40-year Academia Veteran Corroborates RSR Criticism

Double PhD Dr. Jerry Bergman* Firsthand Report from Dr. Jerry Bergman : Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart gets an insiders view from a double-PhD 40-year veteran of the world of academia exposing the absurdities and anti-scientific biases of America's colleges and universities. So, even more than in the past, young people should consider alternatives to college, including for men, a trade or apprenticeship, and for women, marriage, and pregnancy (in that order, and, just to be clear, that last suggestion comes from Enyart. :)

* RSR Bergman Interviews and Shows Using His Research:
- Bergman on Bats and Bellybuttons
Jerry Bergman on Slaughter of the Dissidents
- Slaughter of the Dissidents Author Slaughtered
- RSR's List of Whale Evolution Problems (with Bergman research)
The Origin of Fish by Jerry Bergman
- Bergman's "Vestigial" Organs Are Fully Functional
Darwinism: The universal acid
- How Darwinism Corrodes Morality & Pt. 2
Human Chromosome 2 Is Not Two Fused Chimp Chromosomes
- Origin of Human Language (and Part 2)
Hitler and the NAZI Darwinian Worldview
- The Origin of Trees by Jerry Bergman and Tom Hennigan
Evolutionary Naturalism is an ancient idea (and co-discoverer of Natural Selection) 
- RSR's Problems with the Eye Evolution Story (with Bergman research)
- RSR's List of Scholars Doubting Darwin
- C.S. Lewis: Anti-Darwinis
Poor Design: An invalid argument against Intelligent Design
- Useless Organs: The rise and fall of a central claim of evolution
Bergman on Eisenhower: WWII was Creation vs. Evolution
40-year Academia Veteran Corroborates RSR Criticism (this show)

* Today’s Resource: You can enjoy one or two of Bob Enyart’s entertaining and insightful videos each month, mailed to you automatically, simply by subscribing to the BEL Monthly Topical Videos service! Also, you can check out the other great BEL subscription services!

* And Just for Fun: Click for some of our favorite videos and below the following embedded Enyart/Shermer video, check out a few Real Science Radio graphics that we enjoy!

A brain doesn't "see" an image but a symbolic code of that image


Nautiloid fossil in the Grand Canyon's redwall limestone proves rapid deposition
Nautiloids prove rapid limestone formation


Trochlea challenge to evolutionists


Missing strata from the geologic column in the grand canyon

Pluto appearance prediction from old-earth assumption vs. young-earth actual photos


Pakicetus imagined on the cover of Science, vs actual (yet retains the claim of transitional whale)!

Rodhocetus pelvis and hind limb actual vs imagined



Hawking & Dawkins quotes admitting that the universe and life all look designed
admit the most famous atheist physicist and biologist
Biomaterial fossil list screenshot 2/16/19


Most accurate definition of multiverse

RSR iconoclasts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams smashing atheist icons to bits


Most Pro-aborts: Life, Not Life

That argument against evolution is worth considering, said no theist ever. :)

* Courage in Crosswords: A Real Science Radio listener from Indiana sent in a screenshot of his New York Times crossword puzzle app...

"If the government were
actually reading my emails,
I'd have hope
for this country."
-Bob Enyart, rsr.org

atheism poster inspired by Ray Comfort's Evolution vs. God