Real Science Radio

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Welcome to Real Science Radio: Co-hosts Fred Williams and Doug McBurney talk about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, genetics, geology, history, paleontology, archaeology, astronomy, philosophy, cosmology, math, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) We get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott. We easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne. The RSR Archive contains our popular List Shows! And we interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything.

RSR airs every Friday at 3pm MST on AM 670 KLTT in Denver, Colorado. For rebroadcast times and podcast platforms, see our Affiliates page.

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Dr. Paul Giem Grades the RSR 14C Report

* Dr. Giem Takes Bob Back to College: Hear Real Science Radio's Bob Enyart interview Dr. Paul Giem, long-time assistant professor of emergency medicine at Loma Linda University. Having earned a B.A. in chemistry and an M.D., Dr. Giem went on to spend many years researching carbon-14 dating making him highly qualified to grade our RSR Carbon 14 Report!

* Three Related Lines of Evidence Shoring Up the Young Earth Interpretation: The interaction between dinosaur soft tissue, unracemized left-handed amino acids, and Carbon 14 must all be explained to understand the true age of the geologic column. (1) Significant amounts of short-lived 14c is measured in diamonds, dinosaur fossils, natural gas, and coal. (2) There's mostly left-handed amino acids (not yet decayed to a 50/50 right-to-left ratio) in chert and dinosaur eggshells. (3) There's flexible and even transparent blood vessels, cells, and even T. rex and hadrosaur DNA (with a half-life of ~521 years) in dinosaur soft tissue fossils. Many such lines of evidence (multiplying as at undermine the claim by old-earth geologists that the plentiful 14c in "ancient" specimens must come from contamination or neutron capture, and this evidence helps to confirm the young earth interpretation of the data.

* Since Carbon-14 is EVERYWHERE It Can't Be an Anomaly: Carbon 14 doesn't lie. Yet 14c is everywhere it shouldn't be. Unless from a secondary source, like contamination or neutron capture (described below), anything millions of years old should have NO Carbon-14. However, scientists are consistently finding C-14, as reported in 2011 in the journal PLoS One for an allegedly 80-million year old mosasaur, and as reported elsewhere in natural gas, limestone, fossil wood, coal, oil, graphite, marble, the ten dinosaurs described above, and even in supposedly billion-year-old diamonds. A secondary assumption by old-earth scientists proposes that the C-14 in diamonds (coal, etc.) must have come from N-14 (or C-13, etc.) and neutron capture. Theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss (emphasis on the theoretical) told RSR that 14c in allegedly million-year-old specimens is an "anomaly." However, an anomaly is something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected. Because modern carbon exists in significant quantities, far above the reliability threshold of the AMS labs doing the tests, these results can no longer be called anomalies! It is now expected that organic specimens supposedly millions of years old will yield maximum C-14 ages of only thousands of years!

To see the full RSR Carbon-14 Report that is being graded by Dr. Giem, just click on over to

Nuclear Chemistry Ph.D. Jay Wile on BEL

* Special Edition of RSR: Our Real Science Radio programs typically air on Friday but we're posting this Wednesday Bob Enyart Live program as a bonus RSR show. A few weeks after this program we interviewed Stephen Meyer on his new book, Darwin's Doubt. In that book, this Discovery Institute fellow made a surprising comment about radiometric dating that begged for a response. So we invited Jay back to see what his response would be to that claim.

* Dr. Jay Wile on Radiometric Dating and Making Sausage: Bob Enyart interviews Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship's speaker, Dr. Jay Wile, Ph.D. in nuclear chemistry, former asst. professor and researcher on Department of Energy and NSF projects. Dr. Wile will speak Friday on radiometric dating and (surprisingly) variable radioactive half-lives.

* Post-Show Updates:

* Atheists Attend this RMCF Event: The Denver Atheists Meetup Group encouraged participants to attend Friday's RMCF event. The whole meeting went splendidly. After Dr. Wile's insightful presentation, especially enjoyable were the questions raised by the atheists in attendance and Dr. Wile's comfortable approach and great answers. My brief dialogue with Dr. Tom Kashuba, a retired atomic spectroscopist, can be read best if you go to the end and read upward :) .

* Atheist Origins -- A Chat with Chauncey: One visitor from the atheist group, Chauncey, spoke for a while with RSR friend Patrick Shamblin and with Bob Enyart. We asked Chauncey to consider two things: 1) If you don't have a theory of origins that accounts for human consciousness, then you don't have a theory (and you don't even have a hypothesis). And 2) There is a demonstrable pattern to atheist claims about origins in that:
- the origin of species begins with species already in existence
- the origin of stars begins with existing protostars or the explosion of existing stars
- the origin of genes that code for new proteins begins with the modification of existing genes
- the origin of life on earth seeded from pre-existing life in outer space
- the origin of the universe increasingly is explained by claiming that our fine-tuned universe is merely a byproduct of the pre-existing multiverse which is forever popping trillions of universes into existence.

