Bob Enyart welcomes a new friend, young Hispanic woman Samantha, into the studio to discuss from her own observations a level of accepted racism among Mexican Americans and other Hispanics. (Post-show Update: A day after Samantha's interview and validating her claims, HBO Latin America suspended the show of a leading Mexican comedian for making a lighter-skin-toned joke about the son of the wife of Mexico's president. The law of unintended consequences strikes again. In country, many Mexicans suffer racism from other Mexicans while the culture widely spreads the enabling-lie, exported by the American left, that only whites can be racist. Ideas have consequences.) Then, Bob airs the audio of the Bad Mother who during a chance parking lot encounter calls Bob a racist.

* Sad Story: From last summer here on BEL...
* Post-show Update: From Bob's comment at WorldNetDaily, Regarding today's filings, to get federal judge Emmet Sullivan to see the point, Gen. Michael Flynn attorney Sidney Powell could have presented him with a parallel: "Would you see the foul if the DOJ temporarily apponted a prosecutor as an appellate judge to dismiss the case in your stead?"