* Short-lived phenomena everywhere they shouldn't be: (Updated July 20, 2020) Bob Enyart and Fred Williams present Real Science Radio's list of transient (fleeting) events in our solar system that we should not be seeing if the solar system actually were 4.55 billion years old. By now the solar system should have reached a stasis. Instead, scientists observe a great number of short-lived occurrences (transient phenomena) on many of our planets and even their moons, including the rapid decline of magnetic fields (note the plural), of volcanic eruptions, youthful (non-dusted) and changing rings, a still melting inner core, rapidly changing "ancient" features; extremely high heat loss; rapid accumulation of dust; radon, helium, etc., outgassing, massive plumes, and add to all that the transient nature of comets and even of events on many asteroids and trans-Neptunian objects.
* Many unexpected transient events in our solar system: If the solar system actually were 4.55 billion years old (that third significant digit exposes the marketing hype of the evolutionists who commonly add it as a psychological device to convince the public of a fictitious precision), by now it should have reached a stasis. Instead, scientists observe a great number of fleeting, short-lived occurrences (transient phenomena) including:
- Mercury: Rapid decline of its magnetic field; "recently" deposited "geologically young" water ice on poles
- Venus: NASA in 2019 reports "active" volcanoes, Science Advances reports on "lava flows... possibly even younger than 250,000 years" and on July 20, 2020 Nature Geoscience reports on "37... active" sites; this in addition to the planet's apparent slowing of rotation
- Earth: Rapid decline of our magnetic field (10% in the last 150 years with an even faster reported decline in 2019); concurrent record-breaking speed of the movement of the magnetic north pole at 55 km per year and headed toward Siberia; inner core melting; black smokers; rapidly collapsing "ancient" features; varied temperatures throughout the Earth nowhere near equilibrium (even with majority of radioactivity in the continental crust); radioactive decay uber-concentrated and not yet at steady state; "recently" formed mantle upwelling; and NASA reports on a 2019 paper in Journal of Geophysical Research that our atmosphere extends beyond the orbit of the Moon. (RSR predicts that taking into account Earth's gravity, lunar gravity, the solar wind, etc., that the extreme extent of our exosphere indicates a recent global disturbance to Earth's atmosphere.)
- Moon: Contradicting NASA's standard view as reported in Foundations of Astronomy, 6th Edition 1997, that our 4.5 billion-year-old Moon, "is now a cold, dead, geologically inactive world" at rsr.org/TLP (Transient Lunar Phenomena) we cite the sources for the 2,000+ moonquakes per year with the strongest measured at magnitude 5.5, the Moon's unexpected heat, shrinking, rapid measured dust buildup yet minimal global accumulation, molten outer core, volcanism, many young craters, ubiquitous micrometeorites and boulder tracks, radon & helium emissions, recession, and two major but "temporary" Lagrange dust clouds (and see our TLP link for the 2015 edition of Foundations still describing the Moon as "geologically inactive")
- Mars: Eruption of water vapor plumes to 200 kilometers, NASA says Mars once had "oceans and STILL remains moist", water even on the equator, as Reconnaissance Orbiter principle investigator Prof. Alfred McEwen says of evidence of an annual cycle, "There pretty much has to have been liquid water recently present to produce the hydrated salt"; "inexplicable" methane plumes randomly belch out thousands of tons at a time of this organic gas which "really shouldn't be there" says NASA's Chris Webster; in 2019 Curiosity detected both a transient 21 parts per billion of methane and a "mind-boggling" 30% higher than expected oxygen concentration in spring and summer; a marsquake; and outgassing of its moons Phobos and Deimos
- Jupiter: Moon Europa erupting and Io giving off 10x more heat than tidal pumping can explain; its 31 irregular moons are typical of the, "Irregular satellites of planets in the outer Solar System [which] are the only population of objects dominated by retrograde motion... their origin is not clear" with the increased chance of collision from their "backward" oribts suggesting minimal lifespans
- Saturn: Rings are young & rapdily changing; its moon Enceladus is erupting (hear RSR with former JPL system administrator), and ejecting both plasma and Argon 40, an enormous and impossible amount if formed as generally claimed; Enceladus "is a geologically active place" with its "Tiger Stripes", long parallel cracks, being of "young age", and its "south pole [being] both warmer than expected and warmer than the surrounding areas..." (An upcoming Enceladus mission may confirm the hypothesis that all of the heat being released could be produced by tidal forces, or not.)
- Comets: The European Space Agency was surprised to photograph an actual landslide on the allegedly four billion year-old Comet 67P flying pile of rounded boulders and ice that is also outgassing oxygen; also, short-period comets exist even though the Oort cloud does not! See more at rsr.org/comets
- Asteroids: NASA was surprised to catch an asteroid breaking up, and in 2019 it caught allegedly 4-billion year-old tiny Bennu outgassing, just as others outgas including the large Ceres at 13 pounds of water vapor per second and the small binary comet/asteroid Body 288P, and some even look like comets, with one having six tails, etc., see phys.org, NASA, EarthSky, etc., and a retrograde one that barely missed hitting Jupiter for... billions of years? See more at rsr.org/asteroids
- TNOs: Trans-Neptunian Objects are thousands of years old because millions of years would have randomized their perihelions. See more at rsr.org/TNOs. And TNO Pluto's smooth, youthful appearance was not expected considering its alleged 4-billion-year age

* Evolutionary Astronomy Hinders Science: Mainstream astronomers constantly use the term "evolution" to describe their field. Evolutionary astronomers though lack curiosity about amazing scientific discoveries that fundamentally challenge their materialist framework. For example, despite the astounding transient events of the solar system, cataloged above, The Encyclopedia of the Solar System, Third Edition, the mammoth 2014 "definitive work in this field", published by Elsevier, fails to index transient events.

