[Updated June 13, 2021]
- The death penalty is at the heart of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Salvation is presented in terms of crime and punishment.
- The Bible is a criminal justice textbook.
- Five of the Ten Commandments are for criminal justice
- See below our list of ways to reduce crime.
Murders per Million Source: See the FBI's 2018 Homicide Data Table 6 and the simple spreadsheet calculation. While many crimes go unreported, even sexual assaults, murder is almost always reported. This chart's statistics are highly reliable.
Won't vs. Can't: Public policy should prioritize deterrence over inability. Human beings are almost infinitely creative. Thus, a government's top priority should be making it so that people won't commit crime rather than that they can't commit crime.
List of Ways: Don't worry! Below, in our List of Ways to Reduce Crime, of the 25 specifics, none of them say, let's just stop shooting each other; don't judge; just love everyone; love God; all sins are equal; or forgive everyone.
Flashback #1: Court TV interviews Bob Enyart regarding Scott Peterson's death sentence.
Flashback #2: We purchased OJ Simpson's memorabilia at auction and then burned both his Hall of Fame Award and his Heisman '68 Jersey (which had been hanging in his Brentwood mansion) to call for the installation of a new criminal justice system in America. See KGOV.com/oj.
Flashback #3: Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick as documented at ShadowGov.com and as an editor of the Wall Street Journal wrote, that Bill Clinton's rape of Juanita Broaddrick was an event that "in fact took place." Hear also Bob's worldwide exclusive interview with Juanita Broaddrick and with nurse Norma Rogers, her friend who found Broaddrick wounded and in tears shortly after the assault.
Flashback #4: BEL aired never-before-heard Columbine recordings and we get to the real story (i.e., one murderer's Natural Selection t-shirt) behind the massacre, the search warrant application that was squashed that may have prevented the murders, and the disgraced sheriff's refusal to let SWAT intervene.
Flashback #5: Check out Bob Enyart's phone call to Michael Jackson attorney's office on the very day that Mark Geragos threatened to sue anyone who "besmirched Jackson's reputation" and see the three pieces of information on the homosexual child molester that Bob gave to the Santa Barbara District Attorney.
Flashback #6: Reporters whom we identify by name from the New York Times, the LA Times, and Reuters called for comment about the Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado Springs. But as fake news they all refused to show the petition signature or even report that the kgov.com/hero Officer Garrett Swasey who was murdered by the pothead who shot up the mill had been helping us to try to stop all killing at that abortion mill, including by the abortionist.
Flashback #7: After our meager effort to get justice for JonBenet failed, we presented our Clue that Breaks the Case and our Concise List of Inculpatory Evidence Against the Ramseys including in this 200,000+ views YouTube:
Five of the Ten Commandments: Five of the Bible's Ten Commandments lay the foundation for a valid criminal justice system:
- Do not murder (basis for the right to life and prohibiting crimes of bodily harm crimes)
- Do not steal (basis for the right to own private property and prohibiting socialism and other economic crimes)- Do not commit adultery (basis for prohibiting extra-marital intimacy, etc.)
- Do not bear false witness (prohibiting of kgov.com/perjury as the basis for the right to due process)
- Do not covet (goes to establishing motive in court proceedings)
See kgov.com/americas-criminal-code for our one-page long proposed criminal code that can replace a million pages of the country's current codes.
Death Penalty at the Heart of the Gospel of Christ:
Question: Do any New Testament people or books support execution?
Answer: As shown directly in the verses below, Jesus, Paul, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, Hebrews, Revelation, and an angel all give strong support for the death penalty. But first consider the case of an American mass murderer.
Here are the New Testament scriptures this article quotes:
"For if I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying; but if there is nothing in these things of which these men accuse me, no one can deliver me to them. I appeal to Caesar." -Apostle Paul, Acts 25:11
"Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition? For God commanded, saying... 'He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.' But you say..." -Jesus Christ, Mat. 15:3‑4 & Mark 7:8‑11
…rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. For [the governing authority] is God's minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God's minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. -Paul, Rom. 13:3-4
And if anyone wants to harm them… he must be killed… -Apostle John, Rev. 11:5
he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. -John, Rev. 13:10
Anyone who has rejected Moses' law dies (present tense) without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Of how much worse punishment will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot. Hebrews 10:28‑29 [death penalty = deterrent for unbelief]
"[we] are under the same condemnation, indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong" -repentant criminal being executed Luke 23:40-41
Here are a few Old Testament scriptures for capital punishment:
Be afraid of the sword for yourselves; for wrath brings the punishment of the sword, that you may know there is a judgment. Job 19:29
The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance… So that men will say, "Surely there is a reward for the righteous; Surely He is God who judges in the earth." Ps. 58:10‑11
"Whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man." Gen. 9:6
'take no ransom for the life of a murderer… but he shall surely be put to death' Num. 35:31‑33
"Will you profane Me among My people… killing people who should not die, and keeping people alive who should not live…?" Ezek. 13:19
Thus the death penalty still applies for murder, kidnapping, etc.
