This week your host Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney welcome Dr. Royal Truman to air his concerns regarding assertions that "Professor Dave" (David James Farina) makes against creation scientists.
*The Royal Treatment: Royal Truman, PhD received his bachelor’s degrees in chemistry and in computer science from SUNY Buffalo, an M.B.A from the University of Michigan, a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from Michigan State with post-graduate studies in bioinformatics at the universities of Heidelberg and Mannheim in Germany. Royal believes the God of Abraham created the universe recently, and that His Son Jesus Christ is the savior of the world.
*Setting the Stage: Concern Zero: Professor Dave claims there are no credible chemists in the creation science community.
*The Disappearing Evolutionist: Concern #1: Professor Dave claims there is no such word as "evolutionist." Someday, by the grace of God, we hope he's not mistaken!
*Whale of an Error: Concern #2: Dr. Truman helps Professor Dave and his audience understand the Hebrew word in the Bible for the great fish that swallowed Jonah.
*Just Batty: Concern #3: More help for the good professor understanding the Hebrew word in the Bible that describes bats and flying creatures.
*Constant Lunacy? Concern #4: Dr. Truman explains that Creationists assume that the rate of lunar recession was faster in the past, (contrary to Professor Dave's "bunk", we do not say it was constant).
*The Slow Kid... Concern #5: Dr. Truman points out Professor Dave's misunderstanding of the mathematics describing the celestial mechanics regarding lunar recession.
*The Mind of a Child : Concern #6: Professor Dave alleges that creation scientists misrepresent "the Big Bang" as an explosion that instantly produced fully formed planets. But we all know that creation scientists are perfectly capable of describing the Big Bang in all its absurdity, just as the evolutionists do, (typically right before we debunk it).
*Abiogenesis: Concern #7: Professor Dave accuses creation scientists of oversimplifying the enormously sophisticated origin of life research, experiments and theories that have failed for decades to produce even a basic algorithm for abiogenesis that either a PhD or a 6th grader could call convincing.
*Sprouting Off: Concern #8: Professor Dave says creation scientists accuse evolutionists of portraying creatures that suddenly sprout wings and appendages alá Richard Goldshmidt's Hopeful Monster!
*Probability & Protein: Concern #9: Most people (creationists and evolutionists) outside specialized fields within genetics are not aware that genes and proteins can vary in composition along their sequence. Professor Dave pretends this common ignorance reflects what creation scientists believe, and then unleashes a torrent of vulgar insults, "poisoning the well" for a civil debate.
*Competence & Condescension: Concern #10: Professor Dave claims there are no competent scientists in the creation science universe.
*Setting the Table: Concern #11: Dr. Truman sets up a scholarly review of concerns 11-17 of Professor Dave's so-called creationist debunk video.