* Transient events in the galaxy!
- 42 short-lived blue stars have been found in 2011 in the Milky Way
- Orion Nebula stars in 2012 change their brightness by 20% over a period as brief as a few weeks
- Icarus, the furthest single star seen, suddenly grew bright enough to spot in 2016
- Orion's bright red star, Betelgeuse, dimmed unprecedentedly in late 2019
- The allegedly 13 GY old Milky Way would lose its spiral arms in only 3MY without a BB theory rescue device- The possible Sirius color change may be another example of a transient event outside of our solar system. The brightest star in the sky other than the Sun, today Sirius shines bluish-white. But less than 2,000 years ago it was described as reddish in color. Depending upon the reliability of Ptolemy, Aratus, Cicero, Germanicus, Seneca, and St. Gregory of Tours, not many centuries ago Sirius was reddish, unless they were mistakenly identifying a different star (Arcturus?) or they were attributing to the inherent color of Sirius the effects of Earth's atmosphere at the star's rising. However, ignoring the Creator and His Word and assuming materialist timeframes, secular astronomers admit that, "the timescale of thousands of years is too short" for Sirius to change color.
* Transient events in the universe!
- Six galaxies became blazing quasars during 2019
- "Two peculiar fast transients" reported on in 2018 in Nature Astronomy
- Large populations of short-lived blue stars exist in many galaxies
- A quasar grew ten times brighter not over millions but in one year
- Another quasar shut down not over 10,000 years but over ten years
- Blazars have a transitory nature of "rapid and violent optical variability"
- Spiral galaxies lose their shape in only a few million years (without the dark matter rescue device)
- A universe-wide transient event per Lawrence Krauss.
* Want to do some research? Perhaps you'd like to help with RSR research (see rsr.org/research-team) or just search the web and email any observation that fits one of the following to Bob@rsr.org:
- A solar system transient event (but not one mentioned above of course :)
Related: After millions of years should the unevenness of the heliosheath even out?
- A transient event outside of our solar system but within the Milky Way
- A transient event somewhere in the universe but outside of the Milky Way.
* Earth's rapidly collapsing "ancient" features: A new list program, RSR's List of Earth's Collapsing "Ancient" Features, has grown out of this program. What's the point of it? If the Earth's geological tourist attractions of structures like spires and arches actually were ancient, then mathematically, we would not expect to see gravity destroying so many of them so rapidly. The old-earth model and its rejection of the global flood is challenged by the observation that on average over the past half-century, about one collapse of a notable arch, etc., occurs per year while no similar rate of offsetting arches are being formed. At our Collapsing Features link, see for example:
- The Old Man of the Mountain, New Hampshire, formation on a cliff formed in the Ice Age that allegedly began two million years ago but that eroded into the face allegedly about 19,000 years ago but collapsed on May 3, 2003.
- God's Finger, Canary Islands, Spain (El Dedo de Dios) allegedly formed over about 250,000 years from rock laid down 14 million years ago, and fell in November 2005.
- Nye Beach, Oregon's massive, 100-foot-tall Jump-Off Joe formed perhaps as late as the 1800s but, according to the United States Geological Society, in middle Miocene sandstone that had allegedly been laid down 16M - 11.6 million years ago. Joe collapsed in 1916 and has completely eroded away.
- Beautiful Punta Ventana arch by the sea collapsed in the precursor 5.8 magnitude temblor a day before the island's much more destructive 6.4 quake on Jan. 7, 2020.
- The 50-foot tall Cobra Rock formation near Moab, according to geology.utah.gov was capped with an allegedly 245-million year old sandstone slab over it's allegedly 290-million year old body, all of which fell in July 2014.
* Then there's this:
* A 70-foot long slab fall off of Landscape Arch: Over the last few decades, three heavy slabs of rock have fallen off Moab, Utah's Landscape Arch, one 30 feet in length, another 47 feet long, and this 70-foot long chunk...
* And this... Cornwall, UK's North Cliffs Collapse: Wow! See thousands of tons of rock fall off of North Cliffs.
In more than a century of record-keeping, rockfalls at Yosemite have resulted in at least 17 fatalities, 85 injuries and damage to buildings... As scientists have come to learn, the domes and arches carved into the park’s famed granite cliffs are constantly moving, according to a study published last year in Nature Geoscience. "Granite rocks, any kind of rock, is more dynamic than people realize — pieces are falling off, they’re constantly changing," Yager said. "Over the course of the years, these features gradually loosen … until one day, it’s just a catastrophic release." ...the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Park Service have found a potential cause for the seemingly spontaneous rockfalls: heat. As the temperature rises from morning to afternoon, the thin outer layer of rock moves ever so slightly away from the cliff, then returns as the evening cools.
Note also that the same relentless physical reality that tears apart rocks does the same thing to slender biological molecules within fossils! Gradual changes in temperature, even in the ground, expand and contract the polymer chains that protein and DNA are comprised of. Over time, by the physics of heat transfer, being hit by radioactive decay, and chemical processes, biomatter in fossils decompose. Yet allegedly million and hundred-million and even billion-year-old fossils have plenty of still-biological endogenous tissue and other biomaterial! See tiny.cc/biomaterial-fossils-list and rsr.org/dino-soft-tissue.
* Hear Part 2 (of the above radio show) and then check out our other great RSR List Shows! We think you'll love them! (Or, if you hate them, they just might change your life.) Check them out at rsr.org/list-shows and here's the link to Transient Events Part 2. Finally, do you think biological phenomena might qualify above as an Earth transient event? For example, male fertility is rapidly dropping, for example in England it's decreased by half in just the last 40 years. Please don't hesitate to send your thoughts on that question to Bob@rsr.org. Thanks!