* Tulsi Gabbard Suing Hillary for Calling Her a Russian Agent: Hillary's fake news might backfire this time, for $50,000,000.
* Enabler in Chief's Victims Keep Piling Up: As Bill Clinton told women early on that he and Hillary had an "arrangement" that permitted his adultery, he became a sex addict who would go on to sexually assault, harass, and rape women in his circles.
Then in 2016 the public learned that Clinton took 26 flights, mostly international, aboard the plane owned by his well-known pedophile friend Jeffrey Epstein.
Thus it becomes increasingly likely that Enabler-in-Chief Hillary's victims include young girls, especially because Epstein, who spent a (mere) year in jail after plea bargaining down to attempting to conscript minors for prostitution, would bring on-board and to his Caribbean Island girls as young as twelve and thirteen.
And after Hillary, the secondary enablers abound. Like the Catholic Bishops who covered up their church's sex scandal, NBC, ABC, CBS, along with every journalist, college professor, and liberal apologist who defended the Rapist in Chief, bear responsibility for Bill Clinton's increasing victim toll.
- In May 2016, NBC has mocked anyone who would advocate for vindication for the sexual victims of Bill Clinton. That tens of millions of Americans despise NBC, and the entire establishment [materialist, anti-Christian] media, is a good thing.
- In September 2017, Hillary's partner Huma Abedin asked the court for leniency in its "sentencing of Anthony Weiner" so that their son can be "as complete as possible" even though like her mentor, Huma minimizing the consequences of her husband may predictably lead to even more victims like the 15-year-old girl whom Weiner knowingly and perversely "sexted".
* BEL Worldwide Exclusive Interview with Juanita Broaddrick: Speaking of the Enabler in Chief, let's also address that her husband Bill Clinton's rape of Juanita Broaddrick was an event that "in fact took place", wrote the Wall Street Journal. Hear Bob Enyart's interview with Juanita and then the BEL interview with nurse Norma Rogers, her friend who found Broaddrick wounded and in tears shortly after the assault.
* Practicing Judgment Day Facial Expression: At right, on October 9, 2016 at the presidential debate, Bill Clinton displays the kind of facial expression one makes when in the same room with his sexual assault victims, his daughter, and his wife. Related: The Hillary campaign's WikiLeaks saga is a preview of Judgment Day, for as Jesus warned, "What you whisper in private will be shouted from the housetops."
* Bill & Hillary's Near-Death Experience: On this 60 Minutes interview...
* Hillary Dating Technique: (image above) Our Hillary Wringkles Dating Technique meme. You're invited to share this on FB or wherever good memes are shared. Also, check out our Clinton Rapist Protests in 145 cities, from Martha's Vineyard to Auckland, New Zealand, documented at ShadowGov.com/clinton-rapist.

* Hillary in the Just-a-System: "It's no longer a justice system; now it's just a system," says Bob Enyart as he re-airs and analyzes the 1980s interview in which Hillary laughs about the rape of a 12 year old girl and the miscarriage of justice she engineered so that the rapist could get away with it (foreshadowing the enabler helping her own husband). See this also at tiny.cc/hillary-on-technicality.
* List of Hillary Clinton's Top Ten Worst Interviews:
- Hillary Between Two Ferns with Galifianakis
- The near-death experience on 60 Minutes (video above)
- tba (feel free to email suggestions to Bob@kgov.com)
* Hillary Criminally Failed to Report Hack Attempts: In 2011 as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton failed to report efforts to compromise her email server. And would you believe it, she's caught in another lie! While Hillary has publicly said that the State Department system would capture virtually all of her emails, the reverse is true, for in private, she requested that emails sent from her system not be accepted by the government system.
* Hillary Clinton Shock Quotes from: It Takes A Village: Check out these horrific brief quotes in this excerpt from a BEL Televised Classic program. (You can subscribe here.)
* BTW, the Liberal Caller in the Enabler Hillary Video Above: Betsey from Bloomington, Illinois was wrong about everything she said, including about that eagle. More than anything else that set piece resembled the U.S. Marines symbol of an eagle perched atop a globe. Please pray for the caller "Betsey" and for a liberal near you. And remember, as we've said a hundred times on BEL. Stupid doesn't make you sin, but sin makes you stupid.
* "At the Risk of Appearing Completely Dishonest" -- Bob Enyart and co-host Doug McBurney discuss Hillary Clinton’s bold revelation that, (surprise!) “At the risk of appearing predictable, the Holy Bible was and remains the biggest influence on my thinking”.
