Real Science Radio

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Welcome to Real Science Radio: Co-hosts Fred Williams and Doug McBurney talk about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, genetics, geology, history, paleontology, archaeology, astronomy, philosophy, cosmology, math, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) We get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott. We easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne. The RSR Archive contains our popular List Shows! And we interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything.

RSR airs every Friday at 3pm MST on AM 670 KLTT in Denver, Colorado. For rebroadcast times and podcast platforms, see our Affiliates page.

RSR is now on YouTube


RSR's Stunning Report: Why the Unprecedented Shut Down?

Gods_government_store__.jpg(The transcript of today's important program appears just below and you may want to check out next week's Part 2.) Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart takes lessons from the founder of the discipline of praxeology, as it's been called by Ludwig von Mises, the past leader of the Austrian School of Economics. Taking brilliant insights from von Mises, and working them within the context of a biblical Christian worldview, gives stunning insights into why, just now and unlike ever before, the world has shut down to fight a pandemic. Good for the mind. Great for the soul.

Today's Resource: God's Principles of Government. Join Bob Enyart as he explores God's Principles of Government. From Against Democracy where we look at the biblical principles related to the idea of majority rule, to a Representative Republic and its similarities with democracy, to a real Alternative to Democracy, to what a Bible-based Constitution actually looks like, after this series, the Scriptures' principles of governance will permeate your thinking like never before! Or your money back. (Really.)

James Tour on RSR fighting 1) disease and 2) abiogenesis

Dr. James Tour, synthetic chemist, ChristianReal Science Radio host Bob Enyart is optimistic about the scientific assault on the coronavirus. World-renowned scientists like synthetic chemist Dr. James Tour have added so much to our body of knowledge. Regarding life itself, they've taught us how daunting it is to build the molecules needed, let alone assemble them into living cells, and how material things alone could never accomplish such a task and originate life, for life only comes from life. And secondly, they've taught us so much about working at the molecular level that many people are optimistic that targeted antibodies and other technologies are going to defeat COVID-19. So with his 650 published papers, 200 patents, 77,000 citations in the scientific literature, and armed with a tiny nanoprobe designed to seek out and destroy pathogens, Bob Enyart welcomes famed Dr. Tour to RSR. 

Peter Gentry Finishes Off the Documentary Hypothesis Pt. 3

Check Your COVID Risk: online at!

Gentry, How to Understand the Biblical ProphetsReal Science Radio host Bob Enyart concludes his interview with Professor Gentry. Tim Mahoney's film series Patterns of Evidence presented the Documentary Hypothesis attack on Moses as the author of Genesis and the whole Torah. In an intriguing screen moment, Prof. Peter Gentry recounts asking his own professor about a book by preeminent academic Umberto Cassuto called The Documentary Hypothesis. His professor responds, "We don’t read things like that here." Really? This little book presents eight lectures delivered at Jerusalem's Hebrew University by Professor Cassuto who had held professorships at the University of Florence and the University of Rome. He left Italy for Israel when the Italian fascists enacted their anti-Semitic laws. Dr. Gentry, who studied language and Old Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary, Jerusalem University College, and earned his degrees from the University of Toronto, discusses Cassuto's final lectures against the Documentary Hypothesis affirming the integrity of the authorship of the Pentateuch. This series begins at, Part 2 is at, and see also

* Prof. Gentry's Resources: Dr. Peter Gentry's scholarly and popular works include the above How to Read & Understand the Biblical Prophets and the book below (left) Kingdom through Covenant. And below (right) click for Cassuto's little book! And please see just below for his great video on the identity of the "sons of God" who took wives of the "daughters of men", which women then bore "giants", as described in Genesis 6:

Kingdom through Covenant, 2nd Ed., Peter Gentry and Stephen Wellum

Cover of The Documentary Hypothesis book by Umberto Cassuto













* Real Science Radio Online Store: We invite you to browse the science department of our online store. Any purchase or especially, any subscription, donation, or automatic monthly donation, really helps RSR continue to reach more people with our streaming, podcasts, and radio broadcasts!

* Get the Patterns of Evidence Films: You can get Tim Mahoney's three films, and other Exodus resources, found in RSR's Patterns Department in our online store!  And check out the trailer for Tim's second film, The Moses Controversy...

