On today’s BEL Broadcast Classic, Bob had a debate with Newsweek’s Lisa Miller. Lisa Miller had an extremely popular article (read by millions at the time) where she claimed the Bible never condemns lesbians. Conservatives are often ridiculed by liberals and we’re told, “oh that’s just a slippery slope argument!” Today we’ll hear Lisa Miller accuse Bob Enyart of the slippery slope fallacy. When she does, (keep in mind this first aired in 2008) ask yourself, “was she right and this was a slippery slope fallacy, or was Bob 100% correct?”
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* Miller Caught Red-Handed Intentionally Misrepresenting Scripture on Lesbianism: [2020 Update: In August 2020 Bob re-aired this interview updating his comments and note the intervening confirmations of his predictions/observations.] In this interview Bob Enyart caught Newseek's Lisa Miller red-handed, showing that she intentionally misreported what the Bible says by quoting a secondary source that she knew to be incorrect instead of quoting the Scriptures actually say in Romans 1. As expected, Miller tried to defend the indefensible, the practice of homosexual marriage. But why did she also resist answering Bob's question about homosexuality itself? Further, Lisa Miller's obvious careful research for her article and the routine fact-checking of the Newsweek editors did not prevent them from publishing this falsehood in Miller's Dec. 15, 2008 article, Our Mutual Joy: "nowhere in the Bible do its authors refer to sex between women." The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 1:26-27 of the vile passion of women with women, likewise of men with men who leave the natural use of the woman and burn in their lust for one another. Lisa knew from her careful analysis of four sentences, Romans 1:26-32, that Scripture condemned not only male homosexuality but also lesbianism. (This kind of error is similar to one that Newsweek condemns, Colin Powell's intentional misreport to the United Nations on Iraq's use of aluminum tubes for WMD.) But revealing her eagerness to misrepresent Scripture, Ms. Miller included the incorrect information, defending herself when challenged by Bob Enyart by passing the buck and saying that's what the Anchor Bible Dictionary says: "nowhere in the Bible do its authors refer to sex between women." Bob pointed out that 800 hundred authors contributed to the Anchor Dictionary's 6,000 entries and that this obvious error was unnoticed by Anchor's editors amidst the enormous sheer quantity of topics covered. But her Newsweek article covered this topic directly, and this error could not have been missed by Miller, but had to be intentional. Ms. Miller has the responsibility to publicly correct this error.
2010 Update: Newsweek's Lisa Miller spoke in September at New York City's The King's College in the Empire State Building where she was asked by a student, Josh Craddock, about her quoting of a secondary source that she knew to be incorrect instead of quoting from the primary source. (Dinesh D'Souza, by the way, sometime later was summarily dismissed from his role as the college president when the Board of Regents learned he was seeing another woman while still married to his wife. He claimed he didn't know that was wrong since he was in the process of getting a divorce.) Craddock reports that Miller remains unrepentant over this intentionally deceptive journalistic practice. Further, even though Craddock of course was duly respectful, upset that a student would challenge a guest promoting immorality, the school issued a memorandum with an additional code of conduct prohibiting anyone from challenging speakers invited to campus. Absurd.
* Miller on Homosexuals in a Boys Locker Room: As Bob has pointed out for 17 years on air, the only time the media mentions Ozzie and Harriet is to mock them or be dismissive, as Newsweek is, of the scriptural model of mom, dad, and kids. And Bob asked Lisa Miller, "Why don't we allow male high school teachers, men, in the girls' volleyball team locker room?" Lisa refused to answer this question. Why wouldn't she answer? Accepting homosexuality destroys the morals of society, by draining the cup of lust to its dregs. [Is that "dregs" quote a BELism? We can't recall. If you're aware of another source for that "quote, please email Bob@kgov.com. Thanks!] The only answer to this locker room question is, not because we presume every man to be a child molester but, we don't allow men in the girls locker room because males are attracted to females. Period. Widespread homosexuality robs human beings of being able to enjoy social environments, including spas and health clubs, sports teams and locker rooms, free from sexual tension. It is wrong to have sailors on a submarine live with another man who is sexually attracted to his bunkmates.
* Miller on whether Gender is Nature or Nurture: Bob asked Lisa Miller about the gender of children, boys and girls, whether they act like boys and girls by nature, or whether as so many homosexual advocates claim, that children are virtual blank slates that society conditions with male and female characteristics. Why wouldn't Lisa Miller answer this question? Consider the untenable claim of those who reject scriptural morality: Homosexuals are born that way, but gender is instilled. Whaa? Yes, countless liberals will argue that being a boy or a girl is not something a child is born with, but homosexuality is. Right.
