Welcome to Real Science Radio: Co-hosts Fred Williams and Doug McBurney talk about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, genetics, geology, history, paleontology, archaeology, astronomy, philosophy, cosmology, math, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) We get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott. We easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne. The RSR Archive contains our popular List Shows! And we interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything.
RSR airs every Friday at 3pm MST on AM 670 KLTT in Denver, Colorado. For rebroadcast times and podcast platforms, see our Affiliates page.
* NCI Senior Researcher Louise A. Brinton Reverses Herself: Brinton, largely responsible for getting the government-funded National Cancer Institute to deny the abortion-breast cancer link, has co-authored a new study which describes significant risk factors, including "induced abortion." The study also says that these risk factors are "consistent with the effects observed in previous studies on younger women." Endocrinologist Dr. Joel Brind of NYC's Baruch College joins Bob Enyart and Doug McBurney toward the end of the program to discuss this dramatic development! Also, hear about the 320% increase in risk for women taking the birth control pill to develop TNBC, Triple Negative Breast Cancer, a particularly aggressive and treatment-resistant cancer. Learn more at AbortionBreastCancer.com. Update: Further, while the U.S. study shows that abortion is the "best predictor of breast cancer" two more studies, now from China and Turkey, also show the link between breast cancer and abortion.
* Bill Jack vs. Travis Barlock at DU: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart interviews the inimitable BillJack, founder of Worldview Academy, guide with BC Tours, and one of the few bakery customers in history who ended up in a lawsuit. Join Bob Enyart and others from Denver Bible Church attending the debate this Sunday evening in Sturm Hall at the University of Denver. And please pray for Bill's debate opponent, Travis Barlock. To prepare, perhaps Travis might check out any of these Real Science Radio list shows:
* See More of Travis' Favorite Transitional Whale Fossils Debunked: On the show page for the Real Science Radio interview of filmmaker Dr. Carl Werner, rsr.org/whale-fossils-faked, see more video clips of the other now falsified alleged whale transitional fossils. In addition to Rodhocetus, consider also Werner's interview with the discoverer of Ambulocetus, which reveals to the general public what only few insiders knew. Dr. Hans Thewissen is Philip Gingerich's student who, astonishingly, has been celebrated for also (allegedly) discovering a whale transitional form. Following his mentor into fame, and then into shame, Thewissen has now admitted on film that he fabricated the blowhole that he claimed was on the creature's snout. Yet public television nature programs and natural history museums worldwide, demonstrating their notoriously low standard for evidence, have long accepted that imaginary blowhole so that millions of people, like Travis Barlock, believe that fantasized claim to be among the best evidence for evolution.
* DU Students Say Whale Transitions are Travis' Favorite Examples: University of Denver students in the audience told Bob Enyart that the (alleged) transitional whale fossils were among Travis Barlock's favorite evidence for evolution. This is reminiscent of the millions of evolutionists who justify their belief in evolution by citing the content in Richard Dawkins' books, even as the author himself knew and has now admitted that his books contained no evidence and only assumed evolution to be true (see video below). This Bill vs. Barlock debate also reminds RSR of when Bob Enyart asked the famed evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott for her best evidence, and she answered "junk DNA", which very term today has been identified as a science stopper and severely hindered the growth of genomic research as a generation of geneticists were heavily deterred by strong-armed neo-Darwinists from even looking at the non-coding regions of our DNA, vast swaths of which have now been confirmed to have function. As the scientific evidence for our Creator God continues to grow, the big Darwinists claims are shrinking.
* Expecting Barlock to Keep His Word: So as this DU evolutionist agreed that if evidence is shown to be invalid, that he would no longer use it, we are hoping and expecting that Travis Barlock will retract his often repeated claim that Rodhoectus is a good example of the evolutionary transition from land animal to whale.
* Science is Fond of Asking for One Miracle: Terence McKenna, when he wasn't high, would say something along the lines of, "Science is fond of saying, Give us one free miracle, and we'll explain the rest." In a debate with a creationist, Travis Barlock repeatedly claimed that Bill Jack was out-of-bounds for pointing out that after a century of effort, secular evolutionists have no conceivable answer, let alone any progress, toward a materialist explanation for the origin of biological life.
* Today’s Resource: Get the greatest cell biology video ever made on DVD: - helps you to share it with others - helps keep Real Science Radio on the air, and - gets you Dr. Don Johnson's book as a bonus! Information is encoded in every cell in our DNA and in all living things. Learn how the common world view of life's origin, chemical evolution, conflicts with our knowledge of Information Science. Finally, information Science is changing the way millions of people think about all living systems!
Also, have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? You just might LOVE IT!!
* Travis, Look What the Lord Has Done! The latest stunning animation from the anti-Darwinist ID folks...
