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Welcome to Real Science Radio: Co-hosts Fred Williams and Doug McBurney talk about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, genetics, geology, history, paleontology, archaeology, astronomy, philosophy, cosmology, math, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) We get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott. We easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne. The RSR Archive contains our popular List Shows! And we interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything.

RSR airs every Friday at 3pm MST on AM 670 KLTT in Denver, Colorado. For rebroadcast times and podcast platforms, see our Affiliates page.

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CRSQ's Paper: The Origin of Trees Pt. 2

A palm tree* Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Trees: Real Science Friday co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams discuss the current Creation Research Society Quarterly paper, The Origin of Trees,  by Tom Hennigan and Jerry Bergman.

* Trouble for Tree Evolution: Some organisms don't readily fossilize because they're made of soft body parts. Trees are made OF WOOD. And they supposedly evolved from non-trees starting 370 million years ago. So since countless millions of fossils have been documented, it should be easy to trace the evolution of trees. Oops. It's not. Paleobotanists document that to them the evolution of trees is a great mystery that simply has not been documented in the fossil record. "The first trees existing in the fossil record were clearly trees," concludes Hennigan and Bergman (and a whole lot of other scientists). Also, modern resin and modern seeds appear in the fossil record before they supposedly evolved. Discrediting evolution is like shooting fish in an oak barrel. (And speaking of fish... perhaps we have an Origin of Fish show in our future! :)

RSR: The Origin of Trees

A tree* Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Trees: While Fred Williams is away, Real Science Radio co-host Bob Enyart discusses the current Creation Research Society Quarterly paper, The Origin of Trees,  by Tom Hennigan and Jerry Bergman.

See also:
- RSR's Tree Rings and a Young Earth,
- Bob Enyart's The Tree (of the knowledge of good and evil)
- The evolutionists who are cutting down Darwin's tree of life! 

* RSR Flashback on Tree Rings: Bristlecone pine tree rings do not provide evidence as claimed by evolutionists of an age for the Earth greater than the Bible's record. The refereed scientific Journal of Creation presents the overwhelming evidence that these trees growing in the arid White Mountains of California, one of the driest places on earth, grow multiple rings per year. Thus once again scientifically careful research, this time in dendrochronology, is consistent with biblical chronology! RSR 20070302

RSR: Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Atheist Niko Alm with spaghetti strainer headgear* Public School Biology Teachers Resist Darwinism Real Science Radio co-hosts Fred Williams and Bob Enyart discuss Ken Ham's Summer 2011 Answers magazine. But the first two stories are from even more current stories:
- Universal Atheistic Contradiction
-- Atheist Pasta Dogma Denies Dogma: This member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster made the Austrian government look foolish by getting them to issue his drivers license with a photo of him with a pasta strainer on his head. Atheist Niko Alm affirms the self-refuting claim of many non-Christians that "the only dogma... is the rejection of dogma."

More RSR Topics:
- 60% of U.S. Public School Biology Teachers
: do not endorse Darwinism; see Science, AiG, and RSR.
- [Update:
Also, 60% of U.S. medical doctors believe that intelligent design plays a role in the origin of humans and a third outright prefer intelligent design.]
- Shark GPS: Fred is an engineer at a GPS applications firm and this ability in sharks is a testimony to God's genius and a challenge to the atheist's noodle.
- Instincts: How do instincts, in babies, spiders, birds, kangaroo rats and sea turtles refute Darwinism?

* Flying Spaghetti Monster Church Backfires: In another example of life imitating art, the atheist Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster comes full circle! Atheists claim that the Christian belief in God is absurd so they try to illustrate that by pretending themselves to believe in something absurd: the Flying Spaghetti Monster. However it turns out that atheists actually do believe in the flying spaghetti monster, i.e., they believe what they themselves admit is absurd. How so?

