CHIPS & Near Misses

Hosts with the Most: Join Fred Williams and Doug McBurney for headlines, updates and some REAL Science, on Friday!
Cosmogony Revisited: If the nebular hypothesis model of planetary formation is true, then why are there 2 planets spinning in opposite rotation the the sun? Even with the magical, mystical process of gravitational accretion, and perturbations and collisions galore, the simple conservation of angular momentum makes the nebular hypothesis sound a lot like a fairy tale.
All Hail: Hear about asteroid near misses and the possibility that the great hailstones of the Judgment foretold in the Revelation of Jesus Christ are remnants of the Fountains of the Great Deep revealed in Genesis.
Working for Walt Brown: In news from we discover that Asteroid 2011 UL21 turns out to have a moon! Why are so many asteroids turning out to be contact binaries? Don't ask all of the scientists working for Walt Brown! They haven't figured it out yet.
Sourcing Amino Acids: on a meteorite! Is it contamination? Some? Probably. But all? Not necessarily! Remember Bennu? The Journal of Creation article by Royal Truman challenges the idea of amino acids on meteorites being evidence for the origin of life from outer space, but lacks the HPT angle, that all such amino acids on meteorites came from Earth!
A Temptation of Christ? Did Jesus offer alcohol to a group of guests who had already been drinking at the wedding in Cana? How could he without tempting them to sin?
The Chips are Down: Hear how America has come to be another Soviet Union where reporters talk of tax credits as a "cost" to the public, and where the government seduces publicly held corporations like MICRON with the lure of free money in a "public-private" partnership instead of simply facilitating the ability of American companies to start making advanced microchips for the sake of national defense.
American Woke vs Persian Reason: Scientists in Iran are studying seismic activity and nuclear decay rates, and talking with RSR listeners about it, (and even recommending Walt Brown's Book "In the Beginning")! Meanwhile in America the recent resignation of Harvard quota hire president Claudine Gay may finally mark "PEAK WOKE", (at least in this latest wave of woke).
Sounding Out Creation: Hear about an audible method for mapping protein folding in real time!