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Welcome to Real Science Radio: Co-hosts Fred Williams and Doug McBurney talk about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, genetics, geology, history, paleontology, archaeology, astronomy, philosophy, cosmology, math, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) We get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott. We easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne. The RSR Archive contains our popular List Shows! And we interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything.

RSR airs every Friday at 3pm MST on AM 670 KLTT in Denver, Colorado. For rebroadcast times and podcast platforms, see our Affiliates page.

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Evolution's Big Squeeze

* List of Discoveries Squeezing Evolution: Did you know that dinosaurs ate rice before rice evolved? That turtle shells existed forty million years before turtle shells began evolving? That insects evolved tongues for eating from flowers 70 million years before flowers evolved? And that birds appeared before birds evolved? The fossil record is a wonderful thing. And more recently, only a 40,000-year squeeze, Neanderthal had blood types A, B, and O, shocking evolutionists but expected to us here at Real Science Radio! Sit back and get ready to enjoy another instant classic, today's RSR "list show" on Evolution's Big Squeeze! Our other popular list shows include:
- scientists doubting Darwin
- evidence against whale evolution
- problems with 'the river carved the canyon'
- carbon 14 everywhere it shouldn't be
- dinosaur still-soft biological tissue
- solar system formation problems
- evidence against the big bang
- evidence for the global flood
- genomes that just don't fit
- and our list of not so old things! (See also and!)

* Evolution's Big Squeeze: Many discoveries squeeze the Darwinian theory's timeframe and of course without a workable timeframe there is no workable theory. Examples, with their alleged (and falsified) old-earth timeframes, include:
- Complex skeletons existed 9 million years before they were thought to have evolved, before even the "Cambrian explosion".
Turtle shells- Butterflies existed 10 million years before they were thought to have evolved.
- Parrots existed "much earlier than had been thought", in fact, 25 million years before they were thought to have evolved.
- Cephalopod fossils (squids, cuttlefish, etc.) appear 35 million years before they were able to propagate.
- Turtle shells 40 million years before turtle shells began evolving
- Trees began evolving 45 million years before they were thought to evolve
- Spores appearing 50 million years before the plants that made them (not unlike footprints systematically appearing "millions of years before" the creatures that made them, as affirmed by Dr. Marcus Ross, associate professor of geology).
- Sponges existed 60 million years before they were believed to have evolved.
- Dinosaurs ate rice before it evolved

Fruit fly proboscis as an example of other proboscises

- Insect proboscis (tongue) in moths and butterflies 70 million years before previously believed has them evolving before flowers.
- Arthropod brains fully developed with central nervous system running to eyes and appendages just like modern arthropods 90 million years earlier than previously known (prior to 2021, now, allegedly 310mya)
- 100 million years ago and already a bird
- Fossil pollen pushes back plant evolution 100 million years.
- Mammalian hair allegedly 100-million-years-old show that, "the morphology of hair cuticula may have remained unchanged throughout most of mammalian evolution", regarding the overlapping cells that lock the hair shaft into its follicle.
- Piranha-like flesh-eating teeth (and bitten prey) found pushing back such fish 125 million years earlier than previously claimed  
- Shocking organic molecules in "200 million-years-old leaves" from ginkgoes and conifers show unexpected stasis.
- Plant genetic sophistication pushed back 200 million years.

