ICR's Fresh Fossils List Pt 2

Biologist Brian Thomas, Institute for Creation Research* The Institute for Creation Research and Brian Thomas: ICR and their staff science writer Brian Thomas (masters in biology) have cataloged a wealth of research that undermines the claim that these fresh fossils are millions of years old. Bob Enyart concludes the Real Science Radio report of ICR's search of the literature for the many science journals reporting the unexpected discovery of biological material inside of what they assumed would be solid stone fossils. (See Part 1 of RSR's report on these fresh fossils.)

* Handy Fresh Fossils Links:
- RSR's clickable version of ICR's list of peer-reviewed papers reporting biological material
- The fabulous ICR.com/fresh-fossils page of articles by Brian Thomas
- ICR's Acts & Facts fun article, How does a dog smell fossils?
- RSR's List of Dinosaur Soft Tissue Discoveries
- Hear Part I of this List of Fresh Fossils program.

Get Dr. Carl Werner's FABULOUS video exposing the illusions of evolution!For today's show Real Science Radio recommends
Dr. Carl Werner's DVDs, Living Fossils
its prequel Evolution, the Grand Experiment!

* RSR Shows about Dr. Carl Werner's Work:
What Museums Aren't Showing You
Rodhocetus: Whale of a Tail
Dr. Carl Werner and the Living Fossils
Many Modern Birds Found in Dinosaur Layers

* Dr. Werner Compliments the RSR Dino Soft Tissue Page: Carl Werner complimented our DinosaurSoftTissue.com urging us to continue pressing the issue. We agree! With God's help, we'll continue to reach thousands of people with the web's most complete catalog of peer-reviewed journal papers confirming the existence of original biological tissue from dinosaurs!

Get Dr. Carl Werner's FABULOUS video exposing the illusions of evolution!Today’s Resource: Get the fabulous Carl Werner DVD Living Fossils and his great prequel, Evolution: The Grand Experiment! And have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out especially Walt Brown’s In the Beginning and RSR's blockbuster package called the Hydroplate Theory Special!