Young Universe Cosmology with Dr. Phillip Dennis

*Welcome Dr. Dennis: This week Fred Williams and Doug McBurney interview physicist Phillip Dennis, who does research in General Relativity and Gravitation, Cosmology, and Quantum Field Theory, among others. His projects include providing algorithms for the Hubble Space Telescope, tracking algorithms, and other mathematical algorithms, he has three patents and has been recognized with awards from NASA, TRW, and Litton.
*Presentism: says that just because special relativity presents the appearance that one cannot assign an objective time order to distantly occurring events, that does not mean there is no "actual now". There is an actual now, and we're all in it... right now!
*Phil's Cosmology Model: Dr. Dennis gives us his thoughts on quantum field theory, the wave-particle duality, distant starlight in a 6000-year-old universe, and an introduction to relativistic quantum theory for creationists.
*Links to Dr. Dennis' Papers: (at least to the ones mentioned on the show today). Read Dr. Dennis' Machian Paper on aspects of the nature of light, his Relativistic Cosmology, and his groundbreaking 1998 paper on Probability & Quantum Mechanics.