Left Behind Director van Heerden on BEL

André van Heerden on Anti-ChristianCloud Ten Pictures director André van Heerden talks to Bob Enyart on Denver's 50,000-watt AM 670 KLTT about the intolerance:
- of Islam (no synagogues in Mecca; no churches in Saudi Arabia)
- of Ottawa: (censors broadcast of controversial Bible teachings, i.e. God made us male and female)
- of liberals: (no Christian symbols in airport chapels)
- of homosexuals (a beauty contestant must be willing to personally marry a woman, or else…)
for it's the beautiful people who believe in respecting all viewpoints, diversity, tolerance, free speech, 
etc. etc. etc.

* About van HeerdenCEO, Producer, Director, Writer – Cloud Ten Pictures! André van Heerden works in practically every aspect of film and video production. His first documentary was sold to the National Film Board of Canada. Since then he has produced, written, directed, and post-supervised numerous documentaries, dozens of TV programs, and countless numbers of commercials, trailers, infomercials, and special features.Most notably Mr. van Heerden directed the feature films, RevelationTribulationJudgment and Deceived; wrote the features Judgment and Left Behind: World at War; co-produced Left Behind: The Movie and Left Behind II: Tribulation Force and produced Left Behind: World at WarAndré is widely respected and liked by the cast and crews that he works with and has become one of the most well-known and accomplished filmmakers within the Christian film market.

* Leftovers: UFO Sightings Spike with Alien Blockbuster Movie Releases

* Any New Listener or Donor to BEL: You can help us jumpstart our vital September telethon! If you have never given before to Bob Enyart Live, if you donate this month, or sign up for one of our DVD or Bible Study monthly subscriptions, or purchase anything as a first-timer to BEL, we will apply the amount of 
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Today’s Resource: : If you want to give a copy of Bob's great debate, Does God Exist? to an atheist, you might want to read it first, but then you'll have a hard time parting with it (so you might want to get two copies, right off the bat)! And have you seen the Science Department at our KGOV Store? Check out Guillermo Gonzalez’ Privileged Planet (clip), Illustra Media’s Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)! You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob’s Age of the Earth Debate; Walt Brown’s In the Beginning and Bob’s interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week; the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins (Bob's own boys, ages 8, 10, and 12, are prepared to answer the world's onslaught of atheistic evolution, thanks to Jonathan Park! Order this resource for your own children and grand children! You, and they, will be so very thankful that you did!) And finally, free for an unbeliever who requests it, Bob Enyart's Mount Moriah DVD examines the powerful historic and geographic evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ!