* Four Topics -- Divisive Government, Alex Jones, Men Can, and Biblical Immigration: On today's program, Bob talks about 1) The most divisive form of government 2) Alex Jones getting justly punished 3) Googling: men can (and seeing the results at kgov.com/homos) and finally, 4) Reviews an article about the Bible and immigration.
* Biblical Immigration: Scripture doesn't require enforcement of Israel's law by other nations. God started out with the command to that nation that they take all those who were not Israelites and kill them. Of course we're not to apply that today. Regarding even illegal alien children, born of foreign fathers, God said to Israelite women that they had "dealt faithlessly with the LORD; for they have borne alien children" (Hosea 5:7). We also must not exaggerate the equal treatment of immigrants in Israel because, for example, the Jews were not to marry such foreigners. Responding to an article on scripture and immigration, Bob quotes God command that we are to "rightly divide the Word of Truth." In some ways Israel correlates to national governments. In other ways Israel correlates to the church. In still other ways, as the Epistle to the Hebrews says, "With the chaning of the priesthood, there is of necessity a change in the law", and so in those cases, relevant laws should have no parallel either in the church nor in today's governments. Also, becoming a circumcised proselyte Jew is, in some ways, analogous to what we call today legal immigration. Further, we must not conflate today's welfare system with God's provision for the foreigner to "glean" the corners of the fields. "Forced" charity is an oxymoron. Coercing taxpayers to provide for the poor hurts the recipients of such entitlements far more than it hurts those from whom those funds are stolen, and compelling "charity" creates enormous social tension. As with tithing, giving to the poor, including by letting them glean, was apparently voluntary with no biblically proscribed punishment for failure to comply. Finally, just as God defined the boundaries of families (what makes a family), likewise, he defined the boundaries of nations (what makes a nation). Yet an open-borders interpretation of Scripture would enable Moscow to send a million Russians into the Ukraine as sleeper combatants and then easily take control of the nation over. Iraq could do the same to Kuwait. Mozambique to Madagascar. China to Nepal.
A country with a large enough population wouldn't ever need to fight to take over their neighbors. Just send a couple million people acrosss the border and then take their nation.

Today's Resource: One Time Donation to Bob Enyart Live
Usually we wouldn't suggest a donation as a resource, however with the telethon coming to a close, we're just short of our vital $40,000 goal. Right now we have matching donations from long time supporter Wayne from Indiana -matching dollar for dollar until midnight- and from BEL co-host Doug McBurney who is matching a one-time donation of $1,000. If you at all can, please help! God bless!
Usually we wouldn't suggest a donation as a resource, however with the telethon coming to a close, we're just short of our vital $40,000 goal. Right now we have matching donations from long time supporter Wayne from Indiana -matching dollar for dollar until midnight- and from BEL co-host Doug McBurney who is matching a one-time donation of $1,000. If you at all can, please help! God bless!
Telethon update: We're now at $30,400 of our $40,000 goal! Please help if you can!
UPDATE: Dollar for dollar matching offer till midnight tonight from Wayne from Indiana to max out at our $40,000 goal!
Further: Doug McBurney is also giving a $1,000 matching offer of $1,000! Wow!
UPDATE: Dollar for dollar matching offer till midnight tonight from Wayne from Indiana to max out at our $40,000 goal!
Further: Doug McBurney is also giving a $1,000 matching offer of $1,000! Wow!