RSR Asks an Evolutionist to Retract His Rodhocetus Claim

Rodhocetus as initially imagined vs the falsifying later find of more of its skeletonAsking Travis Barlock to Retract Rodhocetus Claim: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart asked University of Denver biology graduate Travis Barlock to retract a specific claim he made about evidence for evolution during Barlock's debate with Bill Jack. On today's program, courtesy of filmmaker Dr. Carl Werner, hear the Rodhocetus discoverer Phil Gingerich admit that the fossil never showed evidence of whale flippers nor of a fluked tail. And now that they have recovered its front legs, Gingerich admits that Rodhocetus did not have flippers, and that therefore, the whale's tale that he imagined was not valid. In a discussion with Enyart after the debate, which you can see in the brief YouTube video below), Barlock said that if he could confirm this information, he would stop using this claim. Bob Enyart Live is now calling on Travis to make good on that commitment. And hear the audio from that post-debate discussion on today's program for questions raised about Barlock's other evolution claims.

* Inviting DU Evolutionists to Enjoy:
RSR's List of Scholars Doubting Darwin
List of Genomes that Just Don't Fit

* See More of Travis' Favorite Transitional Whale Fossils Debunked: On the show page for the Real Science Radio interview of filmmaker Dr. Carl Werner,, see more video clips of the other now falsifiedTravis Barlock from an evolution debate at DUTravis Barlock from an evolution debate at DU alleged whale transitional fossils. In addition to Rodhocetus, consider also Werner's interview with the discoverer of Ambulocetus, which reveals to the general public what only few insiders knew. Dr. Hans Thewissen is Philip Gingerich's student who, astonishingly, has been celebrated for also (allegedly) discovering a whale transitional form. Following his mentor into fame, and then into shame, Thewissen has now admitted on film that he fabricated the blowhole that he claimed was on the creature's snout. Yet public television nature programs and natural history museums worldwide, demonstrating their notoriously low standard for evidence, have long accepted that imaginary blowhole so that millions of people, like Travis Barlock, believe that fantasized claim to be among the best evidence for evolution.

* Inviting DU Evolutionists to Enjoy RSR's:
List of Carbon 14 Everywhere it Shouldn't Be
List of Dinosaur Soft Tissue Journal Papers
List of Not So Old Things

Used by permission of Dan Piraro over at!* DU Students Say Whale Transitions are Travis' Favorite Examples: University of Denver students in the audience told Bob Enyart that the (alleged) transitional whale fossils were among Travis Barlock's favorite evidence for evolution. This is reminiscent of the millions of evolutionists who justify their belief in evolution by citing the content in Richard Dawkins' books, even as the author himself knew and has now admitted that his books contained no evidence and only assumed evolution to be true (see video below). This Bill vs. Barlock debate also reminds RSR of when Bob Enyart asked the famed evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott for her best evidence, and she answered "junk DNA", which very term today has been identified as a science stopper and severely hindered the growth of genomic research as a generation of geneticists were heavily deterred by strong-armed neo-Darwinists from even looking at the non-coding regions of our DNA, vast swaths of which have now been confirmed to have function. As the scientific evidence for our Creator God continues to grow, the big Darwinists claims are shrinking.

* Expecting Barlock to Keep His Word: So as this DU evolutionist agreed that if evidence is shown to be invalid, that he would no longer use it, we are hoping and expecting that Travis Barlock will retract his often repeated claim that Rodhoectus is a good example of the evolutionary transition from land animal to whale.

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* Travis, Look What the Lord Has Done! The latest stunning animation from the anti-Darwinist ID folks...

* An Example of their Low Standard of Evidence for Evolutionists Worldwide: Taking the Ambulocetus example above, where evolutionists almost universally accept the nonexisting "blowhole" evidence for its alleged role as a transition to a whale, the world's most popular evolution author, Richard Dawkins, confirms one of Real Science Radio's early assessments, that Dawkins' books only assumed evolution to be true, and that they contained no actual evolution for evolution. See this and hear Dawkins affirm our contrary-to-popular-belief observation...

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