* As a Public Service for the Coronavirus Pandemic: and brought to you by the Crawford family of radio stations, RSR host Bob Enyart interviews the director of the Van Andel Research Center in Chino Valley, Arizona, molecular biologist Dr. Kevin Anderson. We discuss the origin of this SARS-CoV-2 virus with the evidence against it being created in a lab as a biological weapon and why COVID-19 is far more deadly than the common cold. Bob co-hosts with Fred Williams the Denver-based long-running Real Science Radio broadcast with its home on Crawford's AM 670 KLT, a new affiliate Portland's KKPZ in Oregon, another in much of northern California via San Francisco's KCBC 770 AM and our podcast home at rsr.org. (Conspiracy hobbyists, please see the "Stunning Reports" just below.)
* RSR's COVID Science Interviews: Molecular biologist Kevin Anderson (above & 3 antibodies), NIH scientist emeritus Bruce Patterson (Rantes & leronlimab), Biochemist Michael Behe, & nanotechnologist and synthetic chemist James Tour.
* From our List of The Bible's Scientific Statements: God through Moses in Leviticus 3500 years ago gave practical diagnosis and treatment instructions for the kinds of infectious diseases they were experiencing at that point in Israel's history. Diagnose from bodily discharges. Quarantine infected people. Observation. Extend observation period if symptoms persist. Cleansing with water. Clothing and personal items washed, discarded, or even burned. The inherent warning was that one person or object can infect another. All of this was revealed thousands of years before biblical creationists discovered for the world the germ theory of disease. (Undoubtedly these ideas were in biblical creationist Joseph Lister's mind when he laid the foundation for saving hundreds of millions of lives!) The covid brought renewed attention to the Bible's astounding wisdom, including quarantining those with symptoms, not those without. That, of course, is solid medical advice from both Moses and the fauci...
* RSR's Public Policy and Update Shows: Stunning Report 1; SR 2; SR 3; SR 4; and 25 Ways the Shutdown Kills
* Dec. 12, 2020: Contrary to the imagined hospital strain HHS (referred to by Biden as the Department of Health and Education), reports that at the peak of the pandemic hospitals today are at only 75% capacity (ICUs at 63%), with under 15% of all patients covid positive. As for particular states, New York for instance is at 76% (ICUs 61%) and California is at 76% (ICUs 79%). Meanwhile, as Just the News reports, remember that Chicago spent $120 milllion to create temporary facilities to treat a total of 38 patients."
* Johns Hopkins University Economist Stands By the Missing COVID Death Numbers: The university's newsletter had its Twitter account deactivated and then its student editor retracted their report of the Johns Hopkins economist Genevieve Briand on US COVID deaths. Finding a shocking lack of excess mortality, the report has reappeared and is available right here. The bizarre "explanation" for why it was disappeared is here. Briand's numbers have come directly from the CDC (aka the Seedy See from their years misrepresenting the spread of HIV).
* Nov. 28, 2020: Published peer-reviewed paper from Rutgers scientists, consistent with economomist Briand's, shows that 89% of COVID deaths in two New Jersey hospitals had prior DNR (do not resuscitate) orders. That's just under the percent of deaths of DNR patients who died without COVID!
* NY Catholic Win Cites DBC Case: Six times Brooklyn New York's Roman Catholic Diocese cited our Denver Bible Church lawsuit in their victorious suit against NY Governor Andrew Cuomo.
* 12/8/20 Update: We just "won" our case, but the details haven't been made public. Tune in to BEL here on KGOV for an update, perhaps on Monday!
Pastor Bob and Pastor Joey Rhoad's lawsuit and fleeting injunction victory has been reported by dozens of outlets including the Denver Post, CNN, Breitbart, Life
* RSR's Promising Breakthroughs: Nature Comm 5/4 blocking antibody; HCQ and 4/27/20 per AAPS; 10/25/19 Science 3 antibodies.
* 25 Ways Alleged Journalists Kill People: Alleged journalists who recklessly use the term "cases" conflate antibody tests, viral tests, and those who are sick with the actual disease, as if there were no difference between the virus, SARS-CoV-2, and the COVID-19 disease that it may or may not cause. Such irresponsible reporting in and of itself can kill people because ideas have consequences and there are, remember, 25 Ways the Shutdown Kills People...