 Atheists Really Do Believe in This Stuff: Virtually 100% of atheists believe in aliens. Because of the assumed trillions of planets that could support life (and because of the assumed trillions of universes of the Antrhopic Principle's multiverse) atheists believe aliens will evolve forms of virtually infinite variety (which by the way disproves the claim that Darwinism is falsifiable). With the typical atheist claim (as with the origin of life) that anything that is possible given enough time becomes probable, therefore, atheists really do believe in flying spaghetti-like monsters. And they would characterize them as monsters, frightening creatures, as Stephen Hawking has warned us to avoid aliens should we happen upon them because they are very possibly going to be mean. And NASA-affiliated scientists at Penn State University have suggested that aliens might destroy mankind because of global warming. Therefore out of fear we should dedicate our lives to Mother Earth so that the Flying Spaghetti Monsters will not damn us to everlasting darkness. After all, if you don't stand with God, you'll fall for anything. So, unwittingly acknowledging the absurdity of their own beliefs, atheists REALLY DO believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Why Does Math Work? Why are Fundamental Equations Beautiful?

You can get James' book right now...* Mathematics is One of the Languages of God: Real Science Radio speaks with James Nickel, author of Mathematics: Is God Silent? Nickel talks with Bob Enyart about Albert Einstein and how the personal creator God is the answer to the question that Einstein wrestled to answer. Bob and James also talk about Isaac Newton, Johann Kepler, and why science was stillborn in ancient Greece. Bob wrote the following article about Einstein and math as he was inspired by James Nickel's evening presentation at the Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship.

* Real Science Radio Goes To Math Class: Here are a few exceprts from our 2014 program at

* How Einstein and Others Can Use Their Minds To Make Discoveries: As pointed out by author James Nickel, mathematicians turn away from the physical universe and yet make astounding discoveries that help to explain the world of matter and energy. Using their minds, rather than microscopes or telescopes, these discoveries come decades and even centuries before their real-world counterparts make the discovery by observational science, or before technological advance enables confirmation. RSR suggests as an example mathematician and astronomer Joseph-Louis Lagrange who discovered the gravitationally stable Lagrange Points where today we position our most important exploratory satellites. Lagrange was born in Turin, Italy in 1736 and discovered these points with his mind. Time Magazine's Albert Einstein: The Enduring Legacy says that today's "high precision instruments such as atomic clocks and lasers... have shown that he was absolutely on target with the equations he worked out with nothing more than a pencil." And describing an Einstein visit in 1931 to California's Mount Wilson Observatory where Edwin Hubble had been making astronomy history with a 100-inch reflecting telescope, Richard Lacayo writes for Time that, "When the astronomers there boasted that their telescope could probe the structure of the universe, Elsa quipped: 'My husband does that on the back of an old envelope.'"

* Einstein's Lab Where He Discovered Special Relativity: Materialists often claim though, along with many similar atheist cliches, that you can only know that which your five senses tell you. (But which of their five senses told them that?) For today's atheists are becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the reality of logic, with the existence of truth, and even with information itself.

* Comprehending What Einstein Said Was Incomprehensible: Einstein wrote that it was "incomprehensible" that the non-physical realm of "ideas" could even exist in a physical world. It was "incomprehensible to him that non-physical mathematics, which itself is not composed of matter or energy, could describe so beautifully the physical universe. The explanation for this phenomenon is one that Einstein (and Krauss) reject a priori. Mankind can understand the correspondence between pure ideas and physical phenomenon only by the realization that the universe was designed in the mind of God. So its workings can be discovered by the mind of men who are made in God's image. However, Einstein denied the existence of a personal God. Yet in more accurate science, as Kepler is paraphrased, we are thinking God's thoughts after Him.

* Mathematics Useless for Moral Truth: Conversely, while math helps man to understand physical reality, it is no use whatsoever regarding moral truth. Moral understanding never involves numbers. As American Right To Life put it in their Albert Einstein: In His Own Words article:

In 1936 Einstein famously wrote, 'the most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible,' and in 1944, remarking about Bertrand Russell, he described the ability to get from matter to ideas as a 'gulf-logically unbridgeable,' which some scientists and linguists refer to as Einstein's Gulf, and in 1950, Einstein wrote that 'science can only ascertain what is, but not what should be,' necessarily excluding from its domain 'value judgments of all kinds.'