But we know that the law is good if one uses it lawfully, knowing this: that the law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless... for murderers [Ex. 21:12]...for sodomites [Lev. 20:13], for kidnappers [Ex. 21:16]... for perjurers... -Paul 1 Tim. 1:8-10
Finally, KGOV's New Testament Support for Capital Punishment explains that Christians should not advocate for the death penalty for the Mosaic symbolic offenses. Why not?
For the priesthood being changed, of necessity there is also a change of the law Hebrews 7:12
As of shortly after Christ's death, no government, not even Israel's, should punish, let alone execute, those who violate the symbolic ordinances which reinforced Israel's priestly role (Lev. 24:16; Mat. 15:4; etc.).
Listener's Neighbors Murdered: Please pray for a BEL listener going to visit in jail a husband who turned himself in, who murdered his wife on Feb. 21, 2019. Both were Chuck's neighbors. Our listener will urge the murderer to forbid his defense attorneys from entering a not guilty plea, and even to dismiss them. Further, that he should not fight the death penalty. And, even if he asks God to forgive Him to save His soul (which would be wise, that should have no affect on the punishment that he is due in this life, Luke 23:42), which is execution. Related: On self defense, see also kgov.com/self-defense.
Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? We are featuring our classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar and our important videos God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources!
* Justice System is Just-a-System: Our old quote that Bob Enyart repeated at our O.J. Simpson press conference was picked up by The Quote Garden along with other insights about justice from Earl Warren, Learned Hand, Fredrick Bastiat, Justinian I, H.L. Mencken, Edmund Burke, Henry David Thoreau, Mae West, Bertrand Russell, Marcus Aurelius, and Aristotle, you can find these nuggets...
- Robert Frost "A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer"
- Bob Enyart "It's no longer a justice system, now it's just a system"
- Lenny Bruce "In the Halls of Justice the only justice is in the halls"
- African Proverb "Corn can't expect justice from a court composed of chickens"
- Welsh Proverb "The houses of lawyers are roofed with the skins of litigants"

- Ambrose Bierce "Lawsuit: A machine which you go into as a pig and come out of as a sausage"
- Tacitus "the more corrupt the republic, the more numerous the laws"
- Charles Evans Hughes "The United States is the greatest law factory the world has ever known"
- Lao-Tzu "The greater the number of laws... the more thieves and robbers there will be"
- Frank Zappa "The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced"
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. "This is a court of law, young man, not a court of justice"
- Lord Halifax "If the laws could speak for themselves, they would complain of the lawyers in the first place"
- William Shakespeare "The jury, passing on the prisoner's life, may in the sworn twelve have a thief or two guiltier"
- Will Rogers "We don't give our criminals much punishment, but we sure give 'em plenty of publicity"
- Jonathan Swift, [Our] "Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through"
- Edmund Burke "It is not what a lawyer tells me I may do; but what humanity, reason, and justice tell me I ought to do"
- J. Edgar Hoover "Justice is incidental to law and order"
- The ACLU's evolutionist Clarence Darrow "There is no such thing as justice."
And this: "A trial by jury is justice by committee," said Bob Enyart. For our tens of millions of crimes, a committee of jurors can be grossly negligent, pervert justice, aquit perverts and murderers, and then simply melt anonymously back into the community. America has arrived at a process that ensures a total absence of accountability for the single most important function of government.
