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The Dominic Enyart Show

Theology Thursday

Greetings and welcome to The Dominic Enyart Show where we discuss worldviews, culture wars, and politics from a Biblical perspective. Dominic Enyart (son of the late, great Bob Enyart) broadcasts live in Denver on the mighty 50,000-watt blowtorch of the Rocky Mountains, KLTT (AM 670), and right here on! Enyart is a Christian, conservative, theologian, and anti-abortion spokesman. He began speaking publicly at 19 and is encouraging his generation to stand and fight for truth, justice, and sanity.

Enyart has appeared on Fox News and has a history of testifying before Colorado legislators at the state capitol in support of the unborn. His involvement with Colorado Right to Life has encouraged him to be an unyielding and uncompromising voice for life. We invite you to join the brightest audience in the country, and listen in!

Thanksgiving at Denver Bible Church

We're going back to 2015 for a Thanksgiving broadcast classic! With Thanksgiving coming up, we're listening in on a sermon Bob gave about thankfulness to the Lord. Without Him, we would have nothing to be thankful for, yet with Him, we can be grateful for an immeasurable amount.

Worldview | Biblical Inconsistencies Part 3

Welcome to The Dominic Enyart Show, today is the 11th installment in our worldview series. We continue our tests of the Bible and we’re going through supposed “Bible contradictions”.

Worldview | Biblical Inconsistencies Part 2

Welcome to The Dominic Enyart Show, today is the 10th installment in our worldview series. We continue our tests of the Bible and we’re going through supposed “Bible inconsistencies” as presented by critics of the Bible. As we will learn, their criticisms are laughable.

Biblical Inconsistencies? HA!

Welcome to The Dominic Enyart Show, today is the 9th installment in our worldview series. We continue our tests of the Bible and we’re going through supposed “Bible inconsistencies” as presented by critics of the Bible. As we will learn, their criticisms are laughable.

What is a Marriage? | Matt Walsh is WRONG

Today on The Dominic Enyart Show, we’re having a strategy meeting! How do we discuss and argue for traditional marriage in a country that has fallen so far away from God? Do we ignore Him, or do we use Jesus’ approach and presuppose the existence and authority of God? Find out today!

340,000 Cross-References in the Bible!

Today on The Dominic Enyart Show, after a quick recap of the worldview we’ve built so far, we’re going to be looking at more cross-references in the Bible. We’ll see that there are hundreds of thousands, which could not have been intentionally included by merely human efforts. The only reasonable explanation for how these cross references got here is that the Bible was written by men who were inspired by God. And with God as the author, it all comes together in spectacular fashion.

Consistency of the Bible | The Old Testament

Today on The Dominic Enyart Show we’re getting into the nitty-gritty with the old testament and beginning to lay out the overarching plot of the Bible. We see the entire old testament points to a coming Savior and ends on a cliffhanger. Tomorrow we will continue to look at how the Bible ties itself together. Also, we want to thank the brightest audience in the country for helping us to MEET OUR TELETHON GOAL! We reached our $30,000 goal and could not be more thankful for your outpouring of love and support. This will allow us to keep broadcasting for another year!

The Search for God’s Word Continues…

Today we take yet another step forward in our worldview series! If you’re just now joining us midway through this series, we have been building our worldview. And it’s crucial that your worldview is accurate because it will serve as the foundation for your life. So far we’ve discovered that God exists, that He is both personal and powerful, and that He has set the moral standard humanity was meant to follow. We then concluded that if He created us, He might have some purpose for us.

Why We Exist | The Search Continues

Today on The Dominic Enyart Show we’re continuing our worldview series. While we’ve already figured out that God is the Creator of the universe, we’re still left wondering… Why did He create us? Currently, we are continuing our search for an explanation.