RSR: The Best Astronomy Video Ever Made

Spike Psarris fabulous video, What You Aren't Being Told...* Real Science Radio Listens In to Spike Psarris: On this special edition of RSR, you'll hear audio from the stunning video, What You Aren't Being Told About Astronomy. Spike Psarris, former engineer with the U.S. military space program lists some of the very many observations that seriously contradict the standard evolutionary scheme for forming the Solar System.

Get the Spike Psarris Video: What You Aren't Being Told About Astronomy and his great Vol. II, on Our Created Stars and Galaxies! YOU'LL LOVE IT!

* Discover's Astronomer Attacks Psarris & RSR: Discover magazine's evolutionist Phil Plait accused Spike Psarris, of Creation Astronomy, of being deceptive because he uses the term "evolution" to describe naturalistic astronomy for, as Plait wrote, "evolution has nothing to do with astronomy." Instead of showing humility and dropping the issue, next Plait criticized Real Science Radio for our report on the spat, which included this comment: "Spike knocks it out of the park by showing the covers of covers of nine astronomy texts, each one with the word evolution in their titles, such as Solar System Evolution."

* RSR Talks About and With Spike Psarris:
- Honey Baby and Discover Mag's Phil Plait
- Spike Psarris on Astronomer Phil Plait and Evolution
- The Best Astronomy DVD Ever Made (this show)

Christianity Today's Search for the Historical Adam

Christianity Today's Fall[Update: As of Jan. 30, 2020, CT continues to misrepresent genetic science and the Scriptures.]

* Christianity Today Denies that God Made Adam from the Dust of the Earth: Real Science Radio hosts Fred Williams and Bob Enyart rebut the cover story, The Search for the Historical Adam, revealing the science and Scripture that Christianity Today choose not to include. CT omitted the many discoveries published by evolutionists in refereed scientific journals that support the Genesis account of the special creation of Adam and Eve in the recent past. Rather than their "Search for" title, Christianity Today would have been more forthright to run their cover story as, "We Deny the Existence of Adam." The magazine, founded by Billy Graham, also failed to warn readers that the liberal churches that affirm abortion and homosexuality, and that even deny the resurrection of Jesus Christ, all began their moral and spiritual downward slide by denying the historicity of the foundational book of Genesis. Christianity Today is following in their footsteps with their claim that God put a human soul into animals that had evolved from ape-like creatures.

* Christianity Today's Missing Science: Highlighted out of RSR's List of Evidence for the Global Flood and our List of Genomes that Just Don't Fit, Bob and Fred present discoveries that Christianity Today happened to leave out of their article including:
- a 6,000-year old Mitochondrial Eve calculated using exclusively human genetic data
- a Y-chromosomal Adam is the recent man whom every man alive descended from
- Haldane's Dilemma on the far-too-slow rate at which tens of millions of hominid mutations can propagate species-wide
- the enormous dissimilarity of chimps and humans
- now sponges genes are 70% the same as human genes
- and the newly-compared and 30% "horrendously" different chimp Y-chromosome
Actual measured mutation rates, in fact, as reported by Ann Gibbons in Science magazine indicate that, if these rates have been constant, "mitochondrial Eve… would be a mere 6000 years old." See additional scientific observations on the genetic information about mankind descending from Adam and Eve and with the bottleneck in Noah's family in Bob's article, Why Was Canaan Cursed?

* Christianity Today's Missing Scripture: As for the Scriptural implications of Christianity Today's old-earth allegation and denial of Adam's existence, Bob and Fred point out that Moses, Paul, and Jesus all referred to Adam as a literal person (which CT now denies) and the creation account is presented as historical, with Jesus reminding people that "from the beginning of the creation [not after billions of years], God made them male and female," (Mark 10:6). Today Real Science Radio explains something that CT left out of their article. Those who reject a young earth, also:
- reject the biblical teaching of no death before Adam
- reject the six literal days of creation
- reject that no thorns existed before the Fall
- reject the long lifespans of mankind's patriarchs

- reject the global flood (and the evidence for it)
- reject the origin of languages at Babel
- reject that the Earth was divided in the days of Peleg
- reject that there would have been painless childbirth
- reject that God made man from the dust of the ground
- reject the "order" of the days of creation (stars before Day 4; birds after land animals of Day 6; ), and
- by those who also claiming that "Adam" may have been an incorporation of thousands of individuals even undermine the New Testament genealogy of Jesus Christ.

