Bob Enyart concludes his discussion, one that other conservatives have skipped, about the underlying issues raised by the impeachment, but addressed from a biblical perspective and in the context of the U.S. Declaration of Independence. Of course rejecting the Democrats' accusation against Donald Trump, Enyart regardless evaluates the principles involved. Finally, we're now at $8,725 toward our telethon goal of $50,000! We can really use your help. If you can, please check out or call us at 1-800-8Enyart (836-9278) to purchase materials, sign up for a subscription, or to make a one-time or monthly donation. Thanks so much!
* Fauci's Obvious Comment (but shocking, coming from him):
* Kamala Harris said the 2020 Riots "Should Continue": And here's how the media helped Kamala promote her arsonists...

* Try Our Custom Google Multiple Site Search: You'll save a ton of time and find what you're looking for! This service provides time-saving customized multi-site Google search! Let's say you're looking for a particular report on 2020 election fraud and Google doesn't want to show it to you. Well, here's how to get what you want and to use Google against Google! Just click on this Multiple Conservative Site Search and enter whatever conservative news story you're interested in. And viola! You'll have it in your search results in a second!
Today's resource: God's Criminal Justice System
Does the Bible support the death penalty before the crucifixion? How about after the crucifixion? The death penalty forms the centerpiece of the Gospel. The first and last books of the Bible deal with execution, as do the Old and New Testaments generally. Enjoy this presentation of God's ideas about criminal justice. Many Christians pray for an open door to share the Gospel with a friend. That door opens with almost every newscast and social media headline, for those who benefit from God's Criminal Justice System.
• The Bible’s list of capital crimes.
• Altered and repealed criminal laws.
• Bible prescription for property crimes.
• Bible teaching on corporal punishment.
• Presumption of innocence.
• Judge selection and appeals.
• Admissibility of evidence.
• Perjury and contempt of court.
• Attempted crime.
• Correcting modern law principles
• Incarceration.
• Unintentional and justifiable homicide.
• Civil disobedience and more...
And learn also that:
• Jesus supports the death penalty.
• Revelation supports the death penalty.
• Paul supports the death penalty.
• Acts supports the death penalty.
• Hebrews supports the death penalty.
• Christians should support the death penalty.
And learn how to biblically answer those who claim that:
• Jesus repealed an-eye-for-an-eye punishment. • Christians must forgive the murderer.
• Christians should not judge.
• Christians should not repay evil for evil.
• Only those without sin can enforce a death penalty.
• Thou shall not kill.