* It's What You Do: Officer Garrett Swasey was killed at Planned Parenthood, the same man who signed our personhood petition to save lives at abortion mills! If you're a personhood supporter, it's what you do. You try to save lives at abortion clinics. Bob Enyart Live listeners are the first (and maybe the only ones that will ever) to hear that a personhood supporter was there on scene during the Planned Parenthood clinic shootings Fri., Nov. 27 and this anti-abortionist intervened in an attempt to save lives. This is exactly what personhood supporters do. The government and the media, without evidence, has wrongly tried to tie the murderer to the pro-life community. Instead, we have actual evidence, actually, proof, that the hero who was there, on location, who was trying to stop the murderer, was in fact part of the personhood movement and that the murderer was a kgov.com/pothead who moved to Colorado because of its legalization of marijuana.
* NYT / LA Times / Reuters Fake News: Even with the latest NY Times inquiry about candidates Hillary Clinton and Mike Pence being in Colorado Springs, just as occured when the media called initially about the clinic shootings, and then again when the abortion mill reopened, the media's negligence will continue on their failure to report on the petition signature (see just below) of the heroic officer killed at Planned Parenthood. Journalists from the New York Times (Jack Healy, Noah Remnick), the Los Angeles Times (Denver-based freelancer for the Times David Kelly), and Reuters (Keith Coffman), have called asking about the Colorado Springs abortion clinic shooting. We offered to show each of them the information below, the signature of the police officer who was killed there at Planned Parenthood while trying to save lives, who had signed our pro-life personhood petition. Each media outlet in turn has refused to report on the astounding fact that the hero who died on scene, Officer Garrett Swasey, was involved, along with his wife Rachel and their church, in our personhood efforts to protect every child by love and by law.
* It's What They Do: If you're a godless reporter, you scapgoat those trying to save lives. It's what you do.
* Meanwhile, from over at prolife.buzz: The info below is copied and pasted directly from today's post at plb. Notice in the video that the MS-NBC host appears disturbed over her pro-abortion guest's hypothetical scenario about what if abortion really is murder.
America is complicit in the ongoing murder of unborn babies
December 01, 2015 by Prolife Buzz
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes gets it exactly right about America’s guilt and complicit in the human rights atrocity called abortion (beginning at 5:30 here):
You know, we hear abortion is murder, right? That is very frequent, “they’re killing babies”. This is the common rhetoric. That’s mainstream anti-abortion rhetoric. To think for a second about what that would mean if you believed that. If you took that seriously right? America is undergoing essentially a mass slaughter, a holocaust, right? I mean, there are millions of abortions in America every year. If you think it’s murder and you think the entire institutional structure of American life is essentially complicit in this ongoing murder. That’s a pretty intense thing to think about the state of America.