ADDITIONALLY: Although more difficult to establish, old-earth professors at Christian colleges also reject many other biblical teachings, including the following list. 2014 Update: A Denver Bible Church college student (let's call him Josh) just graduated from a well-respected Christian college said that his "conservative" alma mater, like most religious colleges and like Christianity Today, believes in an old earth. Josh said that regarding the typical Christian college professor of Old Testament or science, because they reject the young earth teaching of Genesis, there are many historical events reported in the Bible that they never affirm in their publications nor in their classrooms. For example, typical old-earth Christian college professors also:
- reject the Exodus (
- reject the fall of Jericho (even against powerful archaeological confirmation as at
- reject the historicity even of Joshua's battles
- reject the ancestry of Abraham through Shem and Noah, to Adam
- reject the book of Jonah, and
- reject many other events that the Bible presents not as parables or symbols but as actual history. And as the foundation goes, so goes the temple of the house of God, and eventually "Christian" graduates and future ministers begin to see even the resurrection of Christ as a metaphor.

* New Testament References to Adam: By the inspiration of the Holy Spirit three New Testament authors mention the first man, Adam, eight times, in Luke 3:38; Romans 5:12, 14; 1 Corinthians 15:22, 45, 1 Timothy 2:13, 13, and Jude 1:14 and Eve twice, in 2 Corinthians 11:3 and 1 Timothy 2:13. Also, the New Testament twice mentions the creaton order, of Adam before Eve (1 Tim. 2:13; 1 Cor. 11:12), and twice teaches us that mankind inherited sin through the rebellion of the first man (Rom. 5:12-19, 1 Cor. 15:21-22), and twice it records Jesus dating His creation of Adam and Eve, "at the beginning", when God "made them male and female" (Matthew 19:4), "from the beginning of the creation" (Mark 10:6).

* New Testament Flood References: Consider also that the New Testament presents Noah's Flood as an historical event.
- Jesus, Peter, and Hebrews all mention Noah by name with Peter reminding us that only "eight people" survived the flood
- God "did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly" (2 Peter 2:5)
- "the Divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water" (1 Peter 3:20)
- [Ahead of the uniformitarianism of Charles Lyell & Charles Darwin] Peter warned about the claim that "all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation. For this they willfully forget... the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water" (2 Peter 3:4-6)
- "Noah, being divinely warned of things not yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his household," (Hebrews 11:7)
- Jesus Himself described the world "before the flood," with the majority ignoring God, "until the day that Noah entered the ark, and... the flood came and took them all away" (Mat. 24:38-39)
- Luke also records Jesus stating that "Noah entered the ark... the flood came and destroyed them all" (Luke 17:27)

Genesis Flood References: The first book of Moses explicitly describes a global flood which drowned all but eight humans, covered the tops of the mountains, required the building of a massive ark to save a breeding pair of all birds (unnecessary in a local flood) and every kind of land animal; Moses uses the word "all" many times for all the mountains under heaven covered, all flesh died, all living things were destroyed from the earth, etc. with the Genesis 6 - 8 flood account providing dozens of instances emphasizing the flood's global and comprehensive extent. Further, God promised to never flood the world again (Gen. 9:15), a broken promise if Noah's flood was local.

* New Testament References to Genesis: As pointed out by Henry Morris in The Remarkable Birth of Planet Earth, every New Testament author refers to at least one of the first eleven chapters and Jesus Christ Himself referred to each of the first seven chapters of the book of Genesis. We expect to list those here sometime in 2021.

* Additional Old Testament Flood References: A complete list of Old Tetament flood references is planned for 2021, as an addendum to our List of All Bible Verses Mentioning Creation. Creation, by the way, is mentioned in twenty six books of the Bible, in 66 chapters and 208 verses, and as discussed at, interestingly, ten creation passges make allusions to the global flood!

