The Parable of the Colon Polyp

* Colon Polyp's Worldview: Most Colon Polyps are harmless, but not when they're hacked up. With intestinal fortitude Bob Enyart reports on the latest hacking fit.

* In Other News: Bob also gives a brief KGOV tour, shares a letter from a Pennsylvania listener, and analyzes the first sentence of an otherwise wonderful church's statement of faith. (Btw, if you've checked out the About tab at you've seen DBC's statement of faith.)

After today's broadcast, we added the following to this written show summary:

* kGOV Proclamation: It's time to invade Venezuela.

To save them from themselves. The problem is though, there is no nation on earth wise enough to do it. And it should be done now. Mark this date, Sept. 14, 2016. To save a million people, men, women, and children, from starving to death. (And to get liberals to support this, tell them that it's to save the hungry animals.)

Just announce to Venezuela that our forces will arrive in five days. Behind them will be ships of food. And as your deranged leaders send you out to fight us, just join us. We will take over your government, and instead of bureaucrats and cronies, once again businessmen will run their own businesses.

It would be a bloodless invasion.

For our latest and a KGOV List of Venezuelan Absurdities, just click on over to From there:

Once again we say, it's time to invade Venezuela! 

To rescue them from themselves. The problem is though, there is no nation on earth wise enough to do it. And it should be done now.

Sept. 2016: BEL called for a humanitarian invasion of Venezuela back on Sept. 14, 2016 in a written post-show update where we wrote, "Mark this date, Sept. 14, 2016. To save a million people, men, women, and children, from starving to death. And to get liberals to support this, tell them that it's to save the hungry [domesticated and zoo] animals."

Feb. 2017: Five months later, on, Feb. 20, 2017, Fox News reported on a nationwide study of 6,500 families that in the past year, three out of every four Venezuelans lost 19 pounds.   

Just announce to Venezuela that our forces will arrive in five days. Behind them will be ships of food. And as your deranged leaders send you out to fight us, just join us. We will take over your government, and instead of bureaucrats and cronies, once again businessmen will run their own businesses.

From there, beneath the "toys" bullet: Note: This is a long shot here, but... expect Venezuela's toy industry to slow down to a crawl; those were the last toys kids there will see in a while, and many of them will not even see those, because it's extremely difficult to actually distribute goods stolen by the government; probably most will end up in landfills and dumped at sea.

Also from that show page:

Bob and his co-host Doug McBurney attended the Banquet for Zaida Mattson’s Targeted Therapy Cancer Treatment at the St. Julien Hotel in Boulder. Listen in to get the details!

* France Bans the Truth: A new law adopted by the French Senate bans the publication of pro-life information.

* Reissuing Our Call to Invade Venezuela: Once again we say, it's time to invade Venezuela!