Bob Enyart presents a tool that all conservative Christians can use to further the Christian worldview, save time, and be more effective. It's going in their corporate back door and using Google against Google and for the Gospel! Just listen to enjoy finding out about this powerful tool or check it out at And we'

For origins, creation, and evolution you'll be simultaneously searching Real Science Radio along with the Web's four largest and most popular creation sites! This tool bypasses the confusion and noise of the Internet and let's you search simultaneously the thousands of science articles written by friends of RSR from the websites of Creation Ministries International, Answers in Genesis, the Institute for Creation Research, Dr. Walt Brown's Center for Scientific Creation, and of course from our own RSR resources (at, and For politics, morality, theology, etc., you'll be simultaneously searching KGOV along with the our most closely affiliated websites! This custom resource let's you search simultaneously the BEL's website along with,,, etc. Enjoy!
And save time also with this powerful, Google-based Simultaneous Search of the Top Anti-Global Warming Sites! Go ahead! Try it! :)
Today's Video Resource: Get out of the Matrix
Bob takes on a college professor and her philosophy class in a debate regarding absolutes. Who wins? The students have been taught that nothing is absolutely right or wrong, so Bob asks them if that is absolutely right. And theyve been taught that they can only know that which their five senses have told them, so Bob asks them which of their five senses told them that.
Is the lack of intellectualism in this college class representative of American higher education? You can decide as you view this video, one of Bobs most extraordinary presentations.