February 2009 Newsletter


Bob Enyart
Greetings to the brightest audience in the country...
I'm Bob Enyart

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BEL Newsletter
“Moving the world to the right”

Tony Funderburk: Editor
~ BEL Top Five ~
Issue Number 2: February 2009

Editor's Notes:

The most popular link in last month's newsletter was about the Trochlea Challenge. Just in case you didn't see the diagram, I'm putting it here:

Trochlea challenge
 You can view it full sized here.

I don't know how any thinking person could see the complexity of this one little feature of our eyes and still believe there's any possible way it could happen by chance.

Oh wait...I forgot...we're supposed to believe it can happen because it did happen.

Yeah, right.

Remember...if you're interested in the real truth, the real science, the real history from a Biblical perspective, you're in the right place. Bob Enyart Live (the radio program and this newsletter) will give you raw, unadultered truth; day in and day out week after week.

It's not sugar coated, so it's much better for you: body, soul, and spirit. Enjoy January's top five radio programs in this issue, and be sure and let us hear from you. 

Now...Do Right...and read on...

This month's top five includes:
#5: Sherri Williams on So-Called Hard Cases
#4: First Thing I'd Do As President
#3: George W. Bush Abortion Legacy
#2: The Hudson River Landing Was Not A Miracle
#1: Pelosi: More Kids Not Wanted Right Now

#5...Sherri Williams on So-Called Hard Cases
Click here for the MP3 download of this broadcast

Hear for yourself: After being raped and pushed to have an abortion, Sherri Williams refused and gave birth to a beautiful girl later adopted and named Bethany King. Christians make powerful arguments against killing a child conceived in rape, but there is no stronger human argument than Bethany herself. She IS the argument! You will be STUNNED!

Abortion for Rape and Incest:
Abortion for incest is cruel. Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics cover up the crime of incest, and typically send the victim back home to her rapist. Even worse, they often send her home with her rapist, the same criminal who brought her to the clinic.

Abortion for incest:
   - emboldens a criminal to rape his young relative;
   - helps him escape being caught;
   - tempts him to repeat his crime; and,
   - is not compassionate because it kills a baby and increases the woman's suffering.

Personhood for the unborn helps people understand there are no hard cases when deciding to protect a baby.
You don't kill a baby because her father is a criminal. Similar tragedies result from non-incestuous rape. Clinics nationwide refuse to comply with mandatory reporting laws for suspected child rape.

Colorado pro-lifers brought audiotaped evidence of that failure to Colorado's attorney general's office, and Republican John Suthers chooses to look the other way. Personhood will reduce crimes against women and children. Such powerful arguments notwithstanding,
Bethany Williams IS the strongest argument!

#4...First Thing I'd Do As President
Click here for the MP3 download of this broadcast

Annual March for Life: Another great year of speaking up for those who don't get to speak for themselves. This year's featured speaker was Eric Metaxas, author of "Amazing Grace", the story of William Wilberforce.

ARTL Press Release Widely Distributed:
President Obama to Press Reset Button; Freedom of Choice Act to Kill Faulty Pro-life Strategy -- President Barack Obama promised Planned Parenthood that, "The first thing I'd do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act" (FOCA).

If he keeps this promise, American Right To Life president , "President Obama will press the reset button on the pro-life movement and reverse decades of legislation, regulations not built on the firm foundation of personhood, but misguided laws built on sand shifting in the political wind."

that FOCA would regulate even pro-life medical facilities, pushing Catholic hospitals toward aborting children. "These bishops actually opposed valid personhood bills," said Rohrbough, "while supporting the immoral strategy of regulating child killing, they may be forced to take their own medicine, and become the target of further regulation, or close their hospitals."

"FOCA trumps regulations, and personhood trumps FOCA," said Rohrbough, "because personhood invokes..."

* Biblical references to illegitimate leaders and laws: the Bible refers to leaders and laws that are illegitimate. How does it do so? How should we do so?

#3...George W. Bush Abortion Legacy
Click here for the MP3 download of this broadcast

Check out this program and see the truth of George W. Bush's stand on abortion...or should I say failure to stand? Bob exposes the horrible truth of Bush's record. And he points out how the "National Right To Life" organizations continue to give a pass to Re-publicans.

Bush directly killed 111,801 unborn children: Hear Los Angeles radio host Gregg Jackson interview Bob Enyart to correct the record about President Bush put out by the pro-life industry that praised his abortion record.

Bob uses the extraordinary and indisputable prolife profile list from American RTL of all the pro-abortion actions publicly committed by the former president to demonstrate that contrary to popular claims, Bush has had a significant pro-abortion influence.

ARTL's prolife profile of GWB:

  - By his so-called "exceptions" while in office George W. Bush directly supported killing 111,801 unborn children
  - Bush opposed South Dakota's 2006 total abortion ban: he told ABC News he supports killing some kids
  - In 2008, South Dakota added enough exceptions to fill a school bus, yet Bush still failed to support it
  - See more...