* Hollywood has Blinded a Million Jurors: For a century now, and ten thousand times over, the entertainment industry, using plot twists to keep the audience interested, accustomed millions to assume that, typically, the person who appears guilty is likely innocent. Thus this observation from the fictional detective James Wong:
Don't You Hate It When: Have you noticed that the media, everyone from your local newspaper reporter to Fox News Channel to TruTV, describe brutal crimes and criminals as though they were games and contestants? They'll say things like, "The only thing the murderer did wrong was to leave behind his cigarette butt." Oh really? That's the only thing he did wrong. We get the point. But the point is worth making without turning crime into a sport. Our culture is sinking into the cesspool of situational ethics and moral relativism. Words have meaning. Ten thousand repetitions of throw-away lines that are morally bankrupt have an effect. So, KGOV says to the media: Stop It!
And this too: Here at KGOV we judge that this insightful saying, widely attributed to Da Vinci, "He who does not punish evil commands it to be done," was probably never said by him.
And finally this: Folks who want to find out what God says about capital punishment just might Google: God and the death penalty, or just, God death penalty. Either way, since the year 2000, they've been finding our article, here at KGOV and over at TheologyOnline.com, ranked by Google as #1 out of millions of pages. (We always also beat out another highly-ranked article, by Antonin Scalia, for those search terms.)
* In Memory of an Insightful Political Satirist: Ambrose Bierce, critical of American governance, wrote definitions for legal terms such as:
Accomplice, n. One associated with another in a crime, having guilty knowledge and complicity, such as an attorney who defends a criminal, knowing him guilty. This view of the attorney's position in the matter has not hitherto commanded the assent of attorneys, no one having offered them a fee for assenting.
Appeal, v.t. In law, to put the dice in the box for another throw.
Lawful, adj. Compatible with the will of a judge having jurisdiction.
Lawyer, n. One skilled in circumvention of the law.
Litigation, n. A machine which you go into as a pig, and come out of as a sausage.
Precedent, n. In Law, a previous decision, rule or practice which, in the absence of a definite statute, has whatever force and authority a Judge may choose to give it, thereby greatly simplifying his task of doing as he pleases...
Rope, n. An obsolescent appliance for reminding assassins that they too are mortal. It is put about the neck and remains in place one's whole life long.
Tree, n. A tall vegetable intended by nature to serve as a penal apparatus, though through a miscarriage of justice most trees bear only a negligible fruit, or none at all. When naturally fruited, the tree is a beneficent agency of civilization and an important factor in public morals.
Trial, n. A formal inquiry designed to prove and put upon record the blameless characters of judges, lawyers and jurors.
* Blackstone's Injustice: Bob Enyart may be one of the few conservative Christian talk show hosts who has actually read large portions of these commentaries. Blackstone was an apologist for British Law, including its injustice. His influence has been overwhelmingly harmful because he defended common law, etc., even when it violated biblical principles of criminal justice. For example:
- The king is not above the law. Blackstone says the king is above the law in various ways.
- Whereas British law had finally outlawed entertainment by jousting to death, if the king wanted to see such a bout, then Blackstone judged such jousting to be legitimate.
- The Bible commands against bearing false witness but Blackstone says all arrested kidnappers, thieves, murderers, etc., should plead not guilty.
- Systematizing lying to the court in the normal course of events undermines the very concept of criminal justice, thus, it's no longer a justice system; now it's just a system.
- Disobeying God but following Blackstone by lying with a not guilty plea further harms already suffering victims.
- The Blackstone ratio, that it's better to acquit ten murderers than to convict one innocent man, Sodom and Gomorrah not withstanding, violates clear biblical principles including "He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord." Consider the following...
* It's NOT Better that 1,000 Criminals Go Free: On the air Denver radio host Mike Rosen quoted to Bob Enyart the nearly thousand-year-old cliché that, "It is better to acquit a thousand guilty persons than to convict a single innocent one." Hollywood too repeats the falsehood here:
* It's Not Better to Acquit Ten Guilty than to Convict One Innocent: At the Salem Witch Trials and in Blackstone's Commentary on Law, the 1000-to-1 falsehood has been moderated down to ten-to-one. But the claim is still false that, "It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer." Convicting the innocent and acquiting the guilty are equally horrifying injustices. As the Bible puts it, "He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord" (Proverbs 17:15). The claim that it is better to acquit ten murderers than to convict a single innocent man implies that the one is a greater evil than the other. In reality, they are alike. Whenever we hear a claim about right and wrong that involves a mathematical equation, it typically comes from a humanist, utilitarian mindset (as with John Stuart Mills). We should train ourselves to automatically question any mathematical claim that attempts to quantify morality. Mankind must not attempt to fine tune a justice system so that it is more likely to let murderers go than to convict the innocent. Why not? First, such a goal ignores God's clear statements on the matter. Secondly, when murderers are more likely to avoid conviction, a murder epidemic may result. Thus the effort can backfire so that many more innocents may be killed, even gunned down in the streets, than would have died by a judicial effort to seek an even outcome in criminal justice results. Many churches though systematically avoid teaching the criminal justice principles that God included throughout the Bible. When Christians offer suggestions for how a criminal justice system should function, at a minimum they owe God the courtesy of knowing what He has said about perjury, admissibility of evidence, incarceration, due process, presumption of innocence, the appeals process, and so on. Consider a biblically-informed criminal justice system operating for a century. If it turned out that a hundred cases had been wrongly decided (which, with human fallibility, is more than likely), then fifty or so would have been wrongly decided against the guilty, that is, the guilty man went free. (This is a ruling against the guilty because what even he needed most was justice.) And fifty verdicts would have been wrongly decided against the innocent, that is, the innocent was wrongly convicted. If the system had been run with the humanist goal of acquitting ten murderers rather than convicting one innocent man, instead of a hundred cases of unintentional injustice, there would likely have been far more murder and thousands of cases of a preferred king of injustice.
* Eyewitnesses Not Needed For Capital Punishment: Another destructive cliché is that a conviction must be based on eyewitnesses in order to justify the execution of a capital criminal. This is false as we demonstrate at kgov.com/two-or-three-eyewitnesses-not-needed-for-an-execution.
* See Also: Our...
- 2001 BEL program kgov.com/about-lawyers
- 2009 interview with Another Prison Worker for Abolition
- 2017 sparring with the author of the Cold-Case Detective Finds an Intruder in the Universe
- 2018 How the Church Should Respond to the Crime Epidemic (and the List of Ways, below).
Quiz Question: Which verse in the Epistle to the Hebrews explains this news report? Particularly, when after Argentina's former military dictator, Jorge Rafael Videla, was arrested, an Argentine newspaper greeted the news with the headline: "God Exists!" Videla had been granted amnesty, but the nation's high court eventually ruled that the pardon did not cover the kidnapping of children from the military junta's political opponents (to give them as rewards to its military officers). Videla was arrested in 1998 on orders from the judge investigating the junta's practice of kidnapping "children of the disappeared".
* List of Ways to Reduce Crime: (See also our List of Ways a Downturn Kills People.) How can a Christian respond to a crime epidemic? The church can positively affect the culture, including by lowering crime and reducing school shootings, if only our leaders would aggressively teach a Christian worldview that properly addresses the following:
- Can’t vs. Won’t: Liberals have long tried to make it so that men can’t commit crime, instead of that they won’t commit crime. So as conservatives become ever more liberal-like, in 2018 rather than focus on the actual underlying problems, their putting a band-aid on a symptom with their focus on armed teachers and security guards. There’s nothing wrong with effective security, but that’s something you do on your day off, when you’re not actually working on resolving the underlying issues that lead to society’s dysfunction. Advocate not for impotence but for deterrence.
- Capital punishment: The death penalty is at the heart of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and capital punishment is supported throughout the New Testament. When Christian leaders join liberals in opposing the death penalty, they undermine both the Gospel and America’s criminal justice.
- Governmental vengeance: Vengeance belongs to the Lord and so God He has delegated vengeance and wrath to governing officials (Romans 13:1-4) to bring against criminals yet the church undermines God’s purpose.
- Swift execution: The Bible is a criminal justice textbook. Through God's Criminal Justice System, He promises that swift justice will end a crime epidemic when the sentence against a criminal is executed speedily. (A tenner, that is, a ten-year prison term, cannot be executed speedily as can flogging and execution, which should be swift and painful, so incarceration in jail or prison as punishment should be abolished.)
- Personal vengeance: Filling the vengeance vacuum, as the church has undermined God’s purpose for the government to exact vengeance, there is an explosion of personal vengeance, ubiquitous in films, television, video games, and novels, so that from mean girls in high school, to road rage and rottenness online, to all-out murderous violence and school shootings, personal revenge could be its own genre. So Christians should promote government vengeance and the death penalty and warn people about consuming personal vengeance entertainment.