Land plants appear hundreds of millions of years before expected

- Jellyfish fossils (Medusoid Problematica :) 200 million years earlier than expected; here from 500My ago.
- Green seaweed 200 million years earlier than expected, pushed back now to a billion years ago
- The acanthodii fish had color vision 300 million years ago, but then, and wait, Cheiracanthus fish allegedly 388 million years ago already had color vision.
- Color vision (for which there is no Darwinian evolutionary small-step to be had, from monochromatic), existed "300 million years ago" in fish, and these allegedly "120-million-year-old" bird's rod and cone fossils stun researchers :)
400-million-year-old Murrindalaspis placoderm fish "eye muscle attachment, the eyestalk attachment and openings for the optic nerve, and arteries and veins supplying the eyeball" The paper's author writes, "Of course, we would not expect the preservation of ancient structures made entirely of soft tissues (e.g. rods and cone cells in the retina...)." So, check this next item... :)
- And... no vertebrates in the Cambrian? Well, from the journal Nature in 2014, a "Lower-Middle Cambrian... primitive fish displays unambiguous vertebrate features: a notochord, a pair of prominent camera-type eyes, paired nasal sacs, possible cranium and arcualia, W-shaped myomeres, and a post-anal tail" Primitive?
- Fast-growing juvenile bone tissue, thought to appear in the Cretaceous, has been pushed back 100 million years: "This pushes the origin of fibrolamellar bone in Sauropterygia back from the Cretaceous to the early Middle Triassic..."
- Trilobites "advanced" (not the predicted primitive) digestion "525 million" years ago
- And there's this, a "530 million year old" fish, "50 million years before the current estimate of when fish evolved"
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis 100,000 yr-old MRCA (most recent common ancestor) now 245 million
- Fungus long claimed to originate 500M years ago, now found at allegedly 950 Mya (and still biological "the distant past... may have been much more 'modern' than we thought." :)
- A rock contained pollen a billion years before plants evolved, according to a 2007 paper describing "remarkably preserved" fossil spores in the French Alps that had undergone high-grade metamorphism
- 2.5 billion year old cyanobacteria fossils (made of organic material found in a stromatolite) appear about "200 million years before the [supposed] Great Oxidation Event".
- 2.7 billion year old eukaryotes (cells with a nucleus) existed (allegedly) 1 billion years before expected
- 3.5 billion year "cell division evidently identical to that of living filamentous prokaryotes."
- And even older cyanobacteria! At 220 million years earlier than thought, per Nature's 3.7 billion year old dating of stromatolites!
- The universe and life itself (in 2019 with the universe dated a billion, now, no, wait, two billion!, years younger than previously thought, that's not only squeezing biological but also astronomical evolution, with the overall story getting really tight)
- Mantis shrimp, with its rudimentary color but advanced UV vision, is allegedly ancient.
- Hadrosaur teeth, all 1400 of them, were "more complex than those of cows, horses, and other well-known modern grazers." Professor stunned by the find! (RSR predicts that, by 2030 just to put an end date on it, more fossils will be found from the geologic column that will be more "advanced" as compared to living organisms, just like this hadrosaur and like the allegedly 100M year old hagfish  fossil having more slime glands than living specimens.) 
- Trace fossils "exquisitely preserved" of mobile organisms (motility) dated at 2.1 billion years ago, a full 1.5 billion earlier than previously believed
- Various multicellular organisms allegedly 2.1 billion years old, show multicellularity 1.5 billion years sooner than long believed  
- Pre-sauropod 26,000-pound dinosaur "shows us that even as far back as 200 million years ago, these animals had already become the largest vertebrates to ever walk the Earth."
- The Evo-devo squeeze, i.e., evolutionary developmental biology, as with
- Extinct Siberian one-horned rhinos coexisted with mankind.
- Whale "evolution" is being crushed in the industry-wide "big squeeze". First, geneticist claims whales evolved from hippos but paleontologists say hippos evolved tens of millions of years too late! And what's worse than that is that fossil finds continue to compress the time available for whale evolution. To not violate its own plot, the Darwinist story doesn't start animals evolving back into the sea until the cast includes land animals suitable to undertake the legendary journey. The recent excavation of whale fossils on an island of the Antarctic Peninsula further compresses the already absurdly fast 10 million years to allegedly evolve from the land back to the sea, down to as little as one million years. BioOne in 2016 reported a fossil that is "among the oldest occurrences of basilosaurids worldwide, indicating a rapid radiation and dispersal of this group since at least the early middle Eocene." By this assessment, various techniques produced various published dates. (See the evidence that falsifies the canonical whale evolution story at

Smoot vs. Plate Tectonics on RSR with McHenry Pt. 3

* The Navy's Geomorphologist vs Plate Tectonics: Thirty years mapping the ocean floors for the U.S. Navy left geomorphologist Christian Smoot strongly opposed to the theory of plate tectonics. Why? Because under the waves, the ocean floor terrain contradicts the theory in region after region, ocean after ocean, and feature by feature. The actual geography of the oceans falsifies today's unassailable politically correct theory. Smoot gave permission to summarize his evidence against plate tectonics to today's RSR friend Ellen McHenry, who we're now interviewing in the concluding Part 3 of our Smoot vs. Plate Tectonics on RSR with McHenry series.

Smoot vs. Plate Tectonics on RSR with McHenry Pt. 2

Important HPT Notice: Tonight, RSR has entered into an agreement to host an important new forum for Hydroplate Theory enthusiasts to better understand the flood model, to explore its implications, and to document that all scientists work for Walt Brown!  We'll all be able to interact with HPT supporters, and detractors, from around the world in a more effective way than ever before! Stay tuned for an update later this summer!