Real Science Radio/Crawford COVID-19 Update II with Dr. Behe

* Wrote about Chlorquine before Chloroquine was Cool: The history of chloroquine and malaria provides vital insight into the theory of evolution and the possible future COVID-19. As a public service during the coronavirus pandemic and brought to you by the Crawford family of radio stations, RSR co-host Bob Enyart interviews famed biochemist Michael Behe, groundbreaking author of Darwin's Black Box, The Edge of Evolution, and Darwin Devolves. Dr. Behe helped launch the worldwide intelligent design movement of Ph.D. scientists exposing the failure of the theory of evolution to explain life's diversity. He's written on the history of chloroquine and its effect on the protozoa pathogen that causes malaria (a Plasmodium). That fascinating account reveals a stunning defect in the theory of evolution and also alerts us to the clear possibility that SARS-CoV-2 may mutate, and if so, it could create a second wave of challenging infections.

* Programming Notes:
- In 2019 RSR interviewed Dr. Behe on Darwin Devloves 
- Today we aired two programs. Just fyi, the first one is here!
- We have drug updates including on the controversy at

Bob Enyart's molecular COVID YouTube sermon...

Today's Resource: Does God Exist? (Debate)
Does_God_Exist_Cover__74551.1573772599.pngBob Enyart: pastors Denver Bible Church. Bob began his professional life working for McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Company designing simulation software for the Army's Apache AH-64 attack helicopter, and then went to work for U S West, Microsoft Corporation, and PC Week. Bob eventually left his computing career to work fulltime in Christian ministry and to host a talk show. In 1991, Bob Enyart Live began airing on Denver's KLTT radio, and can still be heard there weeknights at 7 p.m. During the mid 90s, Bob's show moved to television and was available in eighty cities from Honolulu to Orlando. More than 50,000 copies of Bob's audio and video teaching tapes have been sold. And a few thousand people have read the overview of the Bible presented in The Plot manuscript which is Bob Enyart's life's work.

Bob launched in 1999 with the purchase of O.J. Simpson's Hall of Fame Award and football jerseys, burning those items at the largest single-event press conference in the history of the LA courthouse. And Bob has organized a mobile protest of President Bill Clinton following him from Martha's Vineyard to Auckland, New Zealand with over 1,000 protests in 147 US and foreign cities for Clinton's sexual abuse of women. Bob has worked with parents of slain Columbine students to close down memorials to murderers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, and was glad to see the destruction of two crosses on Rebel Hill and two trees planted in West Bowles Community Church memorial garden. Bob has been appeared on over 100 TV and radio shows, including multiple episodes of ABC's Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher; Fox News Channel's O'Reilly Factor and Hannity and Colmes, CNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews, and various appearances on MS-NBC, the BBC, XTRA, Michael Reagan, E Network, etc. including on scores of radio stations from LA's KABC to NY's WABC.

Zakath: a two and a half year veteran poster on TOL, is an atheist with a past. The man behind the screen name was raised in a Christian home, seminary trained, earned a doctorate in counseling psychology, pastored two churches, founded a Christian school, and a Christian counseling practice with his wife of twenty-five years. Zakath left the Christian faith almost ten years ago, eventually ending up in his present belief system, atheism. Zakath is the father of four grown children; two in active duty military service, and two in the federal consulting field. When he's not posting on TOL, he runs his consulting business, enjoys reading, organic gardening (and ponding), martial arts, and home brewing.

* COVID-19 Deaths: Updated for April 5, 2020. See for the latest.

Coronavirus infections and deaths graphs through April 5, 2020

Ryan Mullins, Timelessness and God: Pt. 3

Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart concludes his interview with Ryan Mullins, theologian and author of the Oxford Studies title, The End of the Timeless God. Again, more than 700 pages on the websites of the big creation ministries (CMI, AiG, CRS, ICR) use the phrase "God and time". (You can verify that with this the time-saving customized Google tool atop to simultaneously search the big creation groups.) The guys also discuss the nearly ubiquitous influence for centuries now from the utterly damaging doctrine of Divine Simplicity. For if Simplicity were true, it would prohibit even the very triune nature of God. (And my producer just asked, If Divine Similicity were true, what's the point of learning more about God? Hmm.) Research fellow at Scotland's University of St. Andrews, Dr. Mullins has published groundbreaking work on the topic of God's relationship to time. Bob read and highly recommends Mullin's book. And we invite you to browse our own titles and check out "God and time" resources at our own! And make sure to hear Part 1 and Part 2 beginning at and our series with Dr. Richard Holland on his book, God, Time and the Incarnation!

