Part 1: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams take on the interesting biblical and scientific question: Did it rain before the flood? Part 2 is even more compelling and then Part 3 concludes the series. (For children, from Ellen McHenry's Hydroplate Theory for Kids, check out the No Rain Before the Flood coloring page, pictured below!)
Today's Resource: Get the Best Creation Science Book Ever Written! Just click on the cover of Dr. Walt Brown's book to purchase it from RSR (which also helps us to continue broadcasting)!
* Check Out RSR's HPT Programs (and other resources from Plate Tectonics: Subduction Does Not Happen
- RSR on the Origin of Trans-Neptunian Objects
- List of Answers to Hydroplate Objections
- Bryan Nickel's HPT Tutorial YouTube Series
- Dr. Spencer, PhD in nuclear physics, on HPT objections
- The 360-Day Year on RSR &
- Jane Albright's Global Flood Article Series
- CPT's Wrong: Magma Below Crossover Depth Sinks
- All scientists work for Walt Brown: We first made this observation on our program that defies the claim of Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson who said that creationists cannot make science predictions based on the Bible. Ha!
* Two Questions: How many water molecules are in an average raindrop? (Answer: One raindrop consists of 1,670,000,000,000,000,000,000 water molecules. That's 1.6 septillion!) And, how does that answer help to explain why po[lultion is needed to get rain?
* One Reason For Today's Severe Hurricanes: The Coriolis effect (from the rotation of the Earth) causes air, which would otherwise flow directly toward low pressure areas, to turn perpendicular to its velocity (thus causing hurricanes to rotate in opposite directions in the northern and southern hemispheres). Consider that if the Earth rotated more slowly, there would be less Coriolis effect, which would result in less severe or an absence of hurricanes. Thus the speeding up of the Earth's rotation (from its shrinking by the melting of its outercore) from its slower initial 360 day year to today's 365 rotations per orbit, is one of the post-flood factors that has led to devastating hurricanes. For this and other reasons, the slower-rotating pre-flood Earth would have prevented the development of hurricanes.
* No Rainbows in the Sky Before the Flood: Bob snapped this photo a couple blocks from the RSR studio in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains...

* The Original Walt Brown Week on RSR: originally aired on five consecutive programs:
- Dr. Walt Brown on Evolution
- Dr. Walt Brown on Hydroplates
- Walt Brown on the Grand Canyon
- Walt on Where the Water Went & Where it Came From
- The Walt Brown Effect: Q&A
* Flood Programs with HPT expert Kevin Lea:
- Origin of Comets on Real Science Radio
- Real Science Radio on Frozen Mammoths
- Liquefaction Made Most of the Paper Thin Fossils
- RSR: How Earthquakes Gave Us a 365-Day Year
Check Out the Video Too! Just click to order RSR's best-selling video:
The Global Flood and the Hydroplate Theory
Blu-ray, 2-DVD Set, or HD Streaming or Download
Real Science Radio co-host Bob Enyart presents the scientific evidence for Dr. Walt Brown’s model of the global flood, along with the relevant biblical material. Enyart also discusses Brown's opponents and contrasts both the vapor canopy and catastrophic plate tectonics with the hydroplate theory.
DVD Vol. 1
1. Walt Brown, Creation Leaders, and Scripture
2. Hydroplate Theory & Scientific Evidence
DVD Vol. 2
3. Hydroplates vs. Plate Tectonics
Bonus: Origin of Earth's Radioactivity
* See RSR's COMPLETE Global Flood and Hydroplate Theory: New in 2018, we've made available online for free our full, best-selling flood video. (Also available on DVD & Blu-ray for sharing with friends. And to help underwrite making this more widely available, please consider a donation. Thanks so much!) We hope you enjoy this:
* In the Days of Peleg, the Earth was Divided: In our video embedded just above, from 12:13 to 15:21, we discuss Genesis 10:25 which states that in the days of Peleg, the earth was divided. See While the text could plausibly be interpreted to refer to some other type of division, most literally, it indicates that "the earth" was divided.

