and they distributed to each as anyone had need." Acts 4:34-35; 5:1-2
- It Was the Converts of the Twelve Who Fell into Poverty:  1 Cor. 16:1–4; 2 Cor. 8:1-9:15Gal. 2:10; Rom. 15:25–31; Acts 11:27–3024:17 for communism quickly fails; the sale of pesonal property was to be a short-term tactic to survive the Tribulation and enter the Kingdom; the Postponement led to their poverty.
- Paul's Converts Kept Their Homes and Provided Relief: (The "apostle to the Gentiles" was able to raise relief from his converts) 1 Cor. 16:1–4; 2 Cor. 8:1-9:15Gal. 2:10; Rom. 15:25–31; Acts 11:27–3024:17 to support the believers in Judea who fell into poverty; they hadn't immediately become poor after selling their property, but after the delay in Christ's previously-expected soon return 
- God Warned He may Not Give Israel their Kingdom as Prophesied: "And the instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it, if it does evil in My sight so that it does not obey My voice, then I will repent concerning the good with which I said I would benefit it." Jer. 18:9-10 (see also Jer. 18:7-8; for God, unlike a juvenile judge, does not make empty threats)
- One Year Probation Followed Three-Year Earthly Ministry: "'Look, for three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree [figuratively, Israel] and find none. Cut it down...' But he answered and said, 'Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and fertilize it. And if it bears fruit, well. But if not, after that you can cut it down.'" Luke 13:7-9
Daniel's Seventieth Week Suspended: The prophet Daniel's 490-year prophecy (Dan. 9:24-27) of 483 years between the command to rebuild Jerusalem (by Artaxerxes Neh. 2:1-8) until the execution of the Messiah, followed by the next seven years that were to be the Great Tribulation (Mat. 24:15; Mark 13:14); but Israel rejected their resurrected Messiah so as God had warned (Jer. 18:9-10) He changed what He had prophesied for them by postponing both the tribulation and the Kingdom it would usher in.
- After the Cross Ten Signs of the Tribulation Were Evident: See chapter 9 of for details; in the year beginning with Christ's death the signs of the Great Tribulation that occurred included the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, signs and wonders, earthquakes, believers beaten by councils, the laying on of hands to imprison, arrests leading to occasion for testimony, martyrdom, expectation of an abbreviated end times and of the soon appearance of signs in the sun, moon, and stars, irresistible wisdom displayed.
- Fulfillment of Prophetic Seven Feasts of Israel Suspended: God ceased the apparent fulfillment of the Feasts of Israel on their very calendar days, for Jesus died on the day the Jews killed the Passover lamb; He was in the tomb during Unleavened Bread; raised on Firstfruits; gave the Holy Spirit on Pentecost; and He "tabernacled" among us (John 1:14, with the Greek saying not "dwelt" but "tabernacled"), likely fulfilling that feast; but the remaining two feasts including Trumpets are yet awaiting fulfillment, as God postponed His prophetic plan for Israel.   
- Jesus Hardly Spoke About the End Times Until Just Before the Cross: The apocalyptic Olivet Discourse happened when Jesus said to His disciples, "You know that after two days is the Passover, and the Son of Man will be delivered up to be crucified." Mat. 26:1-2
- God the Son Didn't Know the Timing: and neither did God the Holy Spirit but only the Father, for it is in His purview to decide when Jesus shall return. Just Google: open theism verses, and see Category 15, which includes the following:

The Holy Spirit, third person of the Godhead, did not know something that the Father knew, namely, the planned day and hour of the Second Coming Mark 13:32 and of course that lack of knowledge did not negate His divinity for the quantitative attribute of omniscience is not like the absolute qualitative attributes; likewise, no man, no angel, nor even the Son knew, for "of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only" of the persons of the Godhead, with even the Second Person not knowing the timing of the Second Coming which was in the purview of the Father alone Mat. 24:36.

