* Bloomberg’s Hubris: Bob and co-host Doug McBurney talk Michel Bloomberg & Judgment Day in light of Bloomberg’s presumptive statement about earning his place in heaven with God (who's existence he can't even acknowledge).
* Finding Fault with No Fault Divorce: Michael Barone at the Washington Examiner wonders aloud in a column why conservatives don’t speak up about “No Fault Divorce” laws and their terrible impact on the family and the culture. So Doug reminds the audience of Bob’s unceasing condemnation of the destructive nature of wicked no fault divorce laws, (since at least 1996).
* CNN Hates Jesus Christ: Ever check the headlines on the morning of any major Christian holiday? Doug did just that on Resurrection Sunday and found out that just a cursory review of Yahoo News, & CNN have a penchant for questioning the Truth of Jesus Christ, (questioning a mountain of evidence for the resurrection of Christ, while simultaneously promoting rather fantastical assumptions) especially when the whole world is celebrating Him..
* Dog is my Co-pilot: Bob & Doug lament the fact that more and more young couples are choosing small dogs over children, and point out that this is another cultural phenomenon that Bob has commented on for over a decade. And while not as devastating in the short term as no fault divorce, it certainly is a sad trend amongst the “pro-choice” liberals.
* Today’s Resource: Have you seen the DVD that has brought more people to salvation than any other BEL resource in 20 years? It's Mount Moriah: Evidence for the Resurrection! You might want to see this to help strengthen your ability to share the resurrection of Jesus Christ with friends and relatives. Now also available in video download!