* Wow! Covenant Media Missions: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart interviews a young couple furthering the Gospel of the Kingdom, Matt & Mercy Hasselblad. From working on box office high-tech hits at Industrial Light & Magic, to a successful programming stint with Google & YouTube, to ministering in the openly racist cities of India for the last two years, Matt and Mercy have gone from living the high-tech American dream to a vision of eternity.
* Creationist Grady McMurtry Grows Beyond Berkley: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart interviews Dr. Grady McMurtry, tonight's speaker at the Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship on growing up on the Berkeley Campus (when his dad was a professor there) and the search that converted him from an evolutionist to a God-fearing Christian creationist. The topics discussed include the rapid decay of the Earth's magnetic field with the alleged "reversals" on the seafloor and the frauds perpetrated by the infamous atheist and Darwinist Ernst Haeckel. Oh, and by the way, after earning a Bachelor's of Science in Forest Management from the University of Tennessee and a Master's in Environmental Science from the State University of New York, Dr. McMurtry went on to earn a Doctor of Divinity with a concentration in creation science!
* Atheist and Fraud Perpetrator Ernst Haeckel: created the scam drawings of a fetus to look like a fish and a reptile to support his utterlydiscredited "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" and according to the New York Times, March 9, 1907, he was later honored as the founder of the "Association for the Propagation of Ethical Atheism." Ha! Even Richard Dawkins admits in this video that Haeckel's drawings were faked and that today's textbooks should not be propagating his error.
* NY Times Ernst Haeckel Transcript: "KAISER HONORS HAECKEL. Bestows the Title of Excellency on the Famous Atheist. BERLIN, March 8.—Emperor William to-day bestowed on Prof. Ernst Haeckel, the celebrated Darwinian and founder of the Association for the Propagation of Ethical Atheism, the title of Excellency, in honor of his golden jubilee as a doctor."
* Dr. McMurtry's Degree in Environmental Science Triggered Recollection of...
* Bob Enyart Interviews David Coppedge: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart and former JPL employee David Coppedge discuss amazing scientific discoveries during this important interview. As a lead administrator for many years, Coppedge was responsible for the ground computers for the Cassini Saturn mission at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which is run by CalTech for NASA.
* Darwinism Disproved: In 2013 a British biology professor, Oxford University's Dr. Denis Noble, argued against Neo-Darwinism in the journal Experimental Physiology. Of great significance, partly because Noble remains a committed evolutionist, nonetheless, heacknolwedged, "that all the central assumptions of the Modern Synthesis (often called Neo-Darwinism) have been disproved." RSR's Bob Enyart and Fred Williams present entertaining and insightful nuggets of wisdom from the current edition of their favorite publication which you can subscribe to at creation.com/magazine.
Today’s Resources: Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? See also, the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins! And Bob strongly recommends that you subscribe to CMI’s tremendous Creation magazine!
* The Latest Creation Magazine: is a tour de force against evolution and atheism. Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams love reporting on its articles, but reject one implication, that volcanoes operated during creation week. Walt Brown's Hydroplate Theory explains how the Flood mechanism resulted in all similarly destructive effects: Earth's radioactivity, Earth and lunar craters, etc., earthquakes, volcanism, etc. The following definition is unrelated to the show content.
con·serv·a·tive noun \kuhn-'sur-vuh-tiv\ a Republican politician or judge determined to save social programs started by liberals (including Obamacare)
* RSR's Astronomy & Prophecy Show: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart attempts to rebut the Blood Moon fad popularized by televangelist John Hagee and originated by Pastor Mark Biltz. Basic astronomy explains why lunar eclipses occur in the Spring and Fall, and on Hebrew feast days which themselves are set based on the moon's orbit. Also, these "signs" are typically not even visible in Jerusalem, they don't fall on the 1492 and 1948 years that Rev. Hagee claimed they fall on, and one eclipse hyped by Pastor Biltz was visible only to the few folks living on a couple islands in and near the arctic circle. Astronomer Danny Faulkner joins Bob for the last segment of the program. (This program is based on a recent sermon at Denver Bible Church. Click to subscribe to those sermons!)
* See also RSR's Special Harbinger Edition with Jonathan Cahn: At rsr.org/harbinger, Bob Enyart interviews Jonathan Cahn, the NY Times bestselling author of The Harbinger. Bob appreciates Cahn's warning to an America defiant of God but Enyart disagrees with the claim that 9/11 was a specific sign from God. See there Bob's notes regarding his reasons for disagreeing with Jonathan Cahn's claims of a specific divine message in the events following the Attack on America.
* Cahn/Enyart 2016 Update: If Cahn would have paid closer attention to Bob's comments in their 2013 interview, and had taken the written show summary to heart, he could have averted the embarassment of his failed prophecy of economic collapse for 2015.