This pattern demonstrates that many in the public, following a gullible media, have undue confidence in the claims about origins from materialists.

* Today's Resource: There are hundreds of great creationist books and DVDs. Where to begin? At Real Science Radio, through decades of carefully considering these materials, we've presented the best of the best in the Science Department of our online store at Check it out! (And as you make a purchase, or even a donation, you will help RSR stay on the air and reach more people with our life-giving message of honoring our creator God through trusting in the death and resurrection of His eternal Son, Jesus Christ!)

RSR Butterflies & Bogs

* Science Fun with Bob & Fred: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams discuss the latest science news!

* RSR's LIST Shows 2013 Schedule: We hope you enjoy our tradition of updating the great information in these lists...
January: List of Not So Old Things
Feb. List of Real Science Radio Predictions
March: List of Evidence Against the Big Bang
May: List of Peer-reviewed Dino Soft Tissue Papers
July: List of Answers to Hydroplate Objections
Aug: List of Scholars Doubting Darwin & the Big Bang
Sept: List of the Fine Tuning of Creation
Oct: List of Carbon 14 Everywhere it Shouldn't Be
Nov: List of Genomes that Just Don't Fit
Dec: List of Fresh Fossils

Check out also our List of Atheist Answers to Origins Questions at

Get more info on upcoming RSR shows! Get backstage access (well, sort of), by pledging an automatic monthly donation to BEL/Real Science Radio! Just call 800-8Enyart (836-9278) or go to, and sign up for a monthly donation, and then just ask, and we'll give you access to our private online folder for notes and schedules.

* See Our TOP RANKED Websites: Go ahead! Try it! Just Google the hot topic: dinosaur soft tissue. You'll see that Google ranks us in the Top 3! The guys' webpage, (at, has been beating out Nature, NBC, National Geographic, the Discovery Channel, and even all the other creation sites (and we don't even want to do that). Or, Google young earth. We're excited that, except for wikipedia, RSR's is beating the entire web.

Astronomer Danny Faulkner on the 360-Day Year

RSR's popular Evidence Against the Big Bang video

* For the History of Base 60: see below.

* Different Sides of the 360/365 Day Question: Hear Real Science Radio's Bob Enyart interview Dr. Faulkner. The long-time University of South Carolina Astronomer Danny Faulkner is now full time with Ken Ham's ministry, Answers in Genesis at the Creation Museum (near Cincinnati). With a Ph.D. in astronomy from Indiana University Dr. Faulkner, is also a board member of the Creation Research Society.

* Was the Year Once 360 Days Long? In Dr. Faulkner's CRSQ paper, (rebutted, also in CRSQ, by Enyart), Danny argues against the widespread belief among many creationists (including Henry Morris and Walt Brown) that God originally created the Earth with a 360-day year and 30-day months. (Morris' organization, ICR, the Institute for Creation Research, thankfully continues to teach the created 30-day month and 360-day year.) Enyart offers to Dr. Faulkner evidence to counter his disagreement with the idea, and the two agree to evaluate additional original source material from ancient civilizations and perhaps to do a follow up program on the matter.

For this program RSR recommends The Young Sun
DVD with Danny Faulkner and other great astronomers!

2017 Update on You've just GOT TO CHECK OUT this amazingly informative and fun website! As promised, Bob Enyart has been posting historical and scientific evidence suggesting a 360-day year. You can check it out online at! Also, you may want to check out the second of three objections to Walt Brown's hydroplate theory, at RSR's List of Answers to Hydroplate Objections.

NASA image of the lunar mascons* What Makes One Side of the Moon 1) Heavier and 2) the Near Side? Both questions have one answer. It's the mascons  (mass concentrations). Explaining why a U.S. lunar satellite unexpectedly crashed, NASA's Alex Konopliv said, "The Moon is extraordinarily lumpy, gravitationally speaking... in mass. What appear to be flat seas of lunar lava have huge positive gravitational anomalies—that is, their mass and thus their gravitational fields are significantly stronger than the rest of the lunar crust." And NASA continued, "Known as mass concentrations or 'mascons,' there are five big ones on the front side of the Moon facing Earth, all in lunar maria (Latin for 'seas')," including the pareidolic "Man in the Moon" facial features. And, "The mascons' gravitational anomaly is so great—half a percent" [!] that astronauts could have easily noticed it "standing at the edge of one of the maria, a plumb bob would hang about a third of a degree off vertical, pointing toward the mascon." Wow!