- Israel's End Times Signs Not Relevant Today: When the Lord temporarily set aside Israel's Kingdom and their covenant of circumcision and grafted in the Body of Christ with its covenant of grace (this is not replacement theology), God's new sign, so to speak, of the end of the Body of Christ's time on earth is the "fullness of the Gentiles", whatever He means by that, be it a billion believers to populate heaven, or the Gospel preached worldwide, or holiness within the Body, etc.; so that, when "the fullness of the Gentiles has come in" then God will graft Israel back in again, "for God is able to graft them in again", and thereby resume the countdown on their end times calendar; Rom. 11:11-32.
- To Read More about the Changed Date of the Second Coming: Click to get a copy of Bob Enyart's life's work, The Plot: An Overview of the Bible is the Key to its Details and review the list of 33 Categories of more than 500 scriptures at

* Tonight on Denver's 7News: Bob Enyart said on 7News to Colorado's ABC audience that Christians who say that the death penalty is immoral are unwittingly accusing God the Father of being unjust, for He required a payment of death to pay for the sin of the world. We thank God for the opportunity to promote the principles of the Gospel on the nightly news! Please also see


Now Back to the Harbinger:

* Enyart & Cahn Agree on the Theme of The Harbinger: Bob Enyart interviews Jonathan Cahn, the NY Times bestselling author of The Harbinger. Bob appreciates Cahn's warning to an America defiant of God but Enyart disagrees with Cahn's claim that 9/11 was a specific sign from God. See just below Bob's notes regarding his reasons for disagreeing with Jonathan Cahn's claims of a specific divine message in the events following the Attack on America.

* Rejecting The Harbinger's Claim of Divine Signs: (This is not meant to be harsh, for we love and appreciate Jonathan Cahn, and though airing a daily radio talk show, we don't want to be like David who became battle hardened; yet, this is meant to be direct.) The last nine minutes of audio on today's program were recorded twelve years ago at an End Times seminar conducted in Winona Lake, Indiana only four days after Sept. 11, 2001. Bob Enyart predicted that sincere Christian authors (who love and honor God and preach the Gospel) would find a Bible passage with a few uncanny similarities to 9/11, and so would claim that therefore Al Qaeda's attack on America was a sign from God. Consider Jonathan Cahn's few parallels (which get repeated often) from Isaiah 9:10 to 9/11 events. In the audio from September 2001, Bob Enyart illustrates how easy this is to claim fulfillment of a prophetic pattern when, compared to the Harbinger, he quoted more, and more significant, 9/11 parallels, not from Isaiah but from Revelation 17 and 18. As one small example, the greater parallel between Scripture and 9/11 is not a sycamore and a fir tree, but Washington DC and NYC debating the patent rights of murdered unborn children so that "the merchants of the earth" can buy and sell the "the bodies and souls of men." So Bob intentionally misinterpreted the Scriptures to show how easily (and even innocently) this is done, and while Cahn's parallels get to select from events over a period of years, Bob's many more prophetic parallels were all fulfilled on the very day of September 11th.

Harbinger Expert Critic says:
"Bob, I read your analysis this morning
and it was dead right on every point.
- David James, 3/24/13

Read this KGOV page BEFORE reading Cahn's book!The Internet hasn't existed for 2,700 years. Jonathan Cahn's nine harbingers are based on a quote in the Bible of men defiant against God, who, after suffering God's judgment, repeated in utter ignorance, "The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with hewn stone; the sycamores are cut down, but we will replace them with cedars" (Isaiah 9:10). If the web had been forever, a Google search would probably return countless pages recording, after attacks, utterances throughout Judeo-Christian history of that quote. About 18 minutes into the program, Jonathan Cahn says about Isaiah 9:10 and the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor that back then, "you don't have anyone quoting the Scripture of judgment." Perhaps, perhaps not. In the very center of the Internet's page of Pearl Harbor Quotes we read Isaiah 9:10, not in the NIV or NASB, because those versions were translated later, but in the King James Version.

Cahn chose to present his message in a book of fiction. Not unlike the folks who think Star Wars is real, for many readers, Cahn's literary device blurs the distinction between truth and fiction. The requisite suspension of disbelief necessary to enjoy the elements of the story, a wary reporter, a surprised liaison, and an unnamed prophet with curious ancient seals, works to bias the reader who emerges from the novella into the real world lacking the desire to expend the mental energy necessary for an objective consideration of The Harbinger's theological claims.