* Jason Troyer: of Denver Bible Church and CRTL helps out by reading testimonial letters from the BEL Mailbag including:
* Stephen H from Colorado Springs: thanks Bob for his stand on "Do not murder," and says, "I've listened to a lot of Bible teachers, dozens, from Sproul to McGuire to Missler, but I've never heard any teaching as articulate and correct! I've since bought the 'Focus on the Strategy' video. Thanks for teaching these biblical principles!" And:
* Tim L from Kittredge CO: says regarding Bob's Focus on the Strategy DVD, "I was very impressed... This is fragile ground, and yet you did an excellent job... Regarding content, I couldn't agree more. You did a great job in explaining legal positivism and how good peole have been lulled into compromise... Thank you for sharing this with me so I can do the same with others."
* Criminal Teen with Low Pants: The police arrested a 16-year-old criminal (armed robbery, battery, carjacking) when his loose-fitting pants slipped down around his ankles and tripped him. Ha!
Today's TWO Resources:
1) Please help keep Bob on the air by making a pledge during this important first weekend of the telethon! You can either call 303 463-7789 or 800-8Enyart and leave a detailed message or ask for a call back; or you can give online!
2) Watch the BEL Televised Classics by subscribing and the mailman will deliver to your door DVDs of 4, 8, or 16 shows a month for $24.99, $34.99 or $49.99 (only $3.13 per show!), by calling us at the BEL Cabin at 800 8-Enyart (836-9278) or by clicking BEL Televised Classics!
Another Abortion Absurdity