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The Dominic Enyart Show

Theology Thursday

Greetings and welcome to The Dominic Enyart Show where we discuss worldviews, culture wars, and politics from a Biblical perspective. Dominic Enyart (son of the late, great Bob Enyart) broadcasts live in Denver on the mighty 50,000-watt blowtorch of the Rocky Mountains, KLTT (AM 670), and right here on! Enyart is a Christian, conservative, theologian, and anti-abortion spokesman. He began speaking publicly at 19 and is encouraging his generation to stand and fight for truth, justice, and sanity.

Enyart has appeared on Fox News and has a history of testifying before Colorado legislators at the state capitol in support of the unborn. His involvement with Colorado Right to Life has encouraged him to be an unyielding and uncompromising voice for life. We invite you to join the brightest audience in the country, and listen in!

Dear Mr. Beast… Be a man

Today on The Dominic Enyart Show, MR. Beast reveals himself to be a yes-man coward. While his “friend” Chris Tyson comes out as transgender, he sits idly on the sidelines watching him destroy himself. While Chris says people should be allowed to make their own decisions, we argue that’s not always the case.

The TRUTH about The Resurrection

Today on The Dominic Enyart Show, we’re discussing the actual reason why we should say “Resurrection Day” instead of “Easter.” Then, since it was just Resurrection Day 2023, we’re covering some evidence for the resurrection.

Evidence Jesus Rose Playlist: Click Here

Michael Newdow Debates Bob Enyart on Atheism

Does this Bob Enyart Live program qualify as a special edition of Real Science Radio? Perhaps someone in our BEL family of friends could give this a listen and then email to let us know if this show should be listed as an RSR program! (Also, if you'd like to, feel free to try your hand at writing a brief summary of the show.) Thanks! -The Crew at BEL

What Does the Bible Teach About the Future?

Today on The Dominic Enyart Show, we’re getting away from the news and into the Bible. We’re asking, “What does the Bible teach about the future?”


The Left’s Response to the Nashville Shooting

Today on The Dominic Enyart Show, we look at the tragic reaction to the Nashville shooting from the left. For the first time in American history, they have taken the side of a school shooter. No sin is too egregious for the left as long as it is done in rebellion against God.

Transgender Terrorism | Let's Talk About It

WEBSITE UPDATE: The website is currently being updated, so you may experience some technical difficulties. If so, check back in a few hours. ~Dominic Enyart, 1:15 PM (Denver Time) 03/30/23

Today we are joined by Nicole McBurney on The Dominic Enyart Show to discuss the most recent act of transgender terrorism. We’ll discuss what happened, the motive, emotion, and what our response should be in contrast with Biden’s response. (HINT: Telling jokes about ice cream is NOT a proper response to a school shooting.)

Are You Accidentally Racist?

Today on The Dominic Enyart Show, we discuss race-baiting. The left thrives on “fighting racism” so there’s an immediate conflict of interest. For the left to thrive, they need racism. When there isn’t any racism, what do they do? They try to create it. We must not fall into their trap.

When You Say Something Stupid…

Even conservatives say (and do) stupid things. When we do, we have the obligation to act with humility and accept the consequences.

The Dominique Enyart Show

Today on The Dominic Enyart Show, Dominic is outed as a transgender which allows him to report on transgender issues with impunity.

What is Money?

DEBATE ANNOUNCEMENT: This Saturday (03/18/23) at 6:00 PM, Dominic (alongside Open Theist Bo Hornick) is going to be debating “Does the Bible Teach the Future is Eternally Settled?” As he and Bo prep for the debate, we’re going back to a broadcast classic from the late great Bob Enyart discussing, money. What it is, where it comes from, and why it has value.