* Bob's Friend's Film Coming to a Theater Near You: A once-in-a-lifetime currency collapse leads to rioting and anarchy throughout the nation. In the city of Zanesville, Ohio, one family prepares for a quick exit out of town. Rick, a father of five (Kevin Sorbo), having barely survived being caught in a riot in one of the hardest-hit areas of the city, orders his children to quickly prepare to leave. To see more about Patrick Johnston's film The Reliant, and to get tickets for the October 24th one-night only showing, just click on over to Fathom Events. (Also starring Mollee Grey, Brian Bothsworth, Eric Roberts, and the Benham Brothers.)
So what's a man to do? Years ago Doug McBurney asked, "What's the hardest thing about switching to a Mac?" to which Bob Enyat answered, "Telling your mother that you're gay." Ten years later, Drudge reports, "iPhone user sues Apple claiming device made him gay". Samsung underwriting the plantiff's legal fees is not yet confirmed. And speaking of Drudge, has anyone seen him in public lately? Meanwhile, back in the real world, Denver's most destructive newspaper just wrote an article about a misguided attempt to pass an ill-conceived and mistitled late-term abortion ban, Due Date Too Late. Westword reports, "Bob Enyart, a spokesperson with anti-abortion group Colorado Right to Life, puts it, 'You don't regulate how, when, why you can kill innocent children.' Colorado Right to Life does not support the 22-week ban." See AmericanRTL.org/incrementalism, AmericanRTL.org/regs, and AmericanRTL.org/life. Bob discussed also the media's prediction (and Matt Walsh's reaction) of violence to follow the latest Batman franchise film and why they've temporarily switched their decades old insistence that, "Hollywood mysogyny, sex, and violence cannot possibly affect the real world!"
* Argentina May Decriminalize Murder Complying with US "Pro-Lifers":

Today's Resource: Bob Debates ACLU Leader DVD or Video Download Bob squares off against the Executive Director of the Colorado ACLU, Jim Joy in a televised debate on a Denver PBS station. Watch as joyless Jim hesitantly admits to the ACLUs support for the sale of child pornography. And which of the two opponents do you suppose will better know (or admit) the ACLUs own role regarding Jack "The Dripper" Kevorkian and his killing of sick people? Ultimately, the two men debate who is most qualified to govern, pagans, or biblical Christians. Another must see video!
Also consider checking out our documentary: Focus on the Strategy 2
"Awesome! Six hundred thumbs up!" Focus on the Strategy II was filmed before a live audience of 300 Christian activists in the Supreme Court chambers of the Colorado State Capitol building during an event marking to the very day the 40th anniversary of Americas first law legalizing abortion for rape and incest.
Focus on the Strategy II not only documents the political sell-out of the pro-life movement, it answers the question of how to restore the movement and end Americas "legalized" child killing. Focus II stands alone, preferably viewed before Focus I, and documents that:
- Colorados Republican Governor John Love signed the nations first permissive abortion law in 1967.
- Republican U.S. Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun wrote Roe v. Wade.
- The 7-to-2 Roe v. Wade ruling was approved with five a Republican majority of five votes.
- The Republican Justices now on the Court (including Scalia, Thomas, Alito and Roberts) oppose personhood.
- All six Republican judges on the 11th circuit (nominated by Reagan, Bush Sr. & George W. Bush) voted to kill Terri Schiavo.
- Republican pro-life heroine Priscilla Owen voted to abort Baby 10 as a Texas Supreme Court judge.
- Republican pro-life hero Samuel Alito sided with Planned Parenthood in repeated 3rd-circuit rulings, including ruling to keep partial birth abortion legal.
- Republican George W. Bush refused to support South Dakotas total ban on abortion.
- Hundreds of pro-life laws that regulate abortion that will actually keep abortion legal after Roe is overturned such as the Informed Consent laws.
Focus on the Strategy II includes audio and video clips of:
- Pro-life Notre Dame law professor Charles Rice criticizing National Right to Life and their strategy.
- Former presidential candidate and Ambassador Alan Keyes exposing as a "pro-life" failure the recent Gonzales v. Carhart partial-birth abortion ruling.
- Columbine dad Brian Rohrbough condemning the hypocrisy of National Right to Life.
- A debate excerpt between Steve Ertelt of LifeNews.com and the president of Colorado RTL.
- Founding board member of Natl RTL, John Archibold, condemning NRTL for their immoral and failed strategy.
- Focus on the Family staff falsely claiming that the recent Carhart ruling outlawed late-term abortion.
- "Pro-life" nationally-syndicated Salem Radio host Hugh Hewitt admitting his willingness to vote pro-choice.
- Syndicated radio host Laura Ingraham with "pro-life" Bill Kristol on behalf of pro-abortion Rudi Giuliani.
- National Pro-Life Radio falsely claiming Carhart protected life "from the moment of conception."
- Personal correspondence from Dr. Dobson (on letterhead and by his own hand) exposing the tragic secular humanism and moral relativism among our greatest Christian leaders!
In this DVD, longtime Denver talk show host Bob Enyart demonstrates that National RTL has turned over the spiritual direction of our Christian movement to secular lawyers who say that we must obey man rather than God. As a result, the pro-life industry has become primarily a fund-raising wing of the Republican Party. Evidence in Focus on the Strategy II destroys National RTLs false claim that their child-killing regulations save lives. Since the release of this blockbuster video, National Right to Life and the child-killing regulators have been on the defensive, as the personhood wing of the pro-life movement advances!
Focus II has done what people thought impossible, it has exceeded the power and insight of Focus I. Milwaukee Pastor Matt Trewhella, after showing the BEL DVD Focus on the Strategy to his congregation in July 2007, told them that "Bob Enyart's Focus on the Strategy is the most important message for the Christian community in a century!" Now, Christian leaders across America are raving about the must-see sequel, Focus II, which you must see to believe.
At 50 minutes, Focus on the Strategy II is just the right length to watch in a Sunday School class, or with friends at a video party at home (yours or theirs)! There is no need to watch the "prequel" Focus on the Strategy, before watching this sequel, however they support one another powerfully!