* Hillary Instructs State Dept. Deputy Chief to Break the Law: Acting again above the law, Secretary Hillary Clinton instructed her deputy chief of staff Jake Sullivan to strip a document of its classified markings and to transmit it through a non-secure channel. Hillary told Sullivan to have others at the State Department turn a classified document "into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure." Is that clear enough? "Send nonsecure." The very national security laws designed to protect our country, , which other officials have been convicted for violating, are ignored at Hillary's pleasure. The rule of law in the U.S. is a joke. Hillary is a joke. Congress is a joke. The media is a joke. Hillary for the Big House.
* Her Federal Offense is a Felony: Former federal prosecutor Joseph diGenova said of Hillary Clinton, “She caused to be removed a classified marking and then had it transmitted in an un-encrypted manner. That is a felony. The removal of the classified marking is a federal crime. It is the same thing to order someone to do it as if she had done it herself.”
* Another Shock -- Hillary Lied: “I did not send nor receive anything that was classified at the time” lied Hillary Clinton. And I didn't think that using private email might be a problem.
* What Happened? (see dust cover)
* Liberals HATE Anti-Communists: Hollywood, Hillary, Homosexuals, Humanists, Hillary (did I say Hillary?), et al., HATE anti-communists like Sen. Joe McCarthy, the John Birch Society, and the House Un-American Activities Committee, even though none of these have ever murdered anyone, whereas the left has always had a soft spot in their hearts for the godless communist Soviet Union that killed about twenty million people, until...

* Murdering Millions or Losing a Campaign? Which is the last straw for the Democrats? As long as the former Soviet Union was only guilty of murdering millions of their own people (via democide), leftists had a warm place in their heart for Russia. Let them imagine though the Russians tilting one election, and their disapproval rages. Ironically, the actual Russia campaign collusion was when the DNC and Hillary Clinton paid millions for a foreign spy to collect anonymous Russian disinformation in hopes the dossier would interfere with the election. So the New York Times was burned by the universal acid, called Hillyaride, which degrades everything it touches. For the Times won the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction by ignoring the real dots and connecting the ones that never actually connected.
* FBI: Foreign Actors Access Hillary Emails: A 2016 memo revealed in June 2018 written by later disgraced FBI investigator Peter Strzok says about Hillary's government communications, "we know foreign actors obtained access" including to at least one "secret" message. This occurred "via compromises of the private email accounts" of Hillary's team. Of course, many government communications transmitted through those private email accounts passed through the private server that Hillary Clinton set up to violate government transparency and accountability laws and to illegally hold and transmit government documents.
* "Am I not speaking English?" Everything that the Clintons touch they corrupt. So now, even the mainstream media notices when the U.S. State Department is pretending to answer questions about the public corruption of the former Secretary of State. Of course, they'll have to apologize to and release from prison former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich. Of course, all he did was try to sell Barack Obama's old U.S. Senate seat. Hillary put the entire foreign policy of the U.S. up for sale to the highest bidder!
* O.J.'s Legacy: Bob & Doug recall the double murder, the chase, the arrest, the blood, the footprints, the MOUNTAIN of evidence; and the not guilty verdict that, for Doug anyway, illuminated clearly the two sides in the battle of good versus evil.
* Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? We are featuring the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources!
* Washington Post Headline for this Viral Video: If even the Bill-Clinton-excusing Washington Post titles their article on this, Hillary Clinton's viral nightmare: A video of her 'lying for 13 minutes', imagine how conservatives and independents see it. Kathleen Parker wrote, "On questions of honesty and trustworthiness, Clinton consistently polls low, including among Democrats [Enyart: And that was BEFORE 8 million people watched this video!], which partly explains Sanders’s support. His economic plan may be fantastical, but at least he’s honest! Well, maybe. [But] with Clinton, there’s no maybe, as the 13 minutes make clear. For whatever reason, she simply can’t seem to stick to the truth..."
* Hillary's Huma: Learning from the ultimate enabler...
The Clintons:
- Bill and Hillary are close friends of Ted Kennedy even knowing he drowned his date.
- Bill and Hillary are closely tied to sex abuse and rape claims and attempts to destroy the accusers.
- Bill and Hillary are close friends of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein with Bill flying on Epstein's 'Lolita Express' 26 times.
- Bill and Hillary are close friends of convicted sex offender (involving a minor) Anthony Weiner, even officiated his wedding.
- Bill, Hillary, and Bill Cosby are good friends, with Bill and Bill partying together.
- Bill and Hillary are very good friends with Harvey Weinstein.