Nuclear Chemistry Ph.D. Jay Wile on BEL

* Special Edition of RSR: Our Real Science Radio programs typically air on Friday but we're posting this Wednesday Bob Enyart Live program as a bonus RSR show. A few weeks after this program we interviewed Stephen Meyer on his new book, Darwin's Doubt. In that book, this Discovery Institute fellow made a surprising comment about radiometric dating that begged for a response. So we invited Jay back, at, to see what his response would be to that claim.

* Dr. Jay Wile on Radiometric Dating and Making Sausage: Bob Enyart interviews Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship's speaker, Dr. Jay Wile, Ph.D. in nuclear chemistry, former asst. professor and researcher on Department of Energy and NSF projects. Dr. Wile will speak Friday on radiometric dating and (surprisingly) variable radioactive half-lives.

* Post-Show Updates:

* New Problem Found with Radiometric Dating: The journal Nuclear Technology in 2017 published a paper exposing a significant flaw in the use of isochron ratios used to validate radiometric dating, as discussed by Dr. Wile. See also a Dec. 2017 Nature paper showing that lightning makes radioactive carbon, at and at Jay's blog.

* See RSR's Landing Page for All Things 14c: Make sure to check out our stunning Carbon 14 page,!

* Atheists Attend this RMCF Event: The Denver Atheists Meetup Group encouraged participants to attend Friday's RMCF event. The whole meeting went splendidly. After Dr. Wile's insightful presentation, especially enjoyable were the questions raised by the atheists in attendance and Dr. Wile's comfortable approach and great answers. My brief dialogue with Dr. Tom Kashuba, a retired atomic spectroscopist, can be read best if you go to the end and read upward :) .

* Atheist Origins -- A Chat with Chauncey: One visitor from the atheist group, Chauncey, spoke for a while with RSR friend Patrick Shamblin and with Bob Enyart. We asked Chauncey to consider two things: 1) If you don't have a theory of origins that accounts for human consciousness, then you don't have a theory (and you don't even have a hypothesis). And 2) There is a demonstrable pattern to atheist claims about origins in that:
- the origin of species begins with species already in existence
- the origin of stars begins with existing protostars or the explosion of existing stars
- the origin of genes that code for new proteins begins with the modification of existing genes
- the origin of life on earth seeded from pre-existing life in outer space
- the origin of the universe increasingly is explained by claiming that our fine-tuned universe is merely a byproduct of the pre-existing multiverse which is forever popping trillions of universes into existence.

This pattern demonstrates that many in the public, following a gullible media, have undue confidence in the claims about origins from materialists.

* Today's Resource: There are hundreds of great creationist books and DVDs. Where to begin? At Real Science Radio, through decades of carefully considering these materials, we've presented the best of the best in the Science Department of our online store at Check it out! (And as you make a purchase, or even a donation, you will help RSR stay on the air and reach more people with our life-giving message of honoring our creator God through trusting in the death and resurrection of His eternal Son, Jesus Christ!)

* Fetal Study Shows Social Interactions in the Womb: Learn about this peer-reviewed study at Dr. Wile's blog.

* RSR Hero & Cornell Geneticist John Sanford on the H1N1 Virus: To learn about yet another failure of Darwinian prediction, check out Dr. Wile's blog about natural selection failing to remove genetic defects in the H1N1 bird flu virus, making it (thankfully) less lethal today than it was 100 years ago when it was then infected human beings. (This has been learned from the frozen remains of someone who died in Alaska in 1918.)

* Human Devolving; Not Evolving a More Fitter IQ: From Dr. Wile's blog, writing in the journal Trends in Genetics, Dr. Gerald Crabtree estimates that, because of genetic entropy, "if an average citizen from Athens of 1000 BC were to appear suddenly among us, he or she would be among the brightest and most intellectually alive of our colleagues and companions..." Richard Dawkin's argues that Darwinism enables species to climb evolutionary mountains, but the human brain and body have not been climbing, but descending, for a long time (i.e., ever since about a week after creation).

* Opals Can Form in "A Few Months" And Don't Need 100,000 Years: Learning about rapid opal formation first from Dr. Wile's blog, we've now added this near the top of the List of Not So Old Things (which is one of our traditional annual RSR programs). Whereas, the science journals have always claimed that opals form over "tens of thousands of years, perhaps hundreds of thousands," and longer, the latest findings have completely overturned this dogma, as with a 2011 peer-reviewed paper reporting the: "new timetable for opal formation involving weeks to a few months and not the hundreds of thousands of years" long claimed (and accepted uncritically as with all previously reversed false claims of super-slow rates).

* Wile on Enyart's Debate with James Hannam: Two years ago Dr. Wile wrote about Bob Enyart's fun debate with Britain's theistic evolutionist James Hannam in a blog titled, Imagine That: Richard Dawkins is Wrong About Anti-Evolutionists!

* In Denver? If so, you're invited! Come on out this Friday night, July 12th at Wadsworth & 21st Ave at 7 p.m.