* COVID Vaccines: August 2021 update: Bob and Cheryl Enyart have sworn off taking the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson vaccines because, as those firms admit, they tested these three products on the cells of aborted babies. There are, however, vaccines being developed morally, though none are scheduled to be available in the US until the end of 2021. Our friends over at cogforlife.org list these coming ethical vaccines: Merck, Sanofi, and from Novavax (which on July 7th received a $1.6 billion U.S. vaccine contract). And the Charlotte Lozier Institute reports that Inovio and BioNTech are also producing vaccines developed without the use of fetal tissue. So while it is not inherently sinful to take an immorally-developed vaccine (see kgov.com/paypal), we urge everyone to boycott Pfizer, Moderna and the Johnson to further increase social tension and put pressure on the child killers. (Remember, many institutions and celebrities who have been "pro-choice" all along are now also calling to legalize infanticide, what they call after-birth abortion. So there's no bottom to their abyss.) Related: Pharmaceutical giant Sanofi Pasteur has discontinued using fetal tissue for its polio vaccine! While many parents have other vaccine concerns this development is an important step toward moral and socially sustainable medicine. (Hear also our vaccine interview with microbiologist Dr. Clem Persaud.)
* RSR's 25 Christian COVID Conspiracies: Bob presents a list of conspiracies vs. actual pandemic insights.
* When Deaths Peaked: From mid-April to the first week in May when fatalities averaged over 1,800 deaths daily, for that duration COVID-19 was the #1 cause of death in America.
* "Cases Spiking" Fake News through June & July: (July Update) All of the breathless national media reporting on "spikes" in cases through June and July are nothing but fake news when delivered without context. The mainstream media, and even Fox News and many on their network including Neil Cavuto, report "spikes" without putting that data within the needed context of increased testing and especially, the long-term steady reduction in deaths. Later though deaths did rise again...

If only New York and New Jersey were not so cavalier and reckless in their pandemic response and had the much lower death rates of Florida and Texas, America would have had 30,000 fewer COVID deaths as of September 2020.

* Fake News on "Spike" in "Cases": (June Update) Bob reports on the media's COVID Fake News which includes every headline of an "Increase" or "Spike" in coronavirus "cases" that does not put the results within the context of increased testing. Fake, for example, would be counting someone who tests positive for HIV but does not have AIDS symptoms as another "AIDS" case. There's an enormous difference between having the virus and having the disease. To report what's actually happening while minimizing confusion the media should focus on death, which, of all the various coronavirus statistics provides the greatest big-picture insight. See the six weeks worth of steadily declining U.S. Covid Deaths in the chart (right) and consider this accurate headline from yesterday: COVID-19 cases rise as hospitalizations remain low in Colorado. And see kgov.com/covid.
Today's Resource: Nicer Than God
* Testing Our Concerns: Thomas Sowell and others have observed, "Blaming an economic crisis on greed is like blaming a plane crash on gravity." Dear listener, if you come across a program in February or March when Bob said, "The cure may be worse than the disease", we would like to identify those instances so if you would, please email Bob@kgov.com the date and timestamp of the statement. Meanwhile of course, here at BEL we've aired our 25 Ways the Shutdown Kills People, which list implies that more people may die from COVID mitigation itself than may have died if we had done nothing at all to impede the spread of the coronavirus. Regardless of this though and in line with Sowell's point, just because a government can exploit their own action to further injustice does not prove that action itself was unjust. (I've noticed many people struggle to understand the previous sentence. If you do, awesome! If you don't, and you don't want to make false judgments, you might want to re-read and ponder it.) Further, of course, it is wrong to believe every rumored accusation including those against immoral politicians, whether against Donald Trump, New York's Governor Cuomo, or whomever. God's enduring command, Do not bear false witness against your neighbor, still applies. Fake news promoted by Christians has included Liberty Councel's Mat Staver egregiously claiming that Kansas City, Missouri was requiring churches to submit their membership roles, and others delusionally claiming that Bill Gates (who advocates killing unborn children, wickedly opposes biblical principles, and rejects the person of Jesus Christ) is creating a vaccine designed to kill people.
* Bob Enyart's Quarantine Sermons: From the pulpit of Denver Bible Church...

* COVID-19 Deaths: Updated for April 5, 2020. See InformationIsBeautiful.net for the latest.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Denver Bible Church <denverbiblechurch@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, May 8, 2020 at 11:44 AM
Subject: Dear DBC, we're not re-opening Sunday. I had a long talk with a government staffer, and here's what we're fighting...
To: Pastor Bob <Bob@kgov.com>
Denver Bible Church, we're not re-opening this Sunday, for Mother's Day, as we had hoped to. :( Moms, please know that we love you and can't wait to see you all again soon! DBC is the little church that could and we continue to fight the great spiritual battles of our day. But even though America and the world has now crossed over to where it appears that the quarantine may kill more people than COVID-19, under my pastorage we're not going to fight for the right to be the congregational Typhoid Mary of the coronavirus. We do passionately share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and defend the Scriptures. And we continue to fight fiercely against:
- the killing of the unborn
- the diminishing of marriage
- the lie of atheism that robs hope
- the church's embrace of sexual perversion
- the catastrophe which is government school
- the attributing of all wickedness to the decrees of God
- and the Christian acceptance of socialism if from our own politicians.
... [DBC email posted here for our wider circle of friends]
* Wuhan Flu: Those who seek to hold the Chinese communist government accountable for the lies and cover-up behavior that ignited the pandemic can use this map of China coated with the widely-recognized SARS-CoV-2 virus graphic...