- Accomplices / attemped crime / conspiracy / perjury: Punish attempted crime as though the criminal were not incompetent and had actually accomplished his intent. Likewise, punish all accomplices and those conspiring to commit crime as severely as though they had committed the crime themselves because they have. And as the Bible says, punish those who commit perjury based on whatever is at stake in the case, whether restitution, corporal punishment, or capital punishment.
- Don’t judge: Stop repeating this false teaching that warps and even silences the influence of millions of Christians.
- Forgive everyone: Stop repeating this false teaching that makes repentance superfluous and leads to corruption, crime, and murder in society, and makes much of the Bible irrelevant including Jesus’ teaching in Luke 17:3.
- DNA Database: There is no right to anonymity so toward almost eliminating sexual assault and many other crimes, we Christians should advocate for a national DNA database of everyone in the U.S., born here, naturalized, and visiting. Otherwise, we're willing to sacrifice women on the altar to the fake right of anonymity for rapists (and everyone else).
- Fingerprint Database: Advocate for a national DNA database of everyone in the U.S., born here, naturalized, and visiting.
- Get Out of Jail Free Card? Advocate for an end of the get-out-of-jail free card given to murderers, kidnappers, and rapists on technicalities. If a policeman violates a law, he should be held accountable, but a murderer doesn't then get a pass.
- Evolved animals: Convincing children that they evolved from animals and that they are animals leads many of them to act like animals, believing there are no eternal consequences for their actions and concluding that the Book of Genesis is a myth; alternatively, convincing anyone of the evidence for God as our Creator and the literal truth of Genesis provides them with a 100% effective vaccine against atheism.
- Oppose suicide: Suicide is destabilizing, like with 9/11 and suicide bombers. When we remove the social stigma against suicide, then many people more readily include suicide among their options, and that includes teenagers, weak minded people, murder-suicide criminals, those who attempt suicide-by-cop, and even kamikazes, and today Islamic suicide bombers. Suicide is inherently destabilizing, promoted by those who don’t know right from wrong, and violates God’s enduring command in Exodus 23:7 which states, Do not kill the innocent. See also kgov.com/suicide.
- Question authority: Hippies, left-overers from the 60s, still have a strangehold on our culture with their "question authority" which never meant simply to "challenge individuals in authority" but was more of a blanket anarchy type of "question authority".
- Liberal brainwashing: Recognize and warn others of the deadly danger of the public school curriculum, for 20 hours a week over 13 years, has a goal of turning your child into a liberal, leftist, pro-evolution, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, possibly transgendered, conservative-hating Democratic voter. (I would have said that the government schools have the goal of getting your child to turn against God, but that doesn’t seem to affect most Christian parents and pastors, so I listed concerns that seem to have greater motivation for them.)
- Sexual immorality: Christians have become desensitized to the criminal nature of sex outside of marriage, which is not only sin but also a crime. For 3,500 years in Judeo-Christian legal history, since Moses through Jesus and Paul, adultery and other forms of sex outside of marriage were and still should be criminal. Living in a sexualized society damages human beings, adding to the instability of those already destabilized, including student murderers.- Support fewer laws: Of course don't support "no" laws, nor anarchy. Support "fewer" laws only when there are too many laws, like... today. And of course they have to be the right laws. Here at KGOV we advocate reducing the legislative burden from it's current publication in thousands of pages to our proposed criminal code, which takes up all of five paragraphs.
- Ubiquitous pornography: Led for decades by Focus on the Family's Dr. James Dobson who served catastrophically on the President's Commission on Pornography, Christians, including Concerned Women for America and Morality in Media have forgotten that it should be criminal to traffic in human sexuality and that sex outside of marriage is inherently criminal. As with homosexuality and the killing of unborn children, Focus, Dr. Dobson, etc., recommend only the "regulation" of pornography, as though it is not a form of institutionalized prostitution. And with Christian leaders thus legitimizing pornography, of course, there is no shortage of others who made it even more destructive and available at every moment and to everyone, including to children.
- Government schools: If the Israelites would have sent their children off to be educated by the godless Philistines, God would have killed the parents. Today, He’s operating differently (thankfully), but it is reckless nonetheless to send a child to our officially godless public schools.
- Godless schools: Even if we put prayer and Bible study back into public schools, they would still be immoral, because God never authorized the government to educate children, and when bureaucrats usurp that authority, parents relinquish that authority, and millions become uninvolved in their kids’ education. So instead of getting prayer into the schools, get your kid out.
