Do you remember that God sought to kill Moses? Why was this? Well, remember from Part 1, that circumcision is You'll recall that the Old Testament only references circumcision 32 times while the New Testament mentions it 76 times, far more than it references adultery (35x), hell (25x), repentance (66x), Sabbaths (64x), speaking in tongues (29x), confession (29x), and even being born again (3x). Bob describes why God almost killed Moses, and what had to happen for the future deliverer to survive.
It's telethon month! We are at $4,278 of our $25,000 goal! We're looking to fund a full-fledged media team for 2024. You may have noticed we didn't have a single telethon last year, because of supporters like you who have given us stability. But now, we're looking to go bigger and better. With your help, we'll be able to equip thousands of Christians, strengthen the faith, and bring the gospel to the lost.
Not only will we be putting out more content, but this will also allow us to promote the entire Bob Enyart Library of content. Just like how C.S. Lewis' ministry was magnified 1,000-fold after his death, we believe Bob's ministry will be too. To make this dream a reality, head over to our store and make a donation, purchase a product or sign up for a monthly subscription. (All monthly charges are multiplied by 10, then applied towards our telethon goal).
Today's Resource: Bob Enyart's Life's Work - The PlotGrasping the overview of the Bible is the key to its details! You can read Bob's best-selling book, The Plot in paperback or as a downloadable PDF or in Spanish as La Trama. Or you can listen to Bob's Plot Seminar or get the entire set of all five of Bob's Plot Bible Study Albums on MP3 CD or even check out The Plot Boys for kids and Bible students of all ages! You'll love this powerful teaching through Scripture or take advantage of our 30-day money-back guarantee!
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