* HCQ Notes: On the phone on March 18, 2020 with renowned scientist Temple Grandin Bob Enyart and Temple were talking about the report just out in the Nature journal Cell Discovery, Hydroxychloroquine, a less toxic derivative of chloroquine, is effective in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro. Grandin said she wanted everyone to know about this. See more in the NY Times and in the paper. (This was a day before Donald Trump mentioned HCQ in his daily coronavirus press conference and hours before FNC's Tucker Carlson first reported this nationally.) Bias affects even peer reviewed "science". A 2016 survey published in Nature reports that 90% of 1,576 respondents from a variety of STEM fields including medicine believe there is a crisis in scientific literature with about 400 claiming less than half of published papers could be trusted. The following positive results papers add evidence that the negative HCQ reports are intensely politically biased (as we ourselves have seen in some cases).
11/26/20 A study in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents for December 2020 found that for those who received HCQ, “the odds of hospitalisation of treated patients was 84% less than in the untreated patients.” Further, one patient died from the group of 141 being treated with hydroxychloroquine, zinc and azithromycin compared to 13 deaths in the untreated group of 377 unfortunate souls.
8/4/20 RSR's own NY vs India Calculation: Governor Cuomo all but banned HCQ and New York has seen 1,700 COVID deaths per million. India, with its population of 1.3 billion and densities for a large percent of the population far in excess of any NY overcrowding, has widely dispensed hydroxychloroquine and has seen 29 deaths per million.
7/2/20 Int'l Society of Infectious Diseases: HCQ cut the death rate by half in a Henry Ford Health System study of 2,541 hospitalized patients, without heart-related side-effects, as published in the ISID journal. UPDATE: A Medical News Today "caution" on the HFHS study got their own criticism exactly backwards. Blacks and other minorities have a higher fatality rate from C19. So MNT was confused to claim that the imbalance in race (more blacks and other minorities receiving HCQ) undermines the HFHS study results. That magnifies the results.
6/4/20 Lancet: Widely quoted anti-HCQ 5/22 Lancet paper retracted. Why? See our 6/3 note...
6/3/20 WHO: The WHO withdraws stop order and resumes HCQ study after Lancet warns about apparent bogus data in their anti-HCQ study. See the Guardian investigation (which has exposed bizarre data fraud, a stripper, etc.), and note the World Health Organization resuming their study, and see the extraordinary Lancet statement, which all weirdly parallels Hillary and the DNC getting found out actually paying Russia to influence the election by spending millions on a foreign spy who compiled Moscow's bogus anonymous dirt on Trump. WHO then quickly again quit their study, but for medical or political reasons?
6/3/20 NEJM: The journal study gave HCQ or a placebo to 821 people after exposure to the virus with results reported as negative by the authors whereas the COVID-19 disease developed in 49 of 414 patients (11.8%) who had received HCQ as compared to 58 of 407 (14.3%) who received a placebo.
5/8/2020 Brazilian Journal of Health: HCQ "has shown results of interest in reducing viral load. ... However further studies" are needed.
5/7/2020 NEJM: "HCQ-treated patients were more severely ill at baseline than those who did not receive hydroxychloroquine... HCQ... was not associated with a greatly lowered risk... Randomized, controlled trials... needed".
4/27/20 Assoc. of American Physicians and Surgeons: HCQ helps 90% of COVID-19 patients.
4/2/20 Leftists Hoping Against Hope: Liberals are hoping against hope that a drug will fail to save lives. RSR recommends, out of concern for their mental health, that Democrats, college administrators, and alleged journalists avoid reading this reporter's summary on the encouraging hydroxycloroquine studies, misreporting on the negative studies (which is what RSR found also), and on the hope that a drug will fail to save thousands of lives.
3/20/20 Int'l Journal of Antimicrobial Agents: Small study concludes HCQ is "significantly associated with viral load reduction/disappearance"; See also in Cell Research: CQ inhibits coronavirus; IJAA HCQ fights COVID-19.
3/18/20 Cell Discovery: A Nature journal reports HCQ effective in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2.
2/4/20 Cell Research: A Nature journal reports that Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged coronavirus.