Dr. Jerry Bergman: Ethics, Education & Lies Part II

Bergman's Books: Hear a bit about Dr. Bergman's books (buy them here) on topics such as the Scopes Trial, the harmful effects of evolution, and the role of evolution in World War II. Bergman's books will help you be steadfast in your faith and continue the work of using creationism to promote the gospel.
Mutations Creeping In: Hear about the evolutionary "mutants" Dr. Bergman has encountered IN THE CHURCH!
Adaptations by Design: Jerry explains the real science of researching adaptation by design, versus the ludicrous assumption that genetic mutations drive increases in sophistication of function.
Gain of What? Hear what Gain of Function research really is!
Balkin' Dawkins: Hear how Richard Dawkins continues to duck a debate with Dr. Bergman.
Spiritual Warfare: Dr. Bergman tells of teaching creation among atheists, and in churches. Find out where the spiritual resistance pushes back, and where Dr. Bergman breaks through! Hear how "changing the world" is one of the ways we can more effectively reach more of the lost!
Management Advice: Doug advises the administrators of any organization, (and especially Christian organizations) to observe McBurney's Mark. That's the point at which you allow acquiring the funding necessary to perpetuate the organization to alter decisions regarding quality or morality. Mark it down. It's time to disband the organization.
The War Between Creation and Evolution: Hear how the Scopes Monkey Trial was filled with racism & phony evidence, and Dwight Eisenhower was the creationist's general up against the NAZI evolutionists in WWII.