George Bush birthplace sign

#2...The Hudson River Landing Was Not A Miracle
Click here for the MP3 download of this broadcast

US Airways Plane Lands in Water: Christians often confuse superstition with spiritual maturity. God does not crash cars and planes in order to show how loving He is by saving some of the passengers. God is not a Bible version of the pagan Zeus who hit people with lightning bolts, for if that were true, the evidence is that lightning rods have ruined that kind of divine aim. And if a sailor broke out with scurvy because as punishment for his wayward life, then the vitamin C in a lime now prevents divine retribution.

Hudson River landing

God did not crash Flight 1549 because the woman in 23A needed to learn patience. And if the rare successful water landing were a miracle, then the well-deserved praise of pilot Sully Sullenberger is misguided. When God actually does miracles, like the parting of the Red Sea, restoring sight to the blind, and the raising of Lazarus, even unbelievers acknowledge the miracles.

Today, alleged miracles are claimed by true believers only. Drunk drivers often survive while killing innocent young victims, and research would show that Christian passengers have no greater survival rate than atheists in plane crashes. If a plane came straight down at a thousand miles an hour and was demolished, and four hundred passengers survived standing unhurt at the crash site, that would be a miracle. God can do miracles, but the "miracles" flippantly claimed by so many discredit the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Miracles and Flat Tires: From Bob Enyart's article, Miracle Dynamics: Notice that Christians who pray for God to miraculously fix their cars only pray for repairs they cannot see with their eyes. If a car does not start, some believers will ask God to fix it rather than asking Him for wisdom in the situation. However, believers never ever pray for a repair of something visibly wrong with the car.

For example, Christians never pray and ask God to supernaturally fix a flat tire. Why? If a knob is broken off or a windshield is busted out, Christians do not ask God to fix those things. Why? Because they know, deep within, even if they have a hard time admitting it, that God will not fix those things no matter how much faith they have.

However, a mechanical problem that they cannot see presents a blind faith opportunity to deceive themselves. The uncertainty that goes with hidden problems leaves enough chance that the car just might start on the next attempt (as cars so often do). So, Christians claim a miracle when the car starts on the next try.

And our #1 program for January 2009 was...
Pelosi: More Kids Not Wanted Right Now

Click here for the MP3 download of this broadcast

Tony sez: "First...let me say I didn't choose this as the number one show because I adore Nancy Pelosi. Quite the opposite. I just know Americans need to see and hear the ugly positions "leaders" like her take...and the disdain they hold for any life except their own. And finally...after seeing and hearing these things...please take a stand against these fools."

Feminists like Nancy Pelosi Want Fewer Children: on this BEL show hear Pelosi tell ABC that because babies need health care, and boys and girls need education, that overall kids are an economic burden to state budgets.

Socialists View People as Liabilities: those who prefer freedom and advocate enforcement of Thou shall not steal view human beings as assets; socialists view people as burdens and liabilities. On ABC yesterday Pelosi, speaking not at all about abortion, refused to apologize for saying that America would be better off economically, as least for now, with fewer children.


George Stephanopoulos: Hundreds of millions of dollars to expand family planning services. How is that stimulus?

Nancy Pelosi: Family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children's health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. ...the contraception will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.

Bob Enyart: Abortion turns the hearts of women against children. George, she should apologize for what she is saying about kids, that America will be better off with fewer children.

 (to Pelosi): So no apologies for that?

Pelosi: No apologies. No. we have to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy.

Enyart: George, feminism makes women ugly. Feminists been advocating killing unborn children for so long, they've grown to see children as the enemy.

I'm not going to sit... [inaudible]
[Cut to commercial]

Nancy Pelosi...deer in the headlights

Nancy Pelosi: Can you say "deer caught in the headlights"

Bob Enyart Live Resources

First, help yourself to some of Bob’s writings. They’re free and invaluable writings to help you defend your Faith. There’s a dozen great articles to choose from.
Click here and download as many as you like

You’ll also love this artist’s drawing of the human eye. It clearly shows the “Superior oblique”...a muscle to maneuver the eye. The unique and cool thing about this is that the muscle narrows down to a “cord” and slips through a tiny loop called the Trochlea.
It’s one of those things that makes you go hmmm. How would it ever evolve.
Check out the drawing here

Of course, Bob Enyart Live has a large selection of tools you can buy in the online store. Just about anything you could use to help you know more about our Creator can be found here:   BEL Online Store
For an overview of the Bible to help clear up doctrinal debates, you gotta read
“The Plot”. Bob calls it “my life’s work”, and you’ll appreciate how clearly it shows why we Christians are so divided over fundamental issues.
Get “The Plot” MP3 CD here
And get “The Plot” manuscript here

For Tony Funderburk’s Pro Life & Other Christian Music: TonyFunderburk.com

And to buy his fun tunes for kids visit the Tunes For Kids blog:  Ton-O-Fun Tunes

You can also hire Tony for web writing and other copywriting services: Advertising Copywriter: Tony Writes
But he's cantankerous, expensive, and highly demanding...so consider yourself warned.

You can find the Bob Enyart Live Podcast on iTunes under the “news and politics” category in the Podcasts directory. Or simply subscribe to the podcast here.

Be watching for next month’s issue of the Bob Enyart Live Newsletter. With so many misinformed liberals, conservatives, unbelievers, and Christians...there’s bound to be another exciting BEL Top Five...

Do right, and risk the consequences...
Tony's signature
Tony Funderburk

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