Press Conference Against Colorado Censorship

* Media Coverage of SB 200 Press Conference: American RTL and other Christian groups have been conducting interviews as a result of today's press conference against Colorado's anti-Christian Senate Bill 200. Status: article about our press conference should appear online within one hour of this email.

-CBNNews managing editor Donna Russell already published article

-Wall Street Journal: reporter Stephanie Simon has responded to our press release (please pray for a story)

-Washington Post: reporter Ashley Surdin has talked with Colo RTL but seemed more interested in Colorado's personhood strategy

-KOA Radio: Salem Radio's 50k-watt Rush affiliate in Denver had a reporter recording our speakers
-The Chronicle: Russ Jones (formerly with NBC) attended and has already published a Christian wire service  article
-KGNU liberal Denver/Boulder radio host Claudia Cragg already produced 30-min program with extensive quotes from our speakers
-Family Life Radio, 91.5 FM Albuquerque NM, recorded live audio link from press conference to air excerpts

-Philadelphia Bulletin: John McConnolly basing article on press releases

-KRKS 94.7 FM Salem's #1 Denver Christian station drive time talk host Gino Geraci attended and will report
-5280 Magazine: popular Denver publication is doing follow-up interviews, but with a pro-life twist (so be it : )

Noteworthy: Dr. Alveda King, granddaughter of Martin Luther King Jr., happened to join our press conference and encouraged the speakers to press on in this battle for Christian liberty.

Mathew Staver with Liberty Counsel broke the most important news of the conference, stating that a legal challenge is forthcoming!

The panel, which presented their case powerfully, consisted of:

- Mathew Staver, founder & chairman, Liberty Counsel

- Steve Curtis, president, American RTL Action and former chairman of the Colo GOP

- Janet Folger, nationally syndicated talk show host
- Kevin Swanson, Christian Home Educators of Colorado & Generations Radio
- Mark Hotaling, Christian Family Alliance & Colorado for Family Values

- Colorado State Representative Kevin Lundberg

Also, there was an amateur video recording of the event and if the quality is acceptable, will upload the conference to the web!

* Please Send Seven Sheets to ARTL: Please help American RTL welcome the DNC to Denver this summer! They need 100 people to send them seven sheets each for a top secret project called the Sheets of Shame! Can you send any sheets? If you can't send seven, can you send one or two? Can you go to a second hand store? Can you call a hotel, hospital, nursing home, motel, jail, or ask some friends? To do a proper greeting, here's what...

ARTL's DNC Welcoming Committee needs:
- What: Sheets and more sheets
- Quantity: 700 sheets
- Color: white or light colored
- Style: flat, preferably; but fitted sheets ok
- Size: queen, preferably; but others ok, especially king
- Info: or 1-888-888-ARTL
Please bring or mail your sheets to:
American RTL
1535 Grant St #303
Denver CO 80203

Update: Ha, that project turned out rather well. Here's a photo:

ARTL's worlds-largest protest sign

* Please Help Bob with a Personhood Project: If you can, please volunteer to help Bob on one of these projects:
- Team131: if you're able to spend at least five hours at your PC helping with a vital online project!
- Metro Team: if you're able to come out occasionally for an important project in the Denver area, please let Donna at CRTL know!

Today's Resource: Have you heard about our new Bible Study of the entire Book of Judges, that presents the biblical teaching on treaties, the judiciary, and the best form of government, coming out soon on CD? Call to order Judges at 1-800-8Enyart and check out our many Bible Study resources!