- Homeschool instead: One couple told Bob they couldn’t afford to homeschool and the next week he saw the wife with braces on her teeth. Cost of her smile, $7,000. Cost to her child, one soul.
- Tolerating homosexuality: All forms of sexual immorality, and homosexuality worse than most, are dehumanizing and lead people to think and act as though they were just animals. Tolerance is a bogus value since when we have to tolerate something, that thing isn't ever something good, for we never "tolerate" what is good, but what is gross. A superfluous list tracks Christian leaders and organizations who hate their neighbor by their increasing affirmation of homosexuality.
- No-fault divorce: While marriage is the most fundamental contract upon which civilization is built, our godless society, lawmakers, and leaders have diminished it into the only contract that can be violated without legal consequence.
- Socialism is theft: Socialism, including welfare and Medicaid, violates God's enduring command, Do not steal and so that alone warps the moral compass of kids growing up in America. (Relevantly, each Republican administration since WW2 has outspent the previous Democrat administration including in domestic spending, with President Donald Trump bringing us into the age of trillion-dollar annual deficits including fully funding Planned Parenthood.)
- Abortion kills: Decriminalized abortion feeds our culture of violence and of death, including our education culture, and yet Church leaders are evidently more willing to tolerate Planned Parenthood than the abolitionist Christians who fight to save every child.
- Abortion class: Public schools won't give an aspirin to a student without notifying parents, but they transport girls during school hours for invasive surgery to kill the parents' grandchild. Government schools are the enemy.
- Republican abortion: In his first year as president Donald Trump nominated to the Supreme Court Neil Gorsuch who agrees with the central holding of Roe v. Wade that the unborn child is not a person and with the approval of the court can be legitimately killed. President Trump has also fully funded the Planned Parenthood abortion industry at Barack Obama levels, with approximately $1.5 billion dollars over three years, all of which has been met with either approval, or at most, silence, from Christian leaders, as though they hate him and despise his eternal soul, and care nothing for the teenagers growing up in America's Republican-led death culture. (The Roe v. Wade abortion decision was written by a Republican justice, passed by a Republican majority, and ever since upheld by the Republican-majority court, with every single Reagan, GHWB, GWB, and Trump nominee supporting the central holding of Roe, that the unborn child is not a person and does not have a right to life.)
- Entertainment culture: Violence, humanism, animal rights, godlessness, nihilism, hedonism, materialism, meaninglessness, utter futility, and atheistic eternal emptiness, sold to our children through the culture, boomerangs back in criminal activity. Video game makers, for example, who provide simulation training on how to kill police officers and others, should be vulnerable to lawsuits from victims. Certainly, many such games provide training to and can make minors more effective school shooters.
- Mental illness: Mental illness in minors and adults is exacerbated by our sexualized culture and by the over-prescription of psychotropic drugs, both problems that the media refuses to investigate, including the high percentage of school shooters on Ritalin, Adderall, Dexedrine, etc. Of course, as are the government schools, the mainstream media too is the enemy.
- Foster care: The socialist foster care system of the government being intimately involved in the funding and raising of children should be abolished.
- Criminal care: Advocate for the abolition of prison. As discussed in our classic God's Criminal Justice System, the Bible only authorizes three forms of punishment, restitution, corporal, and capital punishmnent. Long-term incarceration is timeout for adults, it is not justice neither for the victims nor the perpetrators, is cruel whereas the death penalty is not, and in Scripture was practiced only by evil governments, with the accused held in custody only when necessary until the conclusion of his trial.
- Gun regulation: "Common sense gun laws" mostly are a distraction from addressing the real underlying causes of crime and they're a diversion from actually reducing gun violence. It's not can't but won't that properly addresses a crime epidemic. From 1980 to 2018, in U.S. households, gun ownership has fallen from about 50% down to about 30%.- Hate Crimes: Via the Jussie Smollet Hoax, come up with a better definition and term, at kgov.com/hate-crime.
- The Gospel: Preaching the gospel isn't only a faith issue and a love-your-neighbor issue. It's a domestic tranquility issue and a national security issue.
If you are unsure of the biblical validity of any of the above matters, we strongly recommend that you get our Hermeneutics seminar recording which presents 16 tools, in prioritized order, for interpreting the Bible.
Note: This Theology Thursday broadcast is now listed as a standard BEL program.