* Lisa Miller Didn't Know About NT Monogamy: Bob asked Lisa if, in preparation for her article, if she came across the New Testament standard against polygamy, and for monogamy? Bob acknowledged that the Old Testament is replete with examples of God's people, and even heroes of the faith, practicing polygamy. (See Bob's article, Polygamy in the Bible. Also, this past week the LA Times did a story about the Mormon polygamist Leland Freeborn who debated Bob Enyart six years ago, and to this day many Bible students will listen to the debate to understand the scriptural basis for Christianity's modern prohibition of polygamy.) The New Testament presents the standard of monogamy. Paul's epistles (letters) to Titus and Timothy list qualifications for leaders including being "the husband of one wife," and not violent, not greedy, not a drunkard, etc. (1 Tim. 3:2-3; Titus 1:6-7). Bob shared with Lisa that there is ONLY ONE standard of goodness (as opposed to an elitist or legalistic concept of one standard of righteousness for ministers, and another standard for dads, and another for leaders, and for businessmen, etc.). NO ONE should be a murderer, or greedy, or a drunkard, or married to two women, etc. but all married men should be "the husband of one wife." And indeed there is no example of a polygamous New Testament believer. And Bob presented to Lisa another standard of monogamy from Jesus Christ Himself stating at Matthew 19:4, "Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife...'" For more information listen for free to Bob's debate with well-known polygamist Leland Freeborn or purchase Bob's CD on 1st Timothy: Paul on Wine, Women, and such (which comes with a money-back guarantee as do all our books and resources)!
* Paul was Tough on Homosexuality But...: After her accurate statement, "Paul was tough on homosexuality," Lisa Miller's bias led her to report this contorted quote from Neil Elliott who said, "Paul is not talking about homosexuality at all. He's talking about a certain group of people who have done everything in this list." In Romans chapter one Paul describes the perversion of homosexuality and a verse later lists the sins of envy, murder, boasting, etc. So this alleged scholar must think that Paul would not condemn murder as long it's not accompanied by boasting? Paul only chastises those who commit all twenty two sins he listed, so this passage would not rebuke a homosexual murderer like Jeffrey Dahmer as long as he was not a "whisperer."
* Miller said the Real Objection is Homosexuality Itself: Bob Enyart and Lisa Miller agreed that the real problem that evangelical Christians have with this controversy is not homosexual marriage per se, but homosexuality itself. Amen Lisa! Ms. Miller pointed out that the Bible commands governments to execute homosexuals and Bob added that when America was young homosexuality in places was a capital crime as in Virginia when Thomas Jefferson was governor; yet it was not back then that homosexuals died by the countless thousands, but now, after western nations have decriminalized homosexuality, that men have died tortured deaths by the hundreds of thousands, and by the millions around the world, because as Jesus said quoting Moses from Genesis, God " made them male and female." If you love your neighbor, you will warn him not to mainline drugs, not to be a thief, and not to engage in destructive homosexual behavior. Meanwhile, Bob and Lisa also agreed that there is a growing acceptance of homosexuality among young Christians (but of course right and wrong is not determined, thank God, by majority opinion). Bob pointed out that Christian leaders like Dr. James Dobson have been backsliding into moral relativism.
Years ago, Christian leaders: (See this list updated and, sadly, maintained, at kgov.com/superfluous#increasing-acceptance.)
- supported laws that legitimized sex only within marriage
- then they agreed with the decriminalization of pornography (as free speech)
- then they agreed with the decriminalization of fornication (shacking up, etc.)
- then they agreed with the decriminalization of adultery (with another man's wife)
- then they agreed with the decriminalization of homosexuality
- then they agreed with homosexual adoption of children
- then George Bush and the false conservatives advocated civil unions
- then John McCain (with Barack Obama) voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment
- and now as regards legislation Christian leaders only oppose homosexual marriage. That's it. (Update: And even that courage is dissipating. See kgov.com/superfluous.)
Just a few short years ago in Lawrence v. Texas, many Christian groups and Focus on the Family lobbied against legalized homosexuality yet these groups now oppose the re-criminalization of homosexuality and have therefore sided with Hillary, Harvey, Hollywood, humanists, and the homosexuals themselves against Jesus, Moses, Paul and 3,500 years of Judeo-Christian legal principle. We at Bob Enyart Live expect that soon, Christian leaders continuing this moral relativism will compromise also on "gay marriage" also and will hold out only with opposition to homosexual dental care! (For documentation of this moral slide among Christian leaders see BEL's groundbreaking DVD Focus on the Strategy!)* BEL Often Refers to "Alleged Journalists": Speaking of Lisa Miller, after years of Bob Enyart Live referring to reporters as "alleged journalists", apparently that practice is catching on. The New York Times is contesting Contessa Bourbon's four-year long stint of posing as a Time reporter. Ha! They've got reporters actually being paid by the Times who have been posing as journalists for decades!
If you happen to come across an early BEL program using the "alleged journalist" term, please let us know at Bob@kgov.com. We use the term in the first couple programs listed below and possibly in the following programs or their original written summaries:
- March 12, 2001: Guillotines and Gentners
- March 26, 2001: May I Have Your Attention, Please!
- Dec. 24, 2004: Newsweek's Lisa Miller Confronted on BEL (this program)
- April 23, 2013: What is Terrorism? The Best Definition
- Sept. 12, 2016: Unconfirmed: ABC Journalism and Camel-Swallowing Credentials
- Oct. 5, 2016: Karner, the 1941 Film I Accuse, and No on 106