* Scientific Evidence for the Global Flood: See

* God Exists; Secular Theories of Origins Do Not: As filmed on the Pepperdine Campus...

* On the Day-Age and Gap Theories: See

* Consider Also from Old-Earth Christian Apologist John Lennox:

Preview of the Christianity Today Article on Adam

Time-Saver Programming Note: This program is a preview of next week's program, so listeners who skip this program will not miss anything. (That's a euphemistic way of us saying that this show wasn't so hot :)

* Christianity Today Denies that God Made Adam from the Dust of the Earth: Real Science Friday co-hosts Fred Williams and Bob Enyart look at the cover story, The Search for the Historical Adam, in the current edition of Christianity Today. The liberal churches that affirm abortion and homosexuality and that deny the resurrection of Jesus Christ -- all began their moral and spiritual slide by denying the historicity of the foundation book of Genesis. Christianity Today is following in their footsteps with their claim that God put a human soul into animals that had evolved from ape-like creatures.Ape-like creatures that didn't evolve into men

* Looking at CT's Scripture and Science: As for the Scripture, Bob and Fred point out that Moses, Paul, and Jesus all referred to Adam as a literal person and the creation account is presented as historical, with Jesus reminding people that God made them, male and female, at the beginning of creation. And they explain something that Christianity Today leaves out of their article, that that those who do away with a literal Adam, also do away with the biblical teachings of no death before Adam, the six literal days of creation, the global flood, the order of the days of creation, and they even weaken the veracity of the genealogy of Jesus Christ as given in the New Testament. As for the science, something that Christianity Today's editors left out of the discussion, is this information about Adam and Eve from the article titled, Why Was Canaan Cursed?

Baraminologist Dr. Roger Sanders on RSR

* Baraminology Author in Studio: Real Science Radio interviews Dr. Roger Sanders of Bryan College. What's baraminology? It's a furtherance of Adam's first task, which was to name the animals, into a classification of living things within the framework of the created kinds as described in Genesis. The anti-creationist National Center for Science Education begrudgingly states, in an article by Alan Gishlick, that creationist researchers including Dr. Sanders, "practice a form of systematics, called 'baraminology', and for creationist science it is surprisingly rigorous and internally consistent." RSR is happy to accept that compliment on behalf of creationists and reminds our audience of Bob's debate with the NCSE president Eugenie Scott that you can watch on DVD or listen to right here on Real Science Radio at Also briefly discussed was biogeography which studies the dispersion of animals around the world, where Darwinists are beginning to more readily agree with creationists about the transport of countless animals far distances across ocean currents on floating log mats (with the biblical creationists alone acknowledging that this occurred after the global flood, all within less than the past 5,000 years). Update: In 2012 for financial reasons Bryan College closed their Center for Origins Research.

* Is there a Genetic Bottleneck in Land Animals? Because a global flood destroyed almost all land animals and birds only thousands of years ago, Bob asked Dr. Sanders if marine animals have been shown to have greater genetic diversity than bird and land animals. Dr. Sanders recalled that a study done on land and marine turtles showed greater genetic diversity among sea turtles. Evolutionists believe that sea turtles evolved from land-dwelling creatures, so if evolution were true, genetically we would expect to see the opposite of what we expect to see from the perspective of a recent global flood. This Turtle Topic reminds RSR of one of our recurring themes, that the fossil records documents stasis rather than evolution, as in this quote from Bob Strauss on turtle evolution: "the basic turtle body plan arose very early in the history of life (during the late Triassic period), and has persisted pretty much unchanged down to the present day... Paleontologists still haven't identified the EXACT family of prehistoric reptiles that spawned modern turtles and tortoises, but they do know one thing: it wasn't the placodonts." [RSR capitalized the letters of "exact" to call attention to this common style of the misleading use of words by evolutionists.]

