* S&P lowers outlook for America's long-term credit rating.
* Avoid Eye Roll Radio. Don't tell Obama what comes after a trillion. However, since the 1940s, Republican deficit spending has always been more than any previous Democratic President to date. But, it might be a bit harder for the next elected GOP to outspend President Obama. (Look later in 2011 or beyond to find a program when Bob predicts that future Republicans will outspend Obama by saying, "We have faith in the Republican Party.")
* Fast Forward Eight Years: See this also at kgov.com/predictions#spending.

* Bob Enyart Live Bible Studies: After 38 years of studying the Bible, Bob has produced a fun library of Bible Study resources that we invite you to look at! And Lord-willing, the BEL study of Paul's epistle to Titus is coming soon!
* The average Church Sermon is what? Tithing, Baptism and Forgive Everyone.
* Is the Future Settled or Open? Bob is in a new debate on Face Book. Meanwhile you can look at some of the main topics from a similar, previous online debate Bob had with D. James Kennedy's Professor of New Testament Dr. Samuel Lamerson.
* Today's TWO Resources: At store.kgov.com you can find Nicer than God, a fast-paced critique of today's Christian teaching on the issues of forgiveness, judging, confrontation, etc. in downloadable and CD format. And you can get a subscription to our Monthly Bible Studies as downloads or by MP3 CD. If you subscribe then Nicer than God would then be just one of the many worthwhile albums you will enjoy!