* Confirmations of RSR Predictions Roll In: We're broadcasting the news, RSR style. Bob Enyart airs the audio from last week's program when we made a prediction that Asteroid Florence may have one or two moons. Science headlines this week: Asteroid Florence has two moons! Ha! See more at rsr.org/predictions. There are about 1.5 million asteroids, and over 150 are known to have moons, or about 0.0001%. And they're believed, wrongly, to be not thousands but billions of years old. Further, the laws of physics make it enormously difficult for a body in space to capture as a moon another body (even if smaller by orders of magnitude). Thus even the most massive planets, with their relatively enormous gravitational pull, have captured only the tiniest percentage of asteroids as moons. Imagine then, with the relatively negligible gravity of asteroids, have phenomenally difficult it would be for one to capture a moon, even given billions of years. Then calculate the multiplied unlikelihood of one such asteroid capturing two moons! Yet (like in the Grand Canyon's Red Wall Limestone where one of eight nautiloid fossils are standing on end) known so far, about one of every 15 or so asteroids with moons have two moons! To understand why, you can either Google origin of asteroids and click on Walt Brown's chapter at creationscience.com, or just begin right here at rsr.org/asteroids.
* Audio from Sept. 1, 2017 Prediction: Beginning at 15:30 into last week's RSR broadcast, Hurricanes, Today's Asteroid, Cancer Antibodies, and Other News (on America's most-powerful Christian radio station, Denver's 50,000-watt AM 670 KLTT), about the flyby of asteroid 3122 Florence:
Fred Williams: Bob, we've made a past prediction related to this, right?
Bob Enyart: Yes, because of Walt Brown's model that the debris from the fountains of the great deep. Much of it reached escape velocity, broke out of Earth’s gravity, and that debris became those errant bullets in the solar system - those dangerous things like meteoroids, asteroids, comets. And much of that debris, when it was out in space, it began to attract itself by its mutual gravity, forming asteroids and comets. And so Florence is really coming back home... But, almost four and one half million miles away, it’s about 20 times the distance of the moon. So, since NASA has been tracking these near asteroids, this is the largest asteroid at this near distance.
FW: It’s pretty big.
BE: Yeah. And it might have - because of our understanding of how asteroids and comets formed - it may have a moon in tow. Now we know that asteroids have moons. But we have been predicting that a higher percentage of asteroids will have moons than is generally assumed or has been identified so far. In fact, it might have a couple moons or even a debris field around it.

* UPDATE: Two weeks after today's program, from our all-scientists-work-for-Walt-Brown file, the journal Nature published the discovery of 288P, a binary asteroid/comet hybrid. Wow! "Rapid rotation" is one of the (unworkable) explanations claimed by secular astronomers for binary asteroids. Secular astronomers, though mostly ignorant of the Hydroplate Theory formation of comets and asteroids, nonetheless make frequent discoveries consistent with and in confirmation of HPT creation science predictions!
* Audio from Eclipse Call to KHOW Radio: We also aired again our phone call to Denver's Ross Kaminski about the eclipse, and then Bob reads his email to Ross urging a follow-up program on the apparent fine-tuning of the universe, solar system, and Earth!
* Post-show Note: Here's the beginning of RSR's List of Things that are Not Rare:
- rsr.org/dinosaur-soft-tissue
- rsr.org/peanut-shaped-asteroids
- rsr.org/earthquake-lights
- rsr.org/moons-on-asteroids
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