Real Science Radio COVID-19 Update from Crawford Broadcasting

China Virus (map with the virus graphic superimposed on the country)

* As a Public Service for the Coronavirus Pandemic: and brought to you by the Crawford family of radio stations, RSR host Bob Enyart interviews the director of the Van Andel Research Center in Chino Valley, Arizona, molecular biologist Dr. Kevin Anderson. We discuss the origin of this SARS-CoV-2 virus with the evidence against it being created in a lab as a biological weapon and why 25 Ways the Shutdown Kills PeopleCOVID-19 is far more deadly than the common cold. Bob co-hosts with Fred Williams the Denver-based long-running Real Science Radio broadcast with its home on Crawford's AM 670 KLT, a new affiliate Portland's KKPZ in Oregon, another in much of northern California via San Francisco's KCBC 770 AM and our podcast home at (Conspiracy hobbyists, please see the "Stunning Reports" just below.)

25 Ways with NYC outbreak movie clips poster frame* RSR's COVID Science Interviews: Molecular biologist Kevin Anderson (above & 3 antibodies), NIH scientist emeritus Bruce Patterson (Rantes & leronlimab), Biochemist Michael Behe, & nanotechnologist and synthetic chemist James Tour.

No child left behind* From our List of The Bible's Scientific Statements: God through Moses in Leviticus 3500 years ago gave practical diagnosis and treatment instructions for the kinds of infectious diseases they were experiencing at that point in Israel's history. Diagnose from bodily discharges. Quarantine infected people. Observation. Extend observation period if symptoms persist. Cleansing with water. Clothing and personal items washed, discarded, or even burned. The inherent warning was that one person or object can infect another. All of this was revealed thousands of years before biblical creationists discovered for the world the germ theory of disease. (Undoubtedly these ideas were in biblical creationist Joseph Lister's mind when he laid the foundation for saving hundreds of millions of lives!) The covid brought renewed attention to the Bible's astounding wisdom, including quarantining those with symptoms, not those without. That, of course, is solid medical advice from both Moses and the fauci...

* RSR's Public Policy and Update Shows: Stunning Report 1; SR 2; SR 3; SR 4; and 25 Ways the Shutdown Kills

* Dec. 12, 2020: Contrary to the imagined hospital strain HHS (referred to by Biden as the Department of Health and Education), reports that at the peak of the pandemic hospitals today are at only 75% capacity (ICUs at 63%), with under 15% of all patients covid positive. As for particular states, New York for instance is at 76% (ICUs 61%) and California is at 76% (ICUs 79%). Meanwhile, as Just the News reports, remember that Chicago spent $120 milllion to create temporary facilities to treat a total of 38 patients."

US COVID deaths charted against cases through 10/22/20 John Hopkins data* Johns Hopkins University Economist Stands By the Missing COVID Death Numbers: The university's newsletter had its Twitter account deactivated and then its student editor retracted their report of the Johns Hopkins economist Genevieve Briand on US COVID deaths. Finding a shocking lack of excess mortality, the report has reappeared and is available right here. The bizarre "explanation" for why it was disappeared is here. Briand's numbers have come directly from the CDC (aka the Seedy See from their years misrepresenting the spread of HIV).

* Nov. 28, 2020: Published peer-reviewed paper from Rutgers scientists, consistent with economomist Briand's, shows that 89% of COVID deaths in two New Jersey hospitals had prior DNR (do not resuscitate) orders. That's just under the percent of deaths of DNR patients who died without COVID!

NY Catholic US Supreme Court COVID win cites Denver Bible Church case* NY Catholic Win Cites DBC Case: Six times Brooklyn New York's Roman Catholic Diocese cited our Denver Bible Church lawsuit in their victorious suit against NY Governor Andrew Cuomo.

* 12/8/20 Update: We just "won" our case, but the details haven't been made public. Tune in to BEL here on KGOV for an update, perhaps on Monday!

Pastor Bob's covid restrictions lawsuit reported by CBS News 4. Pastor Bob and Pastor Joey Rhoad's lawsuit and fleeting injunction victory has been reported by dozens of outlets including the Denver PostCNNBreitbartLifeSiteNews7NewsNews 4 2nd1stTelemundo DenverCharisma NewsChristian Headlines700 Club, @1776StonewallOne America NewsThomas More Society, the Washington Times. While many have thanked us many others have been critical and even, sadly but as expected, filthy. The 10th Circuit has temporarily issued an administrative STAY so until the case proceeds, legally, we're back where we were a few weeks ago except that now we have a win under our belt!