* The Navy's Geomorphologist vs Plate Tectonics: Thirty years mapping the ocean floors for the U.S. Navy left geomorphologist Christian Smoot strongly opposed to the theory of plate tectonics. Why? Because under the waves, the ocean floor terrain contradicts the theory in region after region, ocean after ocean, and feature by feature. The actual geography of the oceans falsifies today's unassailable politically correct theory. Smoot gave permission to summarize his evidence against plate tectonics to RSR friend Ellen McHenry who we're now interviewing in Part 2 of our Smoot vs. Plate Tectonics on RSR with McHenry series which concludes next week with Part 3.

Chris Smoot vs. Plate Tectonics on RSR with Ellen McHenry

* The Navy's Geomorphologist vs Plate Tectonics: Thirty years mapping the ocean floors for the U.S. Navy left geomorphologist Christian Smoot strongly opposed to the theory of plate tectonics. Why? Because under the waves, the terrain contradicts the theory in region after region, ocean after ocean, and feature by feature. The actual geography of the oceans falsifies today's unassailable politically correct theory. Smoot gave permission to summarize his work against plate tectonics to today's guest and RSR friend Ellen McHenry. And don't miss Part 2 and Part 3 of this series!

Ellen McHenry, creator of the Brain Hat, making HPT materials!* Who is Ellen McHenry? She's the creative genius behind Ellen McHenry's Basement Worshop, textbook author (Rocks & Dirt, The Elements, The Brain, and Mapping the World with Art) and creator of the renowned Brain Hat, used by some of the world's leading museums and science associations. McHenry's textbooks include many major discoveries and a lot of science left out of standard texts because of the questions these raise. Ellen McHenry's No rain before the flood coloring page for kidsAlso, Ellen's curriculum materials, while usable even in public schools and homeschool coops with diverse members, are not hostile toward the Christian worldview. For more resources, see or go directly to...
Hydroplate Theory for Kids page
- Ellen's No Rain Before the Flood coloring page
- McHenry's HPT coloring chart
- BEL's Ellen interview 
- And her famous Brain Hat (above)!

* Hear, See, and Read RSR's Related Plate Tectonics Resources:
Geomorphologist Smoot's work against plate tectonics (summary)
Smoot vs. Plate Tectonics on RSR with Ellen McHenry (this page)
Hotspot Hypothesis (for Hawaii, etc.) Widely Discredited
Plate Tectonics: Subduction Doesn't Happen
Plate Tectonics: Convection Doesn't Happen
Fountains of MAGMA (?) of the Great Deep. Huh?
Deep Magma Can't Rise: The Crossover Depth!
Catastrophic Plate Tectonics Miracles
- Bible verses uniquely supporting various flood models
Physical features crying out for explanation.

Hydroplate Theory coloring chart for kids by Ellen McHenry

* Some ITB Resources for Kids:

Evolution's Blunders, Frauds & Forgeries

Evolution's Blunders, Fraud, and Forgeries by Dr. Jerry BergmanA Whole Book's Worth: Some creationists can name one or two, but most are unaware of the sheer number of embarrassing deceptions used to prop up evolutionary theory. Bob Enyart interviews double-PhD Dr. Jerry Bergman about his book highlighting multiple examples of blunders, frauds, and forgeries that have misled generations. Some, like the famous Piltdown Man fraud, took decades to uncover while leading evolutionists kept singing its praises to an increasingly indoctrinated public. How many of us know about how a misidentification of the chemical reaction between alcohol and the calcium carbonate in seawater, something chemists at the time were certainly aware of, led leading evolutionists to breathlessly proclaim incipient life covered the ocean floor?

* Bad Behavior Comes Home to Roost: Evolutionary theory itself comes under severe pressure from the evidence in Evolution's Blunders, Frauds and Forgeries. For instance, diagrams of developing embryos, from a supposedly expert academic, were so useful in persuading people that evolution was unquestionably true that their exposure as fraudulent was ignored. It took over 100 years for this fraud to be re-exposed, and textbook publishers have still been very reluctant to drop it. More recently, National Geographic triumphantly proclaimed a hybrid fossil as an ideal intermediate between birds and dinosaurs. Their forced retraction of this glued-together monstrosity was barely noticeable. Disturbingly, the author also highlights secular work showing that, especially in the life sciences, we are presently in the grip of an unprecedented epidemic of scientific fraud. This eye-opening work should cause many to question their belief in evolution as scientific fact and encourage everyone to critically examine all future evolutionary claims.

