RSR: Spiders & Termites & Magnets

Evolve a spider, then a web, then the sticky stuff...* Spider Webs, Termite Mounds, Earth's Magnetic Force: Co-hosts Fred Williams with Creation Research Society, and Bob Enyart, on this episode of Real Science Radio draw from the latest issue of Creation magazine, April - June 2011 and the Winter 2011 CRSQ Creation Research Society Quarterly. The guys start the show asking how, theoretically, vital organs could evolve, since by definition, they are vital.

- Spider Glue: Not only is the spider's web stronger than any man-made material including Kevlar and steel, but the spider applies twenty drops of glue per millimeter so that insects will get stuck. So, first you have to evolve a spider, then a web, and then the sticky stuff. But this sticky stuff is a "smart material" that holds tighter when an insect is moving quickly trying to get away, but the glue loosens up when the spider slowly moves the dead bug into the kitchen. Oh yeah, and by the way, the glue polymers are cross-linked so that when a bug pulls to get away the force of the adhesion will spread throughout the entire drop of glue. Too cool. And speaking of cool...

termite mound pointing to the sun- Termite Mounds: These bugs build more highly efficient structures than anything man has ever built, including 30-foot tall mounds that mitigate heat and sunlight, house fungi farms, control moisture, and deny entrance to "air vibrating at higher frequencies" while permitting entry of air vibrating with a low frequency which turns the entire structure into a virtual lung which effectively aspirates and maintains the whole colony. So, conceptually by Darwinism, a bug would get a random mutation in an amino acid in it's deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule which would somehow confer to it the idea to build a grand structure. However, that magic mutation will not benefit the colony unless that one bug gets the colony to agree to his ambitious plan. And how could that happen unless the whole colony had that mutation. This is the chicken-and-the-egg problem that evolution faces everywhere. Proteins need DNA to be built, and the DNA needs the proteins to maintain it.

AMS state-of-the-art C14 detector- Carbon 14 Giving Difficulty to Evolutionists: Carbon 14, increasingly a problem for Darwinists, is the friend of young-earth creationists. Why? C-14 decays in only thousands of years, and therefore, cannot last for millions of years. Thus evolutionists are shocked when they find find Carbon-14 EVERYWHERE it shouldn't be if the earth were old. Now The Plot thickens. Just as forensic accountants can often determine when a criminal business has cooked its books merely by doing a Benford statistical analysis of the numbers, so too mathematicians have demonstrated that statistical analysis can indicate whether scientific data is likely a result of measurement errors. So evolutionists typically claim that all this 14C results from contamination, but statistical analysis indicates that when plotting erroneous dates (as from contamination), the data should fit a normal curve. However, it does not. As documented by Rick Sanders in A Case of "Missing" Decay in CRSQ, the distribution provides significant evidence that the radiometric ages do not result from contamination errors. Further, Sanders argues that the analysis suggests that the specimens from around the globe were buried at the same time.

Earth's magnetic field NASA rendition- Earth's Magnetic Field Decay: Russell Humphreys of Sandia National Labs published accurate predictions of the magnetic fields of Neptune and Uranus before NASA's Voyager mission confirmed his work. Dr. Humphreys has also written extensively on Earth's magnetic field and has now included the available measurements through 2010 in his update, Earth's Magnetic Field Is Decaying Steadily. Humphreys observes that "in 1968 the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) began more systematically measuring, gathering, and analyzing geomagnetic data from all over the world. This group of geomagnetic professionals introduced a 'standard spherical harmonic representation' of the field called the International Geomagnetic Reference Field, or IGRF. Every five years starting in 1970, they have published both dipole and non-dipole components of the field. Using older data, the IAGA also extended the model back to the beginning of the twentieth century. With the issuance of the latest data set, IGRF-11, we have a standardized set of geomagnetic data from 1900 to 2010. You can download it free of charge as an ASCII file..." The steady and rapid decay is consistent with previous published results using data going back to 1835. Like with forensic accounting and statistical analysis, as numbers can often tell a lot about data, not only is the Earth's magnetic field decaying exponentially suggesting an origin of only thousands of years ago, but the decay patterns "weigh heavily against the idea that there is currently a 'dynamo' process at work in the core that would ultimately restore the lost energy back to the field. Without such a restoration mechanism, the field can only have a limited lifetime, in the thousands of years."

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