* All Scientists Work for Walt Brown: Check out this update on the Moon! As explained in the Dr. Brown's Hydroplate Theory, the Moon was battered when the fountains of the great deep erupted and launched much debris into space. That helps to explain why the near-side has suffered much greater impactors. Now, from our All Scientists Work for Walt Brown file, interestingly, Maria Zuber, principal investigator for NASA's GRAIL mission, said, "It was known that planets were battered by impacts, but nobody had envisioned that the [Moon’s] crust was so beaten up." Nobody, that is, except for Dr. Brown. :) This statement, All Scientists Work for Walt Brown, appears in our best-selling flood video and we may have first uttered it in 2007 when the BBC reported the discovery of the missing crust in the Atlantic, unexpected by plate tectonics advocates but a confirmation of a requirement of the Hydroplate Theory. Then on the other side of the globe in 2017 the GSA published (See their Flip PDF) the discovery of an almost completely submerged "continent", larger than India, in the Pacific Ocean, called Zealandia.
* RSR's List of Answers to HPT Objections: Bob Enyart hosts a series of laser-focused programs discussing criticisms of Dr. Walt Brown's fountains-of-the-great-deep flood model. Called RSR's List of Answers to Hydroplate Objections, this continuing series (with seven episodes so far) responds to geophysicist Dr. John Baumgardner, astronomer Danny Faulkner, meteorologist Michael Oard, and others regarding criticisms of the HPT including:
- the "geometry problem"
- the "Pacific crust problem"
- the "linear crack problem"
- the origin of limestone
- the origin of Earth's dangerous radioactivity
- the melting of the outer core as a mechanism for speeding up the Earth's rotation
- the ability of stresses to generate high voltages in granite
- the non-existence of a Pangea-like supercontinent of the early Earth
- the use of miracles-on-demand in the competing plate tectonic theory
Check it out! You just might LOVE this series. draft spreadsheet called Flood Models & Bible Verses
- draft spreadsheet called Flood Models & Features to Explain
* September 2015 UPDATE! Nasa Finds Water on Mars: :) Regarding NASA's announcement of the discovery of water on Mars, just in time to promote the Hollywood film The Martian, we mention our radio program from ten years ago, Water on Mars, France on Drugs to illustrate this quote that appears on Dr. Walt Brown's website:
Discoveries of water on Mars are now so common that the subject has become the butt of jokes among planetary scientists: “Congratulations—you’ve discovered water on Mars for the 1,000th time!"
What is significant however is that Walt Brown predicted the presence of salt water on Mars, now confirmed! Further, water on Mars does not imply that life could have originated there, for that ubiquitous atheistic claim ignores basic science. Water can sustain life. Yet because water is the universal solvent, it relentlessly dissolves the biological compounds needed to form the most basic biological structures like amino acids and polymers. So, water sustains life, but it is the enemy of a materialistic origin of life.
* Shared RSR Google Spreadsheets on Flood Models: (works in progress)
- Bible Material Uniquely Supporting Various Flood Models
- Physical Features Requiring Explanation and Flood Models
* In the Real Science Radio Studio: Dr. Walt Brown, the editor of RSR's GF&HPT video Tommy Stills of Indiana's Tommy Vance Productions, and RSR host Bob Enyart:

* Google's Highest Ranking Origins Scientist is Dr. Walt Brown: Check this out, and see RSR's high rankings also, over at!
* Plate Tectonics & Subduction: See Walt's chart on the reasons why plates have not subducted!
* A Few Evidences of the Global Flood: Some of the scientific observations that corroborate the historical record of the global flood of Noah's day:
- An average of a mile deep of sedimentary layers on the continents
- Billions of dead things laid down by water in strata around the earth
- Sufficient water in our two-mile deep oceans to cover the earth (with lower pre-flood mountains)
- Anthropological cataloging of hundreds of cultures with an ancient corporate recollection of the flood
- Extent of stratigraphic layers of regional and continental scope
- Past geologic catastrophism caused by "off the charts" energy levels (dwarfing modern phenomenon)
- etc. (This list just started in June 2017. Just email to add items!)
* The Whole Enchilada: All of our Real Science Radio Hydroplate Theory resources are collected on a single page over at