Bob Enyart urges prayer for the public schools to not reopen on time for the next school year (or ever for that matter). And as programming notes, Bob mentions that producer Tim Mahoney may be on the show this week heading toward Friday's online premier, Patterns: Red Sea Miracle II and also that last week's guest, Bevelyn Beatty was arrested along with her partner in crime Edmee Chavannes and our longtime BEL friend Ken Scott, for not wearing masks to a Cape Coral city council meeting where it was decided, thankfully but ironically, to not order mask wearing! Then Bob concludes his "train-up your mind" clear thinking segments using the atheist "Euthyphro's Dilemma" argument. Google ranks Bob's Christian reply #1 at Euthyphro Part 1 introduced Socrates' argument. Part 2 evaluated the Divine Command View. Part 3 introduced the Recognition View. In Part 4 the Recognition View Met the Trinity. Part 5 turned Euthyphro's Dilemma against Bertrand Russell and the atheists. And Part 6 concludes the matter answering succinctly, Is something good because God commands it to be good? No. Is something good because God recognizes it as good? Yes. And is that standard external to Himself? No. But then, how could that work, and not be logically inconsistent? Tune in, especially to Parts 3 and 4, and today's conclusion, as we demonstrate how the Triune God fully answers what turns out to be not ours, but the atheist's dilemma! To hear the full series, start at
Today's Resource: Does God Exist? (Debate)Bob Enyart
Bob Enyart pastors Denver Bible Church. Bob began his professional life working for McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Company designing simulation software for the Army's Apache AH-64 attack helicopter, and then went to work for U S West, Microsoft Corporation, and PC Week. Bob eventually left his computing career to work fulltime in Christian ministry and to host a talk show. In 1991, Bob Enyart Live began airing on Denver's KLTT radio, and can still be heard there weeknights at 7 p.m. During the mid 90s, Bob's show moved to television and was available in eighty cities from Honolulu to Orlando. More than 50,000 copies of Bob's audio and video teaching tapes have been sold. And a few thousand people have read the overview of the Bible presented in The Plot manuscript which is Bob Enyart's life's work.
Bob launched in 1999 with the purchase of O.J. Simpson's Hall of Fame Award and football jerseys, burning those items at the largest single-event press conference in the history of the LA courthouse. And Bob has organized a mobile protest of President Bill Clinton following him from Martha's Vineyard to Auckland, New Zealand with over 1,000 protests in 147 US and foreign cities for Clinton's sexual abuse of women. Bob has worked with parents of slain Columbine students to close down memorials to murderers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, and was glad to see the destruction of two crosses on Rebel Hill and two trees planted in West Bowles Community Church memorial garden. Bob has been appeared on over 100 TV and radio shows, including multiple episodes of ABC's Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher; Fox News Channel's O'Reilly Factor and Hannity and Colmes, CNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews, and various appearances on MS-NBC, the BBC, XTRA, Michael Reagan, E Network, etc. including on scores of radio stations from LA's KABC to NY's WABC.
Zakath, a two and a half year veteran poster on TOL, is an atheist with a past. The man behind the screen name was raised in a Christian home, seminary trained, earned a doctorate in counseling psychology, pastored two churches, founded a Christian school, and a Christian counseling practice with his wife of twenty-five years. Zakath left the Christian faith almost ten years ago, eventually ending up in his present belief system, atheism. Zakath is the father of four grown children; two in active duty military service, and two in the federal consulting field. When he's not posting on TOL, he runs his consulting business, enjoys reading, organic gardening (and ponding), martial arts, and home brewing.