Today on Bob Enyart Live, we’re diving into the mailbag. We’ll be discussing why restaurants don’t work anymore, two huge problems with telling people “bad things are part of God’s plan”, and the nature of pain. All of that and more!
Send your thoughts to be read on the mailbag-
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Join us Sunday at Agape Kingdom Fellowship- 4085 Independence Court, Sunday 9:30am.
Today's Resource: Predestination & Free Will SeminarSo much is at stake when people consider predestination and free will. Strong emotions often surface with a discussion of this topic. That passion points to our critical need to understand the truth regarding whether or not God has predetermined who will go to heaven and who will go to hell.
Also, the question of whether or not God has planned out each person’s life affects us. Does God have a plan for your life? Does a blueprint exist for your future? Did God predetermine whether or not you would get married, and to whom? Did God plan whether you would be wealthy or poor, happy or sad? If God does plan your life, does He do so in minute detail or in general themes? If God has a plan for your life, are you able to alter that plan? This topic directly influences people concerning how they live their lives. As Christians, we must seek God to accurately portray the LORD to others. For any misrepresentation of God will dishonor Him and perhaps bring harm to those misled.