lunar bouger gravity map for near and far side of moon

The Genius of Ancient Man: Don Landis on RSR

Genius of Ancient Man, Don Landis* Real Science Radio Interviews Bible College President: Bob Enyart of Real Science Radio interviews Don Landis on his book The Genius of Ancient Man which contrasts the evolutionary paradigm of grunting cavemen with the actual widespread historical, anthropological, and archaeological evidence of a brilliant and sophisticated ancient human civilization.

* The Argument is Genius: Don Landis, college president and chairman of the board for Answers in Genesis, celebrates with his new book the brilliance and astute astronomical insights of ancient civilizations. "All over the world there are similar findings of world travel, advanced astronomy… ancient man had the advanced knowledge of astronomical movements, including the process of precession …found everywhere," Landis writes. For example, Roman sailors used an Antikythera mechanism with dozens of gears to track the Sun, Moon and planets.

* What's the Point? Darwinism implies that anciently men were less intelligent than today. Creationism informs millions that they were more brilliant than we are. As always, the evidence supports creation.

RSR: Dobzhansky Deconstructed Pt. 4

* Evolutionist -- Nothing in Biology Makes Sense: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams discuss a paper in the latest journal edition of the Creation Research Society Quarterly. Forty years ago the scientist credited with developing the reigning paradigm of neo-Darwinism, Theodosius Dobzhansky, published his iconic article with the famed title, Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution. The decades since have seen his three predictions falsified; regarding genetics, the role evolution would play in biological science, and, of all things, a prediction about one particular Arab sheik whom Dobzhansky identified by name!

For today's show we recommend:
The Real Science Radio Collection: 2006 - 2011

* To Get Bob's Paper, Just Click over to the CRSQ: Each issue, the editor of the CRSQ selects a paper to make freely avaiable to the public. So just click on Bob Enyart's Dobzhansky -- Forty Years Later Nothing Makes Sense for that PDF from the  Spring 2013 issue. Bob's paper debunks the most popular evolution article ever written, and on its 40th anniversary. If serious science writing doesn't scare you away, then Fred and Bob highly recommend that you become a member of the CRS or just subscribe to the Quarterly! You'll get triple-bang for your buck! It would be a few minutes and dollars wisely invested, and in doing so, you will encourage their ongoing creation research efforts, enjoy creation-based peer-reviewed journal papers (like Bob's), and you'll help Real Sciece Radio accomplish one of our goals, which is to be a blessing to creationists everywhere!

* Handy Dobzhansky Links:
- RSR Presents Dobzhansky, 40 Years Later
- RSR: Dobzhansky 40 Years Later Pt. 2
- RSR: Dobzhansky 40 Years Later Pt. 3
- RSR: Dobzhansky Deconstructed Pt. 4 (this show)

RSR: Dobzhansky 40 Years Later Pt. 3

* Evolutionist: Nothing in Biology Makes Sense: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams continue their discussion of a paper in the latest journal edition of the Creation Research Society Quarterly. Forty years ago the scientist credited with developing the reigning paradigm of neo-Darwinism, Theodosius Dobzhansky, published his iconic article with the famed title, Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution. The decades since have seen his three predictions falsified; regarding genetics, the role evolution would play in biological science, and, of all things, a prediction about one particular Arab sheik whom Dobzhansky identified by name!

For today's show we recommend:
The Real Science Radio Collection: 2006 - 2011

* To Get Bob's Paper, Just Click over to the CRSQ: The Creation Research Society just published Bob Enyart's paper, Dobzhansky -- Forty Years Later Nothing Makes Sense, on the 40th anniversary of the most popular evolution article ever written. And if serious science writing doesn't scare you away, then Fred and bob highly recommend that you become a member of the CRS or just subscribe to the Quarterly! You'll get triple-bang for your buck! It would be a few minutes and dollars wisely invested, and in doing so, you will encourage their ongoing creation research efforts, enjoy creation-based peer-reviewed journal papers (like Bob's), and you'll help Real Science Radio accomplish one of our goals, which is to be a blessing to creationists everywhere!

RSR: Dobzhansky 40 Years Later Pt. 2

* Evolutionist: Nothing in Biology Makes Sense: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams continue their discussion about a paper in the latest journal edition of the Creation Research Society Quarterly. Forty years ago the scientist credited with developing the reigning paradigm of neo-Darwinism, Theodosius Dobzhansky, published his iconic article with the famed title, Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution. The decades since have seen his three predictions falsified; regarding genetics, the role evolution would play in biological science, and, of all things, a prediction about one particular Arab sheik whom Dobzhansky identified by name!