* RSR Bergman Interviews and Shows Using His Research:
Double PhD Dr. Jerry Bergman- Bergman on Bats and Bellybuttons
Jerry Bergman on Slaughter of the Dissidents
- Slaughter of the Dissidents Author Slaughtered
- RSR's List of Whale Evolution Problems (with Bergman research)
The Origin of Fish by Jerry Bergman
- Bergman's "Vestigial" Organs Are Fully Functional
Darwinism: The universal acid
- How Darwinism Corrodes Morality & Pt. 2
Human Chromosome 2 Is Not Two Fused Chimp Chromosomes
- Origin of Human Language (and Part 2)
Hitler and the NAZI Darwinian Worldview
- The Origin of Trees by Jerry Bergman and Tom Hennigan
Evolutionary Naturalism is an ancient idea (and co-discoverer of Natural Selection) 
- RSR's Problems with the Eye Evolution Story (with Bergman research)
- RSR's List of Scholars Doubting Darwin
- C.S. Lewis: Anti-Darwinis
Poor Design: An invalid argument against Intelligent Design
- Useless Organs: The rise and fall of a central claim of evolution
Bergman on Eisenhower: WWII was Creation vs. Evolution
40-year Academia Veteran Corroborates RSR Criticism
- Evolution's Blunders, Frauds & Forgeries (this show)

* Today’s Resource: You can enjoy one or two of Bob Enyart’s entertaining and insightful videos each month, mailed to you automatically, simply by subscribing to the BEL Monthly Topical Videos service! Also, you can check out the other great BEL subscription services!

* How About Bad Behavior Among Creation Scientists? It's happened. Type into your browser's address bar the URL (and insert a word from Jerry's title).

* And Just for Fun:

And you may enjoy Enyart vs. Atheist Michael Shermer...

40-year Academia Veteran Corroborates RSR Criticism

Double PhD Dr. Jerry Bergman* Firsthand Report from Dr. Jerry Bergman : Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart gets an insiders view from a double-PhD 40-year veteran of the world of academia exposing the absurdities and anti-scientific biases of America's colleges and universities. So, even more than in the past, young people should consider alternatives to college, including for men, a trade or apprenticeship, and for women, marriage, and pregnancy (in that order, and, just to be clear, that last suggestion comes from Enyart. :)

* RSR Bergman Interviews and Shows Using His Research:
- Bergman on Bats and Bellybuttons
Jerry Bergman on Slaughter of the Dissidents
- Slaughter of the Dissidents Author Slaughtered
- RSR's List of Whale Evolution Problems (with Bergman research)
The Origin of Fish by Jerry Bergman
- Bergman's "Vestigial" Organs Are Fully Functional
Darwinism: The universal acid
- How Darwinism Corrodes Morality & Pt. 2
Human Chromosome 2 Is Not Two Fused Chimp Chromosomes
- Origin of Human Language (and Part 2)
Hitler and the NAZI Darwinian Worldview
- The Origin of Trees by Jerry Bergman and Tom Hennigan
Evolutionary Naturalism is an ancient idea (and co-discoverer of Natural Selection) 
- RSR's Problems with the Eye Evolution Story (with Bergman research)
- RSR's List of Scholars Doubting Darwin
- C.S. Lewis: Anti-Darwinis
Poor Design: An invalid argument against Intelligent Design
- Useless Organs: The rise and fall of a central claim of evolution
Bergman on Eisenhower: WWII was Creation vs. Evolution
40-year Academia Veteran Corroborates RSR Criticism (this show)

* Today’s Resource: You can enjoy one or two of Bob Enyart’s entertaining and insightful videos each month, mailed to you automatically, simply by subscribing to the BEL Monthly Topical Videos service! Also, you can check out the other great BEL subscription services!

* And Just for Fun: Click for some of our favorite videos and below the following embedded Enyart/Shermer video, check out a few Real Science Radio graphics that we enjoy!

Bergman on Eisenhower: WWII was Creation vs. Evolution

Bergman's book cover: God in Eisenhower’s Life, Military Career, and PresidencyGuess who won? Bob Enyart interviews double PhD Jerry Bergman on his latest book, God in Eisenhower’s Life, Military Career, and Presidency. It's a history of the influence of religion in his life and leadership as WWII Supreme Allied Commander and President of the United States.