* RSR's Promising Breakthroughs: Nature Comm 5/4 blocking antibody; HCQ and 4/27/20 per AAPS; 10/25/19 Science 3 antibodies.

* 25 Ways Alleged Journalists Kill People: Alleged journalists who recklessly use the term "cases" conflate antibody tests, viral tests, and those who are sick with the actual disease, as if there were no difference between the virus, SARS-CoV-2, and the COVID-19 disease that it may or may not cause. Such irresponsible reporting in and of itself can kill people because ideas have consequences and there are, remember, 25 Ways the Shutdown Kills People...

No moral vaccines developed apart from fetal tissue as of 8/2/21
As of 8/2/2021

* COVID Vaccines: August 2021 update: Bob and Cheryl Enyart have sworn off taking the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson vaccines because, as those firms admit, they tested these three products on the cells of aborted babies. There are, however, vaccines being developed morally, though none are scheduled to be available in the US until the end of 2021. Our friends over at list these coming ethical vaccines: Merck, Sanofi, and from Novavax (which on July 7th received a $1.6 billion U.S. vaccine contract). And the Charlotte Lozier Institute reports that Inovio and BioNTech are also producing vaccines developed without the use of fetal tissue. So while it is not inherently sinful to take an immorally-developed vaccine (see, we urge everyone to boycott Pfizer, Moderna and the Johnson to further increase social tension and put pressure on the child killers. (Remember, many institutions and celebrities who have been "pro-choice" all along are now also calling to legalize infanticide, what they call after-birth abortion. So there's no bottom to their abyss.) Related: Pharmaceutical giant Sanofi Pasteur has discontinued using fetal tissue for its polio vaccine! While many parents have other vaccine concerns this development is an important step toward moral and socially sustainable medicine. (Hear also our vaccine interview with microbiologist Dr. Clem Persaud.)

* RSR's 25 Christian COVID Conspiracies: Bob presents a list of conspiracies vs. actual pandemic insights.

* When Deaths Peaked: From mid-April to the first week in May when fatalities averaged over 1,800 deaths daily, for that duration COVID-19 was the #1 cause of death in America.
* "Cases Spiking" Fake News through June & July: (July Update) All of the breathless national media reporting on "spikes" in cases through June and July are nothing but fake news when delivered without context. The mainstream media, and even Fox News and many on their network including Neil Cavuto, report "spikes" without putting that data within the needed context of increased testing and especially, the long-term steady reduction in deaths. Later though deaths did rise again...

Dr. Peter Gentry on the Documentary Hypothesis Pt. 2

Cover of The Documentary Hypothesis book by Umberto Cassuto
Scholarly demolition 

Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart continues his interview of Professor Gentry. Tim Mahoney's film series Patterns of Evidence presented the Documentary Hypothesis attack on Moses as the author of Genesis and the whole Torah. An intriguing screen moment was when Prof. Peter Gentry recounts asking his own professor about a book by preeminent academic Umberto Cassuto called The Documentary Hypothesis. His professor responds, "We don’t read things like that here." Really? This little book presents eight lectures delivered at Jerusalem's Hebrew University by Dr. Cassuto, holding professorships at the University of Florence and the University of Rome until the Italian fascists enacted their anti-Semitic laws when he had to leave and went to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Dr. Gentry, who studied language and Old Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary, Jerusalem University College, and earned his degrees from the University of Toronto, talks Bob through Cassuto's fourth lecture against the Documentary Hypothesis affirming the integrity of the authorship of the Pentateuch! See this also at and you may want to hear Part 1 and Part 3 of this series.

Documentary Hypothesis Refuted by Cassuto, and here on RSR by Dr. Peter Gentry

Cover of The Documentary Hypothesis book by Umberto Cassuto
Scholarly demolition of the theory. 

* Cassuto & Gentry Demolish JEDP: Tim Mahoney's film series Patterns of Evidence presented the Documentary Hypothesis attack on Moses as the author of Genesis and the whole Torah. An intriguing screen moment was when Prof. Peter Gentry recounts asking his own professor about a book by preeminent academic Umberto Cassuto called The Documentary Hypothesis. His professor responds, "We don’t read things like that here." Really? This little book presents lectures delivered at Jerusalem's Hebrew University by Dr. Cassuto, holding professorships at the University of Florence and the University of Rome until the Italian fascists enacted their anti-Semitic laws when he had to leave and went to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Dr. Gentry, who studied language and Old Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary, Jerusalem University College, and earned his degrees from the University of Toronto, talks Bob Enyart through Cassuto's powerful arguments against what's known as the JEDP Documentary Hypothesis and affirming the integrity of the authorship of the Pentateuch. See this also at and you can hear and and watch Mahoney's The Moses Controversy for the powerful historical evidence of Hebrew as the world's first alphabet and for it's availability for writing the Pentateuch (and, as RSR adds, the Book of Job) at the time of the Exodus.