For today's show we recommend:
The Real Science Radio Collection: 2006 - 2011

* To Get Bob's Paper, Just Click over to the CRSQ: The Creation Research Society just published Bob Enyart's paper, Dobzhansky -- Forty Years Later Nothing Makes Sense, on the 40th anniversary of the most popular evolution article ever written. And if serious science writing doesn't scare you away, then Fred and bob highly recommend that you become a member of the CRS or just subscribe to the Quarterly! You'll get triple-bang for your buck! It would be a few minutes and dollars wisely invested, and in doing so, you will encourage their ongoing creation research efforts, enjoy creation-based peer-reviewed journal papers (like Bob's), and you'll help Real Science Radio accomplish one of our goals, which is to be a blessing to creationists everywhere!

Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution?

* RSR Presents Dobzhansky 40 Years Later: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams discuss a paper in the latest journal edition of the Creation Research Society Quarterly. Forty years ago the scientist credited with developing the reigning paradigm of neo-Darwinism, Theodosius Dobzhansky, published his iconic article with the famed title, Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution. The decades since have seen his three predictions fail: regarding genetics; the role evolution would play in biological science; and, of all things, a prediction about one particular Arab sheik whom Dobzhansky identified by name!

For today's show we recommend:
The Real Science Radio Collection: 2006 - 2011 

Google Scholar lists Bob Enyart's Dobzhansky paper* To Get Bob's Paper, Just Click On Over to the CRSQ: The Creation Research Society just published Bob Enyart's paper, Dobzhansky -- Forty Years Later Nothing Makes Sense (or in pdf), on the 40th anniversary of the most popular evolution article ever written. And if serious science writing doesn't scare you away, then Fred and Bob highly recommend that you become a member of the CRS or just subscribe to the Quarterly! You'll get triple-bang for your buck! It would be a few minutes and dollars wisely invested, and in doing so, you will encourage their ongoing creation research efforts, enjoy creation-based peer-reviewed journal papers (like Bob's), and you'll help Real Sciece Radio accomplish one of our goals, which is to be a blessing to creationists everywhere!

Scientists can also finding Bob's Dobzhansky paper at, 300 so far...
Bob uses Mendeley & ResearchGate

* Bob's CRSQ Publications:
- On the Caution about the 360-Day Year
- RSR's GEE: Geo Earth Explorer Proposal (also appeared on Nat'l Geographic's website)  
Dobzhansky -- Forty Years Later Nothing Makes Sense
  [recommended by a member, Nat'l Acad of Sciences]

* Accomplished Evolutionist Agrees: As CMI reports, in 2005 Harvard Medical School's Department of Systems Biology chairman Dr. Marc Kirschner told the Boston Globe:

In fact, over the last 100 years, almost all of biology has proceeded independent of evolution, except evolutionary biology itself. Molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, have not taken evolution into account at all.

* Evolutionary Journal Agrees: As reported by Don Batten, the Darwinian peer-reviewed journal BioEssays lamented:

While the great majority of biologists would probably agree with Theodosius Dobzhansky's dictum that "nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution", most can conduct their work quite happily without particular reference to evolutionary ideas. "Evolution" would appear to be the indispensable unifying idea and, at the same time, a highly superfluous one.

* A U.S. National Academy of Sciences Member Agrees: The late Dr. Philip Skell has remarked that biology papers typically include an obligatory evolutionary gloss that adds nothing to and has nothing to do with the actual published research. See another of this scientist's observations made when the Discovery Institute's Casey Luskin interviewed Skell, and as reported in Enyart's Dobzhansky paper:

[C]onsidering... discoveries, such as those that earn Nobel Prizes, evolution is surprisingly irrelevant according to dozens of the world’s leading scientists, as assessed by a member of the prestigious National Academy of Sciences.

Philip Skell reports that he "asked more than 70 eminent researchers if they would have done their work differently if they had thought Darwin’s theory was wrong. The responses were all the same: No" (Skell, 2005, p. 10). Decades worth of Nobel Prizes awarded for discoveries in the life sciences falsify Dobzhansky’s third and key expectation, that nothing in biology would make sense apart from evolution. Those awards track worldwide progress in biology and therefore should be able to catalog amazing evolution-based discoveries. However, the late Pennsylvania State University professor Dr. Skell summed up the actual history of the Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine. "I decided to explore this further by examining the 100 Nobel Prizes in biology-related areas over the last century. And I could not find among them any that had been awarded the Nobel Prize for their breakthrough discoveries that I could recognize depended upon Darwinian concepts to design the experimental work on which their discoveries were based. … So here again, the Darwinian theory did not provide the guidance that was necessary for those great breakthrough discoveries" (ID the Future, 2007). 