* RSR Bergman Interviews and Shows Using His Research:
- Bergman on Bats and Bellybuttons
Jerry Bergman on Slaughter of the Dissidents
- Slaughter of the Dissidents Author Slaughtered
- RSR's List of Whale Evolution Problems (with Bergman research)
The Origin of Fish by Jerry Bergman
- "Vestigial" Organs Are Fully Functional
Darwinism: The universal acid
- How Darwinism Corrodes Morality & Pt. 2
Human Chromosome 2 Is Not Two Fused Chimp Chromosomes
- Origin of Human Language (and Part 2)
Hitler and the NAZI Darwinian Worldview
- The Origin of Trees (with JB research)
Evolutionary Naturalism is an ancient idea 
- RSR's Problems with the Eye Evolution Story (with JB research)
- RSR's List of Scholars Doubting Darwin  (with JB research)
- C.S. Lewis: Anti-Darwinis
Poor Design: An invalid argument against Intelligent Design
- Useless Organs: The rise and fall of a central claim of evolution
Bergman on Eisenhower: WWII was Creation vs. Evolution

* The Hydroplate Theory Special: You may want to purchase this set of resources if...
  1) You'd like to read the best creation book ever written and watch its accompanying videos
  2) You like Real Science Radio and want to help it stay on the air
  3) You'd like to give the gift of understanding creation and the flood
to someone who could really benefit from it. 

RSR's Hydroplate Theory Special: a book and two video sets...

Useless Organs: The rise and fall of evolution's claim


Photo of Bob Enyart reading Jerry Bergman's Useless Organs book*  The Vestiges of the Vestigial Argument: In the heyday of the vestigial organ argument against creation, the Encyclopedia Britannica absurdly listed more than 100 organs and glands within the human body that they claimed were no longer functional. Knowledge and biological discovery has whittled away at this failed Darwinian argument until it has become a vestige of its former self. On today's Real Science Radio program, double Ph.D. Jerry Bergman rebuts the entire argument in his new book, due on Amazon soon, titled Useless Organs: The Rise and fall of a Central Claim of Evolution. Note: Just click on the book cover to see if it's on Amazon...

RSR with Jerry Bergman on the "Poor Design" Invalid Argument

RSR's Bob Enyart reading Jerry Bergman's book Poor Design * Picture Mrs. Lents with Two Mouths: Evolutionist Prof. Nathan Lents of John Jay College is noted for his bizarre claims of poor design in human anatomy and thinks we would be better off with two mouths, one for eating food and the other for gulping air, two functions that God's sophisticated design does well with only one mouth. Double Ph.D. Jerry Bergman rebuts Lents' crazy ideas as Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart asks Jerry about the evolutionist claims that humans have poorly designed backbones, knees, birth canals, and backward wired retinas. Dr. Bergman's great new book, Poor Design: An Invalid Argument Against Intelligent Design, is due on Amazon soon!

RSR asks Ranger Mike, What can you learn on a safari?

The Adventures of Ranger Mike SnavelyReal Science Radio host Bob Enyart interviews safari leader Mike Snavely of Mission Imperative who leads wildlife tours to South Africa and global flood tours throughout the Grand Canyon region. (And Bob says "Hello!" to the couple from Switzerland who joined the 2018 SW Safari after hearing the RSR Debrief of the 2017 tour.) Bob and Mike make insightful geological observations that anyone can verify that powerfully challenge the millions-of-years model and provide strong evidence for the global flood. Also, late this year, Lord willing, Mission Imperative will become the worldwide distributor of Dr. Walt Brown's book, In the Beginning, when the 9th Edition becomes available! You can hear Mike speak tonight and tomorrow at the new Gaylord Rockies Restort (near DIA) which is hosting the Train Them Diligently (TTD) homeschool conference. (Yes, that's providing competition to our very own upcoming CHEC conference!) And if you have young kids or grandkids, they'll love watching The Adventures of Ranger Mike DVDs!

* RSR's Grand Canyon Special: Help spread the word, get better informed, and keep us broadcasting by purchasing RSR's $100 Grand Canyon Special, our canyon radio series on disc, two stunning videos (with Mike Snavely and Bryan Nickel), and three copies of Walt Brown's book!

RSR's Grand Canyon Special: 3 In the Beginning books, the Nickel and Snavely videos, and our Grand Canyon series on an audio CD!