* Contrast RSR/BEL vs. the End Times Gurus: Consider the systemic failure of the predictions of the End Times prophecy movement with the astounding confirmations of the BEL and RSR predictions as documented over at rsr.org/predictions. Regarding the Last Days, Bob Enayrt fully affirms Scripture's teaching on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. However the Lord's return has been imminent since the days of the apostles. As they believed, He could have returned at any moment. Therefore, interpretation of current events as an indicator of His soon return has been biblically flawed, and so the movement's predictions are noteworthy for their complete fallaciousness. We believe that, in contrast to the predictions of the End Times gurus, the Real Science Radio and Bob Enyart Live predictions have an uncanny tendency to be confirmed because we use a more proper understanding of the overview of the Bible. This would be just self-affirmation except that our extensive list of confirmed predictions provide evidence for our claim.
Bob Enyart and RSR guest co-host Doug McBurney present the latest peer-reviewed studies, and review the last couple decades of studies showing how destructive marijuana is. Also, from their Pot-Never-Killed-Anybody file, the guys present the latest news of folks killed by marijuana.
* Research Showing the Harmful Effects of Marijuana Use
By 2013 the Denver Post still hasn't come out of their stupor but at least they've noticed the fog. Sad but important insights on the long lasting harm from smoking pot as described by a professor from the University of Colorado's School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. (Notice the Post uncritically quoting a pot dealer who speaks of his customers as his "patients".)
more... [Help RSR reach page one of Google search results for: negative effects of marijuana. To accomplish this extremely difficult task (hopefully by the end of 2015), please share and post this link kgov.com/negative-effects-of-marijuana, including wherever people are wondering about the effects of marijuana.]
* From the Pot Never Killed Anybody file: Here's a tragic 2015 case from Indiana where a 28-year-old ingested marijuana edibles and proceeded to drive a car and kill two people including a 22-year-old woman. It'd be worthwhile for someone, perhaps you!, to start a listing, on Wikiepedia or somewhere online, of people killed by marijuana use.
Updated April 15, 2021: This topic of the "firmament" is also of great interest to atheists. A popular anti-creationist made a 40-minute YouTube video critical of this article. We may have hit a nerve. A favorite claim of many atheists is that the Bible teaches that the earth is surrounded by a solid domed sky. Instead, the Bible actually teaches that the firmament of Day Two is the crust of the earth, which divided water below the crust from the waters on the surface. Documenting this thereby rebuts that widespread false allegation. When we first published this article, that extra bonus was unexpected. So we've embedded and responded to Brett Palmer's video including by pointing out that the Babylonian creation epic, Enuma Elish, below, corroborates this understanding of the "firmament" as first referring to the earth's crust (i.e., biblically, to paradise, to heaven on earth). And we show that the Bible's Hebrew word for firmament, raqia, from the verb raqa, refers not only to the heavens above, but explicitly, to the crust of the earth. And we present the meaning of the Syrian geographical place name, Raqqa, and extend to antiquity the etymology of the English word, rock.
At Real Science Radio (which airs on America's most-powerful radio station), we teach Dr. Walt Brown's Hydroplate Theory as the best understanding of the global flood, geology and the relevant scriptures. If the following is correct, all flood models based on the "canopy theory" and "plate tectonics" are false.
On Day Two God Made the Crust of the Earth: Dr. Walt Brown's Hydroplate Theory helps to understand the global flood, geology and the relevant scriptures. On Day Two of creation, God formed the crust of the earth, called the firmament (Hebrew: raqia), which extended for miles above a worldwide subterranean ocean, and the crust of course also held waters upon its surface. If this is true, we would expect to read in the Bible that initially, the surface of the earth was covered only with water, and that then God made the earth's crust above the water. And consistent with the Hydroplate Theory (which describes a layer of water at least one-mile thick that was perhaps dozens of miles below the earth's surface), in fact the Bible teaches that God:
- "In the beginning God created... the earth. ...and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters" (Genesis 1:1-2). Then God,
- "laid out (raqa) the earth above the waters" (Psalm 136:6). And,
- "by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth [was] standing out of water and in the water" (2 Peter 3:5).
- "Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament" (Gen. 1:7). So,
"The earth is the Lord’s... For He has founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the waters" (Ps.24:1-2).
Where the Water Came From: The global flood then began when those "fountains of the great deep were broken up" (Gen. 7:11) for the pre-flood earth had been "standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water" (2 Peter 3:5-6). Those waters had been stored up for global judgment if needed. For when "the heavens were made," the Bible says of much of the Earth's water back then that God "lays up the deep in storehouses" (Ps. 33:6-7; see also Prov. 8:27-28). For God created not only the surface waters, for He "made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters" (Rev. 14:7 KJV [as with many versions; some like the NKJV say "springs of water"). Dr. Brown's book, In the Beginning, demonstrates powerfully that the world's major geologic features flow logically from these initial conditions. But some creationists who disagree point out that, "God called the firmament Heaven" (Gen. 1:8), claiming that this firmament must be either the atmosphere (e.g., Henry Morris) or outer space (e.g., Russell Humphreys).