* Research Project and Genetic Diversity Prediction between Clean and Unclean Animals: Biblically speaking, the difference between "clean" and "unclean" animals is that the clean animals were acceptable by God for sacrifice, and so God instructed Noah to bring seven pairs of clean animals on the ark. As a result, even though some of these clean animals would have been offered up as sacrifices, a creationist prediction of Real Science Radio is that there may be greater genetic diversity among today's descendants of the clean land animals as compared to unclean land animals.

* As Few as 1,000 Pairs of Animals on the Ark: In 2013, Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams discussed a wonderful article about the significant research project underway at Answers in Genesis (and other creation research centers) to identify the created kinds among land animals so that we can learn more about our Creator God, the creatures He made, and about how much work it would have been for Noah's family to clean up after all those critters! Of course, per God's criteria reported by Moses in Genesis, no bacteria, insects, plants, nor fish had to be brought onto the ark. So roughly speaking, by generally counting "kinds", and usually not "species", current research indicates that there could have been as few as 2,000 animals on the ark.

Which technologies needed Darwin or an old earth?

Nicholas Steno flood geologist 1638-1686* Two Wild Claims by Whorton and Roberts: Real Science Radio co-hosts Fred Williams and Bob Enyart debunk two wild claims made in an old-earth book, "Holman QuickSource Guide to Understanding Creation" by Mark Whorton and Hill Roberts.

* Wild Claim #1: Flood Geology began with Ellen White (1827 – 1915) and the Seventh Day Adventists. Somehow the authors missed the entire history of geology including the previous centuries of writings by leading geologists, quotes from early church fathers, and the history of the world's oldest national scientific organization, the Geological Society of London. Terry Mortenson, with a PhD in the history of geology from Coventry University in England, has an excellent article Where Did the Idea of "Millions of Years" Come From? that reports on the young-earth flood geology view that prevailed before Charles Lyell. An article on the Geological Society's website, God and the Geologists, doesn't mention Ellen White but does state that a book, Geology and Religion, published to coincide with their 200th anniversary, summarizes the modern history of geology saying that: "A prominent topic is that of ‘Flood Geology’. Originating alongside geology itself in the 18th Century, the theory held that the current geological features of the Earth have resulted from a global flood, as described in the Genesis account of Noah’s Ark. The theory was a popular one for centuries... Now, however, flood geology is undergoing resurgence as part of the increasingly prevalent creationist movement."

RSR: The Origin of Fingerprints

Neo-darwinism cannot create fingerprints* Can Darwinism Make Fingerprints? RSR co-hosts Fred Williams and Bob Enyart talk about the evolution of Real Science Radio and the origin of fingerprints!

* Can Fingerprints Evolve? The fingerprint information management and maintenance system goes so far beyond and is so completely irrelevant to any physical gripping benefit of providing ridges for tactile functionality, that fingerprints could not evolve by the neo-Darwinist mechanisms of mutation and natural selection. Fingerprints in gorillas, chimpanzees, koala bears, and humans cannot evolve by any Darwinian process because no survival benefit in the wild could be conferred by any of the functional requirements in its complex multipart system. Having no theoretical survival value means that evolution is back to pre-Darwinian days before natural selection was considered as a possible way of answering the mathematical impossibility of evolution. Consider however that the following system requirements provide no survival value, thus the large commitment of resources to develop and transmit this system cannot be explained by evolution:

  1. the system draws the design by an algorithm that develops and maintains the information for the pattern
  2. the system ensures that the pattern will survive and even re-emerge through most injuries to fingers
  3. the system will vary the design between billions of individuals
  4. the system draws the prints not as raster images (in pixels), but with mathematically defined vectors
  5. the system begins to implement the unique prints in early fetal development
  6. the fingerprints will scale as tiny digits grow from infancy, through puberty and into adulthood
  7. the system, unlike random static on a TV screen (or sand on sandpaper),
      varies the design in human-discernible patterns
  8. the system will produce raised surfaces consisting primarily of continuous curved lines
  9. the system will produce non-intersecting pathways that create clean patterns without crossed lines
10. the process of skin formation including the programmed death of billions of skin cells to constantly reform
      the epidermis will not alter the programmed pattern.