* Handy Dobzhansky Links:
- RSR Presents Dobzhansky, 40 Years Later (this show)
- RSR: Dobzhansky 40 Years Later Pt. 2
- RSR: Dobzhansky 40 Years Later Pt. 3
- RSR: Dobzhansky Deconstructed Pt. 4

* Urban Myth Dobzhansky Testimony: Rumor has it that in 1981 Theodosius testified to Congress, six years after he died in 1975. RSR tracked down the actual source of his quote about the biological beginning of human life. (You can also find this at But a quarter century earlier, and a decade before Mississippi became the first of 19 states decriminalizing abortion prior to the Roe v. Wade opinion, Dobzhansky wrote something as overtly obvious as it would eventually become politically incorrect:

"A human being begins his existence when a spermatozoon fertilizes an egg cell (Figure 1.4)."
1955 [not 1965 as elsewhere reported], Evolution, genetics, and man, p. 10

Various sources, including a book by John Ankerberg, present various errors when sourcing this quote. However, it may very well may have been read into the congressional record back in April 1981!

2013 List of Dinosaur Soft Tissue Finds

* Real Science Radio: Hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams name the many scientific journals publishing the finds, the many kinds of biological material found so far, and the many dinosaurs yielding up these wonderful discoveries! Bob and Fred also discuss the related intertwined evidence of short-lived left-handed amino acids, DNA, and radiocarbon!

Scientific Journals: Nature, Science, PNAS, PLoS One, Proceedings of the Royal Society, the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, and others below in our chronological catalog of dinosaur soft tissue discoveries published in many leading journals.

Biological Material Found: As of May 2013, in fossils from dinosaur-layer and deeper strata, researchers have discovered flexible and transparent blood vessels, red blood cells, many various proteins including collagen and hemoglobin, and powerful evidence for DNA.

Dinosaur and Dinosaur-Layer Creatures: The dinosaurs and other Mesozoic creatures that have yielded their biological material are hadrosaur, titanosaur, ornithomimosaur [ostrich-like dinosaurs], mosasaur, triceratops, Lufengosaurs, T. rex, and Archaeopteryx.

RSR Debates: See our science debates with atheists Lawrence Krauss, Michael Shermer, and Eugenie Scott,  and our sparring with evolutionists PZ Myers, Jerry Coyne, and Jack Horner, all at

* Listen As You Look: As you view the exciting dinosaur tissue discoveries below, please feel free to click above to listen as Real Science Radio hosts Bob and Fred observe their annual tradition of presenting dinosaur soft tissue and other amazing discoveries including short-lived left-handed amino acids, DNA, and Carbon 14, all in bones and other specimens from dinosaur-layer Mesozoic and even deeper strata.

zoom in to T. rex soft-tissue in MS-NBC report...

 T. rex blood vessels and cells



* "65-million" Year Old T. rex Soft Tissue
: The T. rex photos above are actually old news, whereas all the latest published journal papers, through 2013, are listed chronologically, below. As for these photos though, North Carolina State University discovered this original biological tissue from a supposedly 65-million year old Tyrannosaurus Rex thighbone, with transparent and pliable blood vessels containing red blood cells. See these and other T. rex photos at Smithsonian Magazine and MS-NBC, and see an early Nat'l Geographic report. Famed paleontologist Jack Horner of Montana State University worked the excavation site. In a 2011 development, ten leading universities and institutes including Harvard, the University of Manchester, and the University of Pennsylvania published in PLoS One, a peer-reviewed journal, that they had verified that presumed dinosaur material is indeed original biological tissue from a dinosaur! Creationists refer to dinosaurs as missionary lizards for many reasons including:
- the short-lived Carbon 14 everywhere including in dinosaur bones
- the mostly left-handed amino acids that should be equally right and left handed if they were "Jurassic", and
- the research on Egyptian mummies that established 10,000 years as an upper limit for how long original biological molecules could survive. Interestingly, the renowned evolutionist PZ Myers ridiculed our Real Science Radio program by repeating what had been a widely-discredited secular hope that the "soft-tissue" dinosaur finds were "biofilm" contamination from bacteria. But as 60 Minutes shows and Bob Enyart sums it up, "This is dinosaur."