* RSR Defending the Text:
Rescuing Mark's last 12 verses
Resolving those Alleged Contradictions
Demolishing the JEDP Documentary Hypothesis (this program)
Liberals and Atheists No Longer Control Our Greek Text

* Pre-Cassuto Post-Cassuto: Regarding the Documentary Hyphothesis, it's been a pre-Cassuto and post-Cassuto world ever since Umberto lectured at Hebrew University against the claimed four JEDP sources of Genesis and whole Pentateuch, that is, the alleged Yahweh, Elohim, Deuteronomist, and Priestly divisions of many of the chapters in the first five books of Moses.

* Prof. Gentry's Resources: Dr. Peter Gentry's scholarly and popular works include the following two texts...

Kingdom through Covenant, 2nd Ed., Peter Gentry and Stephen WellumGentry, How to Understand the Biblical Prophets













* Real Science Radio Online Store: We invite you to browse the science department of our online store. Any purchase or especially, any subscription, donation, or automatic monthly donation, really helps RSR continue to reach more people with our streaming, podcasts, and radio broadcasts!

Dr. Peter Gentry, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

* Get the Patterns of Evidence Films: You can get Tim Mahoney's three films, and other Exodus resources, found in RSR's Patterns Department in our online store!  And check out the trailer for Tim's second film, The Moses Controversy...

Ryan Mullins, Timelessness and God: Pt. 2

Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart continues to interview theologian and author of the Oxford Studies title, The End of the Timeless God, Ryan Mullins. More than 700 pages on the websites of the big creatoion ministries (CMI, AiG, CRS, ICR) use the phrase "God and time". (If you'd like to verify this or otherwise use the time-saving customized Google tool to simultaneously search the big creation ministries, just look atop  Research fellow at Scotland's University of St. Andrews, Dr. Mullins has published groundbreaking work on the topic of God's relationship to time. Bob read and highly recommends Mullin's book! And we invite you to browse our own titles and check out "God and time" resources at our own! And make sure to hear Part 1 from last week at and Part 3 is scheduled for broadcast on Friday April 3, 2020.

"It's 10 p.m." Bob's 30-second YouTube video showing that a timeless being could not tell time.

Predestination%20%26%20Free%20Will%20set%20.jpg__06743.1412612118.pngToday's Resource: Predestination & Free Will Seminar So much is at stake when people consider predestination and free will. Strong emotions often surface with a discussion of this topic. That passion points to our critical need to understand the truth regarding whether or not God has predetermined who will go to heaven and who will go to hell.

Also, the question of whether or not God has planned out each person’s life affects us. Does God have a plan for your life? Does a blueprint exist for your future? Did God predetermine whether or not you would get married, and to whom? Did God plan whether you would be wealthy or poor, happy or sad? If God does plan your life, does He do so in minute detail or in general themes? If God has a plan for your life, are you able to alter that plan? This topic directly influences people concerning how they live their lives. As Christians, we must seek God to accurately portray the LORD to others. For any misrepresentation of God will dishonor Him and perhaps bring harm to those misled.

You can now order the seminar video in a 3-DVD set or MP4 video download.

RSR: A Biochemist on 2020's Mystery of Life's Origin

This video link will be removed from here in a week...

Dan Reynolds, TASCReal Science Radio host Bob Enyart interviews Ph.D. in organic chemistry Dan Reynolds. After nearly three decades in the pharmaceutical industry (mostly at GlaxoSmithKline) and a quarter century in creation work with TASC, Dr. Reynolds talks to us about abiogenesis, RNA World, and the just updated 1984 bestseller, The Mystery of Life’s Origin by a biochemist, a geochemist, and a materials scientist. The 2020 edition has guest chapters including by synthetic chemist James Tour and RSR friend Stephen Meyer. Mystery of Life's Origin: 2020 editionThe guys discuss: the stall within the natural origins community; the origin of biological information in proteins, DNA, and RNA; complex specified information; the ruthlessness of chance vs the probabilistic resources of the universe; and the dead end of a proposal called RNA World.

To Help: To help with our March 2020 telethon goal of $40,000, please consider calling us at 1-800-8Enyart or above just click on the store or here at!