*Climate Depot: Listen in as Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney welcome Marc Morano founder of climatedepot.com who has appeared on numerous TV shows including Fox news, CNN and with Bill Nye the Fake Science Guy!
*The Warmest Year Ever? Here how statistical weaponization going back to Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" has been used to claim almost every year is the "hottest year on record" somewhere...
*Big Oil & the Paris Climate Accords: Find out why even the American Petroleum Institute wants to get on board with the "carbon capture" boondoggle, and why and how the president can and must get America out of global climate accords permanently!
*Check out the Receipts: Check out all of Marc Morano's books for more evidence and good reporting about what he has almost single-handedly exposed as one big globalist climate scam!
*Cautious Optimism: Find out who in the Trump administration is really dedicated to ending the climate communism scam, and who needs to be watched!
Reason # 1270: to get, or keep your kids out of the government schools: the climate brainwashing starts in kindergarten, and goes right through graduate school!