Quantum Pt. 4: Lord-willing, in three weeks
Bob and Fred will complete their series
on quantum mechanics.
RSR'sPotList: See our news items and research list. And, imagine the national suffering that could have been averted if these people hadn't been potheads:
- Ferguson's suicide-by-cop Michael Brown - Aurora theater murderer James Holmes
- Islamic Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
- Miami cannibal Rudy Eugene
- Trayvon Martin - Baltimore's Freddie Gray
- Vegas Strip murderer Lakeisha Holloway
- Planned Parenthood shooter Robert Lewis Dear
- Infamous murderer Jodi Arias
- Devin Kelley murdered 26 at church massacre
- Chattanooga's Islamic terrorist Muhammad Abdulazeez
- Tucson massacre mass murderer Jared Lee Loughner, and many more including:
- Japan's pothead legalization activist Satoshi Uematsu killed 19 handicapped people
- England's Manchester jihadist Salman Abedi killed 22
- France's Bastille Day jihadist killed 86 at the beach.
But first, see just below our list of peer-reviewed scientific papers helping to explain why potheads tend to be slow, depressed, and often, worse, as we discuss also in this Real Science Radio YouTube video...
Research Showing the Harmful Effects of Marijuana Use
2019 study: A large study finds pot use "strongly linked" to developing schizophrenia and paranoia with 20% of new psychosis cases associated with daily marijuana use; that percent skyrockets to 30% and 50% in London and Amsterdam with their higher average THC content, reports the journal Lancet.
2019 study: Five years of recreational legalization has tripled Colorado's already high emergency room pot visits, per the journal Annals of Internal Medicine for heart trouble, uncontrollable vomiting, and psychotic episodes.
2019 study: After the studies (below) showing how pot mutates DNA to potentially harm even offspring, now the Journal of Urology reports that marijuana significantly harms sperm production.
2018 study: Half of all first-time patients admitted for drug treatment worldwide are for cannabis, which therefore is even more than for heroin and cocaine combined, according to Psychological Medicine.
2017 study: Bristol University researchers peer-reviewed study of 5,000 youths found that teens who regularly smoke pot are 26 TIMES more likely to begin using other drugs by age 21, and they're 37 TIMES more likely to be addicted to nicotine and 3 TIMES more likely to have an alcohol problem, all as compared to teens who don't smoke marijuana.
2017 study: The Journal of Neuroscience is identifying at the cellular neuron level how pot causes addiction and strongly interferes with the brain's sophisticated physiological reward system, which could be why Miley Cyrus and Woody Harrelson recently quit smoking dope.
Source: Quest Diagnostics & WSJ 2017 study: Pot smokers are four times more likely to get a heart attack, etc., says a Case Western Reserve study of 210,000 cannabis smokers compared to ten million non-users.
2017 study: Colorado's Children's Hospital, in a post-legalization study, saw teens with marijuana intoxication or who tested positive for pot increase from 146 in 2005 to 639 in 2014. Unlike teens answering surveys, blood tests don't lie.
2017 study: Quest Diagnostics, mega workplace-testing lab, reports 2016 drug use up nationwide and single-year increases in the "legalization" states Washington, up 9 percent, and Colorado, up 11 percent.
HLDI & CBS News2017 study: Highway Loss Data Institute reports that from 2012 to 2016 car crashes are up in decriminalization states. Oregon 4%; Washington 6%; Colorado 14%, as compared to neighboring states, including as THC-involved crashes soar... and soar, fatally.
Focus on the Family has a knack for skewing virtually every public policy matter that they address. Their otherwise fabulous brief anti-pot video for example, screams "Say No To Big Marijuana". Unavoidably therefore, as words have meaning, Focus thus inherently whispers, "but as for little marijuana, that's a different matter." So here at RSR, we clearly warn you, "Say No To Pot!" And here's what happens in a state that doesn't:
So when the normal use of any substance makes a person intoxicated, then the government correctly outlaws and classifies that drug as a controlled substance. Thus while THC and related medications should be available on a prescription basis from a pharmacy, pot use should not